How did you find LHCF?

Last January I was crying because my beautiful hair was beautiful no more. I googled 'black hair care' and I found old archived LHCF posts. I also found the Cathy Howse website. The first post I found was Supergirls. Since then I've become a stalker... literally lol
I was looking for info on Mizani products and LHCF came up. When I saw that it was a forum, I wasn't really interested. But then I was curious to find out what was said about Mizani products. Then I kept find threads that sounded interesting. I've been hooked ever since! I wish I had found it long ago though.
I found this site while looking for ways to maintain healthy african american hair. I began looking at albums in Fotki and I found this site referenced in one of the ladies' album I was looking at, she was giving LHCF all the credit. I thought her hair is so beautiful, so I thought let me check them out...I am hooked now!!!
by accident. lol I was actually going on this website to find out which wig I wanted to order but I couldn't bring myself to pay that much for some of those wigs and then I ran across Cathy Howse website by accident. After reading on I decided to invest in learning more about growing my hair in 6 inches in a year more tha a wig. Then, I started googling for more info on Cathy Howse and found through the search LHCF. I clicked on it and the rest is history.
I googled something about growing hair and got the site. From there I looked at the different hair albums and I think it was tffy2004 that told me she was on this hair care board, so I joined too once I saw the different hair topics.
I googled 'Long Nappy Hair' (because I refused to believe that I couldn't grow my hair down to my behind, and the hair site I was on seemed to think that actively persuing length was an 'obsession'), and stumbled across Nympe's THLC journal - and I think she referenced LHCF there..... or, I have have come across a post here during that same search.

I can't remember - but I'm SO happy that I did.
so far the only people who know about this site are my siblings since they're always in my room overlooking my shoulder when i'm on this site. how i got here? i found fotki through UBH (while looking at Dana's pics), then found Diaspora hair care through Serenitybreeze, and lhcf from both Dana's fotki and Diaspora's members. hope that wasn't too confusing.
I was a member of a relaxedhaircare board (an ezboard). But it was soooo dead and useless. Someone posted a copy of "a newbie's guide" from here. i read it here, and I never went back to that ezboard. I go back from time to time, but it's actually pretty pathetic there.
for the longest time i was on aol and i wasin the hair care section in black voices

i happen to come across Renice * hair weave specailst* , anyway i came across her fotki.
i read the comments in her photo album from other viewers, and i kept seeing a refrence to lhcf
but i thought lhcf was some sort of hair product until i went to another fotki and they were talking about lhcf a little more finally someone put the link up to lhcf and i was a lurker for a couple months but i figured i could fully enjoy some lhcf benefits if i coughed up the dough so since then i've made it my business to come here er'day for a year lol
i found this site through yahoo. i was doing a search on hair. i wasn't sure if the site specialized in black hair but i decided to check it out anyway and im glad i did. :)
kbody4[B said:
]I found out about LHCF when I was reading a review of Cathy Howse's book from a customer. She was so disappointed that she wasted her money and told anyone that was reading this to go to LHCF and pay $5.00 dollars :lol:

Needless to say, I already have her book and use her conditioner and moisturizer, but finding this site is so worth it!!
Me Too.;.this is how i found the LHCF
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Did a google search about growing healthy hair....found the 'Relaxed Hair Care' site. They mentioned LHCF, I checked it out...been here ever since. In the beginning I continued to check them out, but haven't been there in years.
well.. lemme see.. :perplexed i went outta braids and cornrows and then my gf had done the big chop last year so she told me about u spell it) then i went there and i knew vitimans helped soooo..i was looking and they should the bermgon regim? check with the 20 odd pills and then searched it and found this! loven iit ever since
same as most people through a google search for tips on growing black hair I was a lurker for about a month before joining.
I haven't plucked up the courage to introduce anybody else to the forum just yet but then nobodys asked, as my hair growth starts picking up and people start asking I'll be sure to recommend them
I was on another message board. Someone mentioned taking MSM in a thread about having clear skin.

I didn't have any idea was MSM was---so I googled it, and found this site!! I lurked for about 7 months--then finally paid dat $5 back in February!!
I found out about LHCF thru BHM. I'm also a member of HB(hair boutique) and BBBH(black beauty black hair), I visit LHCF and BHM daily...HB about once a week, and BBBH once every few months.
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I googled black hair growth and found the Crown and Glory site and this one....I LOVE Y'ALL!!! I tried to share LHCF with a female friend but she thought it was I share with people if they seem like they're really interested in the subject matter.

I read about some ladies on this diet/exercise board who were saying biotin was making their hair grow, so I did a search on biotin and ended up here.
After about a year of growing my hair out, I just decided—out of the blue—I would grow my hair long and healthy again. I was really tired of my worn-out old Condoleezza Rice-esque business hairstyles. :perplexed :lol: I found LHCF through a Google search, and lurked for a while before joining. I fell in love this board not just for the sharing of hair experiences, but the sense of community and support. I keep trying to get my sisters and co-workers to join, but they are too doubtful. I have a feeling they’ll be changing their tunes in a few months. ;)
Legend said:
After about a year of growing my hair out, I just decided—out of the blue—I would grow my hair long and healthy again. I was really tired of my worn-out old Condoleezza Rice-esque business hairstyles. :perplexed :lol: I found LHCF through a Google search, and lurked for a while before joining. I fell in love this board not just for the sharing of hair experiences, but the sense of community and support. I keep trying to get my sisters and co-workers to join, but they are too doubtful. I have a feeling they’ll be changing their tunes in a few months. ;)

:lachen: :lol: oh now she didn't
I heard about it on another board that will reamain nameless and came over to see what the big deal was. I lurked for a while, then I joined. My mom and my sister know about the site, think I'm nuts for "looking at hair all the time" but at the same time my sister is constantly asking me for hair advice and my mom tells me how my hair is looking better. But they still don't realize that LHCF is how I learn what I learn. Go figure.:cool:
I was surfing the internet one day looking for information on the differences between Lye and no-lye relaxers and wound up here.
Adrian said:
I goggled something about hair and an archive thread appeared and the rest is history.

Oooh, Adrian. Those are some bad boots girl!

Who makes them?:)