How do you feel about members creating their own sites and charging?

These are my thoughts...

1) It is America. Everyone is trying to make money. I very much support entreprenuriship among miniorities; especially among minority women. If they are Black women then that's even better.

2) I hope that women who leave the LHCF go on to create their own products and websites and that they do well. I hope they go on to own successful businesses and I hope that one day the prodominant owners/sellers of Black beauty supply products and stores are Blacks. Hardworking, consumer educated Blacks who run good businesses and have excellent customers service.

3) I only pay for a subscription to one website; this one. To date, I have not seen another website with as much information, as well organized or as frequently updated. The day that I do, I may acquire a new subscription.

4) The information on this website is shared freely. We all learn because as a community we all want to help one another and want one another to succeed in reaching our individual hair and beauty goals. Many of the women that have gone off to create other websites have done so after being longstanding, contributing members to this forum and others. Many of them have brought women to this website, including some of us here now. Many of them have contributed more to this website than any of the non-paying visitors or paying lurkers may ever contribute. And if we were are being really honest, some of these women have contributed more than some of us have, myself included.

5) Ultimatley, I want to see as many Black women with as much beautiful hair as possible. As many Black women promoting positive images of Black female beauty as possible. I don't care how it gets done. I don't care if it takes a million spin off websites. Black women are beautiful and the more websites out there that are a testament to that the better.

6) I've learned that it never really pays to worry about what Peter, John, or Paul are doing or what Peter, Paul, or John have. Because nine times out of ten it doesn't really affect me and if I really want it, then I know exactly what I have to do to get it...and no one is stopping me.

The only thing that really makes me sad when I see a new website go up is that it usually also means the loss of a longstanding, consisently contributing and respected member of LHCF.

That’s just it. This site is/seems well organized. I have been to other websites; however, I do not frequent them, because the organization seems “casual” or not as easy to navigate as this site. That’s a big thing for me. If it’s hard to navigate around a site, I do not enjoy it as much.

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I have a problem with the folks that charge over 10X the fee that this board charges. If you reach "hair idol" status and can have people follow you, there's no problem as long as you are fair.

On the other hand, some members here who refuse to press the search button and expect $6.50 to buy them a research assistant may need to pay $100 a year :look:.

LMAO! Cosign on the bolded statement.
Lol, haven't we all learned and borrowed info from here or there concerning haircare? No one has the patent on this issue.

haircare or any other topic discussed or shared here(or elsewhere)....

once you place it before the masses, its all UP for grabs...

take a gander cross the board(s).............

enough time passes and viola (hey, what about this, or if its a BRAND new idea :yawn:)

shameless, predictable but typical...

It is what it is.....:drunk:
I think its wack! lol...Im bringing old school phrases back....

They learned so much of what they know from HERE and so their goal has been met and they have recieved so many compliments/questions and they decide to then take allllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll the stuff they learned for $5.00/6.50 and charge people an EXTRA piece of change to find out what they learned during their journey at lhcf....

I mean I understand their hustle....I guess I just dont respect it....

Its kinda like they are taking advantage of people.....naw...they are. Most of their traffic ( I would venture to guess) initally comes from this to have people pay extra to follow wack.

But then again I guess its like people who buy products...figure out how to make it and then sell their "new improved" version.

And if no one did it we wouldnt have variety...I suppose...I still think its wack though! lol

ETA: AND I think its dope that the OP started this thread! Because I was just thinking about this.....

You cannot assume that someone learned everything they know here. I knew MOST of what I know before joining LHCF or from reading/researching as a member through outside resources. I just enjoy socializing and being motivated by others who are interested in hair. I did and still do much research on my own regarding hair and fitness as well as my other interests.
People will pay else where for info that is here for free?
Quite frankly I'm mad I didn't come up with the idea to start a site first.:ohwell:
I just think it's ironic the latest site to start charging was blasting another ning site initially for charging and saying come to me my site is free
Ironic, but hey it's not my money
I was a part of one of the ning sites while it was free and I did like that it was a smaller, more intimate forum
However like somebody else mentioned, LHCF is the only site I'm paying to be a member of
Being the hair fanatic that I am, I lurk on a few sites. After lurking on LHCF for almost two years, I joined because 1) I have benefitted from the information provided on this site, 2) The members of LHCF share so generously and 3) I want to support the continued existence and growth of LHCF. I can't say the same about other sites because it really is the recycled version of information provided on LHCF. Before I purchase a hair product or appliance, I check and recheck here first because I can count on LHCF to give the real scoop without worrying if someone is being paid or otherwise compensated for promoting a certain product. Hands down, LHCF is one of the most helpful websites around and will continue to get my support. Thanks for starting this thread.
And then it'd be different if prices were reasonable. All yall people talking bout yeah it's their hustle, we're in a recession. Why should I care about their "recession" if they ain't caring about mine. I'm just sayin lol.

Either way it goes, they wouldn't get my money other than this 2 cents I'm saying now. But I really look at some of this stuff and think... "Really?".

It's different making a product and receiving profit from making and designing that product. But free advice?

I'ma tell yall a secret. Brushing does not make your hair grow! Patience does! Here's another one. The sky is blue.

Yall knew that already? I didn't invent it?! Oh well...I put all this concise easy to read info for yall right here just for yall..... PAY ME MY MONEY! :)
lhcf used to free as well, folks...

I believe folks are paying for inclusion-exclusivity...(for the most part)
SimpleKomplexity yeah, we're in a recession, but people on here regularly buy salon dryers/steamers, $500 flat irons, buy cases of castor oil, and spend $$$$$$$$ on products of all kinds. IOW, people spend their money where and how they like.

These sites will thrive or fail based on what the market can bare. Given the amounts that many BW spend for their hair, why should a "secret sauce" website be so appalling?

Why does everything have to be a "controversy" here? If you ain't gonna pay, why complain about others who choose to? Lemme tell ya something, I didn't re-join here initally cuz I thought it was nuts to pay a fee for what I could get freely elsewhere. I eventually choose to do so because I wanted to support a Black woman's biz. I'm sure some of these other sites will get members for that reason too.
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SimpleKomplexity yeah, we're in a recession, but people on here regularly buy salon dryers/steamers, $500 flat irons, buy cases, and spend $$$$$$$$ on products. IOW, people spend their money where and how they like.

These sites will thrive or fail based on what the market can bare. Given the amounts that many BW spend for their hair, why shouldn't a "secret sauce" website be so appalling?

Why does everything have to be a "controversy" here? If you ain't gonna pay, why complain about others who choose to? Lemme tell ya something, I didn't join here initally cuz I thought it was nuts to pay a fee for what I could get freely elsewhere. I eventually choose to do so because I wanted to support a Black woman's biz. I'm sure some of these other sites will get members for that reason too.

Why start this thread? Just expression of speech. No controversy. No arguments. Like I said earlier, no one is going to shut down their site because of this thread. Nothing drastic is going to happen. I just want to get enlightened on some other perspectives on this. I just wonder do others feel the same. It seems I'm in the minority in my opinions, which is cool too....just wondering.
You started a thread to complain about how others spend their money. Rather ironic on PJ Central, I think. Did you expect everyone was gonna agree w/ ya? Post a thread and be prepared for responses...some may not see it as you do.

You joined here in 07, but if it hadn't been those who paid before'd not have a site to complain on, at least not this one.

One reason people are leaving and starting up their own sites is that they want a diff vibe.
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...We can get mad all we want and say "they ain't getting my money" but we're still paying here. . . and the info is free on certain parts of LiveJournal, LongHairCare and BlackHairMedia. We're still paying here anyway, so there's no need to get upset about it.

And the member who's site we may be referencing has niched herself out. Other members here have niched themselves in businesses as well. PinkSkates has KMH, which caters to naturals who straighten often as well as healthy fitness... especially for black women over 35 ... Chicoro has Grow Afro Hair Long. People who are willing to support those sites and books will.

You either support it or don't but the makeup of most businesses is to take a good concept... create a specialty field and make business. Even if we know something has been tested and proven from way back when, we always want to see it repackaged and refreshed to look crisper and more "authoritative" than the "old school package that hasn't been updated."
I guess I'm the only one that has a problem with it. Why sell DVD's when you can just put up a yt video? Why make your cousins charge to see your site when you are just going to repeat what is said here? To me it makes no sense. I don't know. It just rubs me the wrong way. I know we all have to get our hustle on, but to me it's like now you're all uppity. :lol: I know I may sound crazy, but that's how it comes off to me sometimes.
There are people that would think we are crazy for paying $6.50 to subscribe to a message board when there are so many free resources out there. But people are going to do what they want to do with their money.
*kanye shrug*

As far as the $100 a year price tag for that other site, I have no issue with it.There are several different business models, not every follows the Walmart model of business (keep prices as low as possible to get as many customers as possible.) She has set her price to attract a specific target. And considering she offers meet ups in her home, lots of 1 on 1 support etc to some people her price tag is worth it.
I pay here because I know it takes time to manage a site and hosting isnt free I dont feel like the owner is doing this for profit

However with the site in question the fact that I can no longer visit said person fotki, see youtube videos all things that were once free! I dunno it kinda bugs me... I feel like that individual is trying to make a profit off of me for advice...not a product. And Im too far along in my journey and know too much about my hair to pay for advice.... esp when you wanna charge more than LHCF.

but honestly im only one person and it only bugs me! im sure plenty of ppl are fine with it and if they like it I love it! Your just not getting my money as others have said B4!

initials please...a so out the loop
SimpleKomplexity;9476890[B said:
]And then it'd be different if prices were reasonable. All yall people talking bout yeah it's their hustle, we're in a recession. Why should I care about their "recession" if they ain't caring about mine. I'm just sayin lol.[/B]

Either way it goes, they wouldn't get my money other than this 2 cents I'm saying now. But I really look at some of this stuff and think... "Really?".

It's different making a product and receiving profit from making and designing that product. But free advice?

I'ma tell yall a secret. Brushing does not make your hair grow! Patience does! Here's another one. The sky is blue.

Yall knew that already? I didn't invent it?! Oh well...I put all this concise easy to read info for yall right here just for yall..... PAY ME MY MONEY! :)

The prices aren't reasonable- to you. To some people, they are perfectly reasonable. I wouldn't pay to join a hair site that charged more than $10/yr, but as long as there are people who will, such sites will exist.

I think it's great that some people have made it into a business for themselves!
Kind of irritates me at first thought but then when I really think about it, what these days *is* truly original? When it comes to business everyone is copying someone to some extent. Hair knowledge is no different.
what site are yall talking about?? other then Macherie thats charging

I think pinkskates(?) has a fitness/hair site now that she charges for, I don't think it's expensive though.
I'm not sure about anyone else.

But people are definitely right about niching and supporting black businesses.
Good points I hadn't considered. :yep:
Why sell DVD's when you can just put up a yt video? Why make your cousins charge to see your site when you are just going to repeat what is said here? To me it makes no sense.

She wouldn't make money off a youtube video. She has take something she likes/feels passionate about (hair) and figured out how to make a business off of it. I think that's smart. Also, I think she offers more than just info that people can find here. She brought in a hair care executive to answer members questions, she hosts meetups in her own home,etc. She gives a lot of 1 on 1 support.
I guess I'm the only one that has a problem with it. Why sell DVD's when you can just put up a yt video? Why make your cousins charge to see your site when you are just going to repeat what is said here? To me it makes no sense. I don't know. It just rubs me the wrong way. I know we all have to get our hustle on, but to me it's like now you're all uppity. :lol: I know I may sound crazy, but that's how it comes off to me sometimes.

Considering the drama that comes to YT posters, any wonder some folks wanna charge? :grin: Sometimes people put tons of work into something, so they should just hand that over for free? :nono:

That seems a bit of an entitled attitude.
You started a thread to complain about how others spend their money. Rather ironic on PJ Central, I think. Did you expect everyone was gonna agree w/ ya? Post a thread and be prepared for responses...some may not see it as you do.

You joined here in 07, but if it hadn't been those who paid before'd not have a site to complain on, at least not this one.

I don't care if not one person agrees with me. I'm not tryna sway your thoughts. I can agree to disagree. Like earlier stated, I just wanted to see others perspectives on this topic and some members have posted some well thought out posts that i really appreciate (like the poster who said The publishers of textbooks didn't create the their topic of discussion), and their perspectives are very different from mine...and that's fine.

I guess I'm the only one that has a problem with it. Why sell DVD's when you can just put up a yt video? Why make your cousins charge to see your site when you are just going to repeat what is said here? To me it makes no sense. I don't know. It just rubs me the wrong way. I know we all have to get our hustle on, but to me it's like now you're all uppity. :lol: I know I may sound crazy, but that's how it comes off to me sometimes.

EXACTLY! :clap: At least I know a few people see where I'm comin from lol

There are people that would think we are crazy for paying $6.50 to subscribe to a message board when there are so many free resources out there. But people are going to do what they want to do with their money.
*kanye shrug*

As far as the $100 a year price tag for that other site, I have no issue with it.There are several different business models, not every follows the Walmart model of business (keep prices as low as possible to get as many customers as possible.) She has set her price to attract a specific target. And considering she offers meet ups in her home, lots of 1 on 1 support etc to some people her price tag is worth it.

Too true. And yeah I think for the services Macherie offers, she deserves to be paid and paid well. She offers phone consultations and everything I think. But really? Pay $100 for you to tell me to use a Keracare regimen and wrap my hair at night? Really? lol. *Kanyeshrug* Just sayin. But I'm guessing a newbie who has never heard anything on hair or never had someone to take the time to explain haircare, would be very enlightened.
I guess I'm the only one that has a problem with it. Why sell DVD's when you can just put up a yt video? Why make your cousins charge to see your site when you are just going to repeat what is said here? To me it makes no sense. I don't know. It just rubs me the wrong way. I know we all have to get our hustle on, but to me it's like now you're all uppity. :lol: I know I may sound crazy, but that's how it comes off to me sometimes.

I agree with you, Pook. There's something about it that I don't like, but like I said before, since it ain't my money, I don't really care one way or the other.

I guess it's like... why go to Border's and buy a book when you can go to the library and get the same thing for free? At that point, it's not because the seller is "wrong," but it comes down to how much legwork someone is willing to do for themselves.

I guess. :lol:
Mmm, I'm not naming ANY names but I do think it's kinda messed up that people take the info they got from here or any other site that has been around for a while and readily accessible and then turn around and make websites or write books like they discovered all of this on their own through trial and error without any help from other sources.
I think it's cool to start your own site. I have my own blog. But I dont charge anything. My blog is basically a more in depth journal of my personal hair and skin experience. It didnt feel good for me to charge since I am not at my hair goal and still learning and growing. Last but most important there are soooo many people who have given me information for free. Like this site and Yes to make comments and really be apart I have to pay a nominal fee but I gained a whole lot of free info for months before I even officially joined. I love this site. Soo, How dare I charge? That's just my opinion. I believe that since I freely received info, I am glad to freely give.