Hair is the LAST thing I'm worried about when it comes to U Know What. I Just can't see my self saying Wait babe let me wrap my hair up first. That's for people who are Super Obsessed with their hair. (sorry to ladies who tie their hair up) No harm intended. LOL

Back when my hair was shoulder-length, no I didn't worry about it cuz my hair wasn't long enough to ever get in the way, but now that it's long it get everywhere and he ends up pulling it accidentally and I hear ripping sounds and it ruins the moment cuz I'm like, wait a second let me go get a hair bow :perplexed

My SO actually prefers for me to put it up now cuz it goes everywhere. I get on top and it gets in his eye. :lachen: He wants me to cut it actually
It could go either way for me. If we're being spontaneous, I don't do anything with my hair. But if we've already gotten ready for bed, and my hair is already wrapped up and then the mood strikes, I may leave my bonnet/headwrap on.
Hair is the last thing on my mind, but I wear the fro wild, or if it is a weave, honestly I don't be thinking about my hair! LOL
Im celibate too .. but when that time comes I doubt that I would care about my hair... if it gets messed up then I will just put it in a pony for the next day..... sex is too nice of a thing to be worried about hair... please.. lol
Im celibate too .. but when that time comes I doubt that I would care about my hair... if it gets messed up then I will just put it in a pony for the next day..... sex is too nice of a thing to be worried about hair... please.. lol

I feel you but Ive been through too much with this hair of mine for it to come out looking jacked. I guess in the future it willl be a wrapped with a satin scarf...
With my scarf on. Only when i am trying to be sexy will i let it all out. When i due that there are issues. Since we always change positions during the act. My hair ends up getting caught between my back and the bed i can't move my head around since i'm laying on my hair.
That is one time I'm not worried about my hair.........If I have a scarf on or a ponytail my DH pulls the scarf and ponytail out every time....On some occasions if my hair is all did up and I don't want to mess it up ...Then I'm on top.......:blush:
Sometimes its wrapped others times well it's just there. I'm not usually on my back, so their is no friction with my hair and my cotton sheets.
One of the rare times I'm not thinking about hair :grin:
Afterwards though, I'll be like "hun, I'll be going to take a shower now" and treat my hair to a deep conditioning session!! :lachen:
Well, I like to keeping looking sexy as possible.

So I put on one of my long bouncy half wigs & get to it!

MY real hair is protected and my half wig keeps me looking sexy.!!!!!!!

I have to admit that it does get a little tangled and sweaty but, that nothing a wig brush can't fix.

Oh yeah, he ain't allowed to pull or tug the hair. The hair is just there for decoration only!:lachen:
Pull? :burning: I ALWAYS wanted to ask questions about pulling

My hair is fine/naturaly fragile....If i took a strand of hair between my two fingers and pulled fairly hard, it would go ahead and snap.....

So do you (anyone who allows the pulling) have any breakage?

Where are they pulling from (lol)---Like the scalp, around the region a ponytail holder would go?

How is your hair (thick, strong, fine, fragile, normal)
I wear my same ole tired satin bonnet...................... I need to get a grip. Heck, at least he's gettin' some! :lachen:
when I get my work out I sweat alot so I know better to tie the hair down otherwise I would be looking like a RAT TRAP :lachen:
Girl, me too. My DH will call me mushroom head, or the thing off of super mario brother's game :lachen:. When I let my hair down (almost BSL now), I be like yeah, this is from wearing the mushroom :look:.

I wear my same ole tired satin bonnet...................... I need to get a grip. Heck, at least he's gettin' some! :lachen:
Doo rag AND a scarf on top tied extra tight. Do NOT touch my hair.

He aint giving me any money to go and get my hair done or to buy hair care products and he aint giving me the time back that it takes to untangle it, moisturize it and re-roll it so i can look presentable again so he can just shutup and be glad he's gettin' some period.

Wasn't it Katt Williams who said that men aren't even interested in that. They could care less if your panties/bra match, or your chipped toenail polish or if u even shaved your legs.

They're just glad to be gettin' some!

:lachen::lachen::lachen::lachen::lachen: STRAIGHT GANGSTA!!!!! I am just laughing because I knew someone would come up in here like that! You remind me of a friend of mine. That is why I had to laugh. You look like her too. She doesn't play either!

I just put it in a ponytail usually with a little of the front hanging down in my face. My SO has an amazing ability to lay on/pull my hair no matter what we are doing, let alone during coitus. I try to find the perfect balance between preserving my sexy and preserving my hair from a 280-lb man ripping it out.

S~E~X is usually a spur of the moment thing, so my hair is never prepared for action.

Although if we're doing it first thing in the morning then my hair's wrapped up in my satin scarf, but that usually comes off in the end anyway :ohwell:

But let me tell you one thing, there aint no pulling or tugging on my hair :nono:
Down. This is why I love satin sheets and pillowcases!


Um... I like cheeks idea, too. A ponytail with some hair down.

But I think he likes holding my hair back, smoothing it with his hands and pulling on it a little when I'm um... mic checking.
Down. This is why I love satin sheets and pillowcases!


Um... I like cheeks idea, too. A ponytail with some hair down.

But I think he likes holding my hair back, smoothing it with his hands and pulling on it a little when I'm um... mic checking.

What's mic checking? :perplexed

j/k :lachen:
Down. This is why I love satin sheets and pillowcases!


Um... I like cheeks idea, too. A ponytail with some hair down.

But I think he likes holding my hair back, smoothing it with his hands and pulling on it a little when I'm um... mic checking.

I know that's right!!!:smirk: I remember this frat guy at school use to always tell my friend to speak into the mic!!:lachen: Too funny!!!!

In regards to the question, I really don't care about how it ends up. I'm not about to put a restriction on intimacy because I'm worried about a hair getting out of place. My hair will be okay but my body needs love. Besides, hair looks really sexy when its down and they can run their hands through it.
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Most definently wrapped up. After we both get in "the mood" and right before we start the action my SO knows exactly whats about to happen, he even rushes me himself sometimes and says: "Okay baby, hurry up and wrap your hair!" :lachen::lachen: Its hilarious, cause he knows better. It aint going down until the hair goes up. lol sad but true. :yep:

:lachen::lachen::lachen::lachen:Too cute!!