This entire thread had me :lachen::lachen::lachen:.

By the time I get some, my hair will probably be so long I could tie his hands together like cuffs :nono: (he just better not move and break off my tresses)
Down. This is why I love satin sheets and pillowcases!


Um... I like cheeks idea, too. A ponytail with some hair down.

But I think he likes holding my hair back, smoothing it with his hands and pulling on it a little when I'm um... mic checking.


My mic sound nice, check one :lachen:
i never plan sex hair basically has to fend for itself lol

LMAO same here :lachen:

His only complaint is that I twirl my hair the entire time. He needs to mind his business :grin:

This is the ONLY time I can end up looking like this

And not give a damn :grin:
Well till the next morning anyway LOL
I wear my natural, ankle length hair down all the time, it never tangles but stays perfectly coiffed on the pillow...dreaming? You betcha...I have not have sex in more than three years!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:lovedrool:
I wear my natural, ankle length hair down all the time, it never tangles but stays perfectly coiffed on the pillow...dreaming? You betcha...I have not have sex in more than three years!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:lovedrool:
LMAO!!!! You got me! I was like ANKLE LENGTH?!!!
But screamed louder when I read "THREE YEARS?!!!!!"
I wear it however it is at the moment.

All done up - :gorgeous:
Fro'd out - :afropick:
Dry and frizzy and looking like God knows what - :antlers:

A lot of the times I'm in my bonnet.

He doesn't give two farts, I think I'd be worried if he did. :lachen:
I know that he prefers to pull it and run his fingers through it but if it's in rollers he just caresses the rollers.....:look:



I was cracking up :lachen:Are you serious, he caress the rollers. I always wondered this same question, being that people do so much to their hair during the week. I know these SO think that we are crazy! I guess they are not thinking about it at the time. So funny!
I'm in awe that ladies have time to even think about what's happening with their hair! i'm in a fit of giggles over here. :lachen: hmmmm....maybe i should wrap it up too (the hair that is - lol.) Currently when the mood strikes the last thing i'm thinking about is breakage!:grin:
I don't know if I could continue if my husband started to caress the rollers LMAO!!!!

:ohsnap: I'd have to roll out of bed and moonwalk out the door...
Same here!


bwwhahahahahha i LOVE THIS THREAD.

I normally have a do rag...

sometimes I'll have my hair out if we are straight from sunday worship or in a bun, but I am always mad if my hair is out of place later.

sometimes hubby makes me turn out the light when the do-rag is on, b/c he likes to imagine that I'm not wearing it. "HILARIOUS RIGHT" lol...

but othertimes, if randy enough he doesn't care even in the bright lights with it on LOL.
Y'll are too funny. He likes to bury his hand and face in it so it has to be out. I can't image keeping it covered though. Hair is sexy, it's supposed to be out!
But I do normally spend time after doing some light detangling and then covering it up because he will plant his heavy arm on it during the night and then i will roll the other way and then there will be breakage and I can't have that.
i do doggystyle and let my hair fall free.. and if im on my back i lift my head off the pilliow or bed or and or ill kinda put my hair in my hands in a sexy way.. Ex) roll your hair with one hand as if your going to twist it up in a bun but dont just hold on to it and hold on to the back of his neck while in missionary position.. but make sure when u do rest your neck from holding ya head up you dont rub it ont he floor and if he pumps to the point to moving lift that head back up.. lmaoooooooooooo
FYI doo rag is not sexy period.. just think to ya self. if he hit it with the lights on or tv light on and u got a doo rag on and u anit really that pretty.. u may look like a lil boy.. lmaoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
Well since sexy time usually doesn't happen until after I've already been home a while, my hair is already tied up and prepared for whatever may come (no pun intended). I can't see myself focusing on my hair when we're doing the do, that would be unfair to him.
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Chile please! Under a plastic cap, safe and far from my mind or point of focus. I might throw on a scarf if I feel like it and if I have time for all o' dat. Y'all think about hair at a time like that?
This thread had me cracking up:lachen::lachen: I can't imagine a man being that concerned. Give it how you live, so if I have a bonnet on that's what you getting. If you want sexy TCatt catch me before I go to bed.
i could not feel sexy with my hair all wrapped up. I would feel so self conscious! Once my bf paid me a visit after id already wrapped my hair (but i forgot) and once we got going he was like, "could you please take that off?" i was kinda embarrassed. Yeah yeah, he loves me for who i am, blah blah blah but sex is about attraction and there aint nothing cute about me in my silk scarf. Stubbly legs dont really matter to him... but i mean.. i look like a alien with hat thing on! I will try to get a satin pillowcase though, because...we do it alot, lol, and i dont even want to know how much damage i could be suffering!

plus, as others have said, if you're worried about your hair during a sexual're doing it wrong. this time I don't have a SO, or DH. So, I guess a sistah is just missing out and the only snag my hair is getting is on a scarf!...lololo
I don't know, normally I don't care just as long as he don't pull. If I just did my hair, then I find simple postitions to do. Hope that wasn't TMI!:grin:
i could not feel sexy with my hair all wrapped up. I would feel so self conscious! Once my bf paid me a visit after id already wrapped my hair (but i forgot) and once we got going he was like, "could you please take that off?" i was kinda embarrassed. Yeah yeah, he loves me for who i am, blah blah blah but sex is about attraction and there aint nothing cute about me in my silk scarf. Stubbly legs dont really matter to him... but i mean.. i look like a alien with hat thing on! I will try to get a satin pillowcase though, because...we do it alot, lol, and i dont even want to know how much damage i could be suffering!

plus, as others have said, if you're worried about your hair during a sexual're doing it wrong.

LOL!! That is too funny, my man the opposite that boy could give two suqats about what I'm wearing. He actually thinks it sexy when I wear my scarf or any other out of place thing you can think of....I roll my eyes and be like "uh uh this is not cute" and he will say "girl, what you talkin about? I like your lil hair wrap" LOL!
I guess in my case, since I wear a wig, I would have to wear my wig on its headholder....and pray for the best...:perplexed

or, use tons and tons and tons of bobby pins....and again, pray for the best:perplexed
Eh, I don't do anything to it. Plus, my boyfriends tend to like to mess up my hair... When we're hanging out at the cafe, they take their hand and mes it up, or when we're alone, they mess it up. IDK why they do it :/ All my boyfriends were Asian though. Teehee
I'll usually have my hair in a high pony or in a bun. But when my hair is straightened, I'll take it down for him during sex....cuz he likes to pull and play in the hair.....he really LOVES that. Actually, I love it makes me feel super sexy and highly desired. I just try to avoid dangerous positions as much as possible.:yep: