How did you get hip to LHCF?


New Member
I was just curious how all you lovely ladies found this wonderful wealth of knowledge? In my opinion, this site has saved me so much misery and heartache and has also given me positive reinforcements. Plus, everyone here is so sweet and supportive!

After my last touch up in January, my hairdresser went scissor happy and trimmed off all the length I had gained (sound familiar?) and he also did a blowout on my head that still makes me cringe. When I got home and saw how short my hair was, the balding right temple that I'm still babying, and felt all the Pump it Up spritz he used I decided it was time for action. I got on my computer and did a couple searches for black hair care. I stumbled on this site and got to reading...I read thread after thread, I was hooked. I was on this site for about 3 hours that night. I was so excited I sent my bestfriend a link and told her to check it out. She was like yeah, okay...but she came around too :D After lurking for two weeks, I paid up my $5 and the rest is history...How did you make your discovery?
I stumbled upon LCHF when I was natural. I was reading everything I could and doing searches. I learned how to take care of my natural hair back then. I don't know why I stopped visiting but now that I'm back I'm here to stay. I couldn't remeber my old ID so I had to get a new one. Oh well...I'm back now!
Nappturality. They bad mouthed LHCF so bad, I had to check it out for myself.

As expected, it wasn't anything like they said. They were actually talking about themselves. Leaving was the best thing for me, my hair and my internet experience.

That thread about the girl leaving because someone accused her of having a texturizer, sounds like pure, unadulterated Nappturality hating going on. I mean, on a board that encourages relaxing and texturizing, who really cares whether or not someone has a texturizer?

Only a die hard natural that can't accept other people's personal choices.
in december, i took out a weave that i got put in in august that was way too tight and left me with a bald spot on the side of my hair and a huge bald patch in the back :( so i was furiously googling for some growth aids/supplement info, when various posts linked to lhcf popped up...i visited a few times, lurked for a few months, then finally joined! i've been on a bandwagon or few already :grin:, i take a million vitamins a day, i'm on a very high protein diet, i cowash, i DC, i do aphogee treatments...and lemme tell you, after these last 3 months, my hair is WELL on its way to recovery! i only wish i had found lhcf sooner, that prolly woulda saved me a lot of tears...but i am about to put my lil sister on to lhcf when i get back home this summer, cuz she'll be a senior in HS, and i think she should use her last year at home before college to figure out how she can take care of her hair on her own...thanks lhcf!
I searched for something (can't remember what) and got VWVixxen's fokti. She either had a link or she mentioned LHCF. The rest is history.

I will be forever grateful to her. :rosebud:
i look hard and low on the net:lol: :lol: and i came on this site i can say it took me some time to join but i was staying up late reading and reading and i want to know more so i join and never looked back now my hair is growing and getting heathy the only thing i didnt count on was getting PJ:lol: :lol: THAT ALRIGHT I AM IN REHAB JUST GOT 3 MORE THINGS TO DAY BUT I HAVE GOT BETTER I JUST FELL OFF I HAVE TO SAY TO MY SELF JUST SAY NO:lachen: BUT I LOVE IT HERE
Taij said:
Nappturality. They bad mouthed LHCF so bad, I had to check it out for myself.

As expected, it wasn't anything like they said. They were actually talking about themselves. Leaving was the best thing for me, my hair and my internet experience.

That thread about the girl leaving because someone accused her of having a texturizer, sounds like pure, unadulterated Nappturality hating going on. I mean, on a board that encourages relaxing and texturizing, who really cares whether or not someone has a texturizer?

Only a die hard natural that can't accept other people's personal choices.

dag ...for real ??!?!?.....what did they say?...I remember browsing around there reading articles...I didnt know it was like that....
My hair was thinning, breaking and I was at my wits end, crying to my mama about shaving my head.

So I did a search for black hair care, and this was one of the sites that came up. Man, am I glad I found it! :grin:
2005. I was lurking on black hair care french websites, which are not very informatives (and there too MANY haters on them >.< : people don't think black women can grow their hair long :mad:, and btw, they still think that it is beyoncé's real hair :nono:) So I decided to use my english skills on google and I wrote those exactly words : "long hair black" and TADAAAA : lhcf appeared. But this board was totally in english so I gave up.
After that, I found dontspeakdefeat album (they were talking about her in this french forum...but they still didn't think that it was possible for us to grow our hair :confused:) and re-find LHCF.
So, It was then I really decided to join the board.
LHCF is so good : whatever your hair looks like (nappy or relaxed), you are always welcome and you get the info you need into your hair journey. Glad I find it ^^
My hair was in pretty bad shape, and I spent an evening searching for tips online and stumbled upon DSD's Fotki. I devoured all the information there, and that's where I found out about LHCF. And here I am fifteen months later :D

Thanks DSD!!!!
Originally I found the site when I was doing research about transitioning to natural hair during the summer of 04. I choose to join Nappturality instead since I had a friend on the board but I never really felt at home there and didn't post to often. Than one of my "big sisters" on an online journal site kept talking about the boards and I saw how much progress her hair made so I finally decided to become a full member. I've already posted more on here in less than a month than I ever posted on nappturality. I did learn a lot from members there about hair care as well but I think I'll make more friends here.
Well, I was on Lauren450's myspace page and I saw that she belonged to the group LHCF. I asked her about it and the rest is history!:grin: Thanks Lauren!
I found the board while searching "black hair care". I have kinky 4b hair and it would never grow past the shoulder without the middle back breaking off:confused: -------->:mad: .I tryed a million differant things but nothing would work. I found the site and decided to pick a regimine try out products to fit in each slot (oil,moisturiser,poo etc).I got the vitamins and MTG . My hair will be BSL for the first time in my life:weird: :woot: :king: .

:alcoholic Cheers to you ladies for all your valued support!!​
I believe that I was on and a member mentioned this site. I am very grateful that I came here:D
I was doing a search for Carol's Daughter hair care products reviews and a thread from here came up. I lurked for probably about a week and then joined up.
I was just frustrated with my hair. I did not know how to handle my hair and I had to depend on using excessive heat( im talking bout blowdrying, flat ironing, AND curling iron after each wash!!) My hair was breaking like no tomorrow but I didnt know what it was at the time. I just wanted to find a better way.

So I typed in black hair care and it lead me to the Black Hair Media forum. Some members mentioned they were a member of LHCF and a few weeks later I found myself a member.
I google and found crown and glory website and one of the ladies there left some information about how between the crown and glory and long hair care forum was the best thing that every happen to her hair.:)
Taij said:
Nappturality. They bad mouthed LHCF so bad, I had to check it out for myself.

As expected, it wasn't anything like they said. They were actually talking about themselves. Leaving was the best thing for me, my hair and my internet experience.

My experience was similar. NP was bad mouthing BHM, checked them out. Then BHM was bad mouthing LHCF, so I check it out.

Now I love LHCF.
When i was in NY last year a friend showed me pix of her cousin who had grown her hair from shoulder to almost bra-strap in like a year + I was like :eek: she gave me tips on baggying, CWs & MTG and LHCF. I stole her remaining bottle of MTG grew my hair to just past shoulder length using MTG in a weave and ignored the rest of the info. I then bleached AND texlaxed my new found locks to destruction and decided to go check on the rest of her advice and here I am:D Thanks ducky!
B_Phlyy said:
Then BHM was bad mouthing LHCF, so I check it out.

Now I love LHCF.

Yeah they sure were! I thought this site was run by devil women or something. It did get me curious enough to come here. Now I rarely go to BHM.
I had recently relocated to CA and my hair was NOT adjusting well to the dry air and hard water in addition to the fact that I could not find a decent stylist to save my life. When I arrived, my hair was right at brastrap and very healthy. About a year in, it was shorter, dry, and beginning to show signs of damage. I was so disappointed because I didn't expect to have problems finding a stylist in Los Angeles of all places.

So I went on a hunt for information online via search engines...LHCF and BlackHairTalk were the first to come up so I joined at BHT and spent most of my time there in the beginning. Then I decided to venture over to LHCF even though it was kind of overwhelming in the beginning. Once I got the hang of it, I started posting and participating here, and I've been in love ever since.

My hair had already recovered when I came here thanks to the info on BHT, but I've definitely learned new things and made some wonderful cyber friends.

Thanks LHCF! :up:
people on the rpmb kept raving about it, so almost a year ago I started lurking. Well since my hair dresser messed up my hair I wanted to find something to grow it back to health. I started posting just recently but have been eye'ng all the wonderful growth for a minute now.
My friend has BSL hair. I just figured her hair was naturally that long. Then, in December she told me about this hair website she looks at (LHCF). After about a week of stalking, I was hooked! :D I became a member and I showed her that there was a whole new world other than the non-member part you see. Now I'm encouraging her, my momma, my sister, my aunties etc. :lachen: to join.
i was a member of another site that was positively boring, and someone made the mistake of posting a link to this site and that was all she wrote! i never looked back! you guys rock!
I was Googling something about hair (probably growth) right before Christmas and I stumbled upon someone's thread; I was like, let me go to the home page of this site; that was December, and rest is history; thank God I found you ladies! :)

p.s. If I would have found this forum a few years ago, I'd probably be waist length by now! :lol:
At the end of last year I became bored with my hair so I googled black hair to get some new ideas. That's how I discovered lhcf and it opened a whole new world. I never thought about how to help my hair grow longer. I would just let it grow for a year and then cut it or dye it. I have been natural, texturized, and back to relaxed so I knew a lot about my hair but lhcf has expanded my knowledge. Now I have hair goals, wear protective styles, use Phyto, moisturize, and less manipulation!!!
OMG ...this is hilarious....

Procrastinators Unite!!!!

Anyhoo..I was looking for a weave...found LHCF instead...decided to try it for a year...the rest is history.