How did you find LHCF?


Well-Known Member
I was reading the thread on friends/people we know in real life who are on LHCF and was thinking about people I know who also might be on, or people that I know that SHOULD be on...and then I thought, wait, how did I get here? It's not like I'm an old head but...I really don't remember...all I know is I've been addicted ever since. Do any of you remember how you found this website? (Subquestion: When do you feel comfortable with someone you know in real life enough to tell them about the site? i.e. hubby, friends, family, kids, etc. Or is it/ will it, always remain a secret?)

I was a member of BHM, and the members there were talking trash about LHCF, so I decided to visit here to see what was so bad. The same day, I left BHM for LHCF.:cool:
On New Year's eve I was home and started a list of things I need to do and after major breakage in 2005 I resolved to grow my hair so I googled black long hair and LHCF came up... the rest is history..

I haven't become comfortable with anyone yet to tell them about LHCF I have told a few people that I am in love with my hair - they just laughed it off--- little do they know.
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I had sugery 5wks ago and I'm out on Medical Leave. I was bored to death so I decided to look up options to maintain healthy hair and I came across LHCF. I've been here ever since and I am dreading going back to work. :eek: I know that probably sounds sad but hey... Let's just say that I've become an addict to the forum. :grin:
I was a member of BBBH and I heard about LHCF through that forum. For a while, I stayed with BBBH because you have to pay for this forum, but once I looked through some of the threads here, I found it was a VERY small fee for a great wealth of information. I left them and joined LHCF but I still o back there every once in a while.
I was on BHM and some lady started a thread like BHM sucks ***, where did everybody go? At the time there was probably 3 posts a day on the whole forum and it did suck. Someone from over here provided a link and told everybody to come over here. But the mods of BHM deleted the link. The original poster came back and called them dirty. So of course I was intriqued. What is this mysterious forum that must not be named on BHM? I found a link to some ezboard site(yawn) from the same poster's siggy. Then from the ezboard site I found a link to lhcf. I still visit BHM for their lacefront & sex sections.
:D :lol: i am new here i just google too because i was haveing a hard time with my hair and sometimes i cannot stay off i search the board a lot i :) am happy here :grin:
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My ends were breaking something terrible & we're taught that a good trim will cure everything. NOT. I got a jacked up hair cut & my ends were still breaking, that was it with stylists for me!!!

So, I googled healthy black hair care & up popped LHCF. I haven't set foot in a salon since.
Ebonygurl00 said:
I was a member of BHM, and the members there were talking trash about LHCF, so I decided to visit here to see what was so bad. The same day, I left BHM for LHCF.:cool:

I also think I heard of this forum via BHM....but...I still visit BHM er'day along with this site.
I found it a couple of years ago while doing a search but was a lurker. I only used to read the "feature of the month"...Just last year I decided to come from hiding and sign up.
I read Cathy Howse book and I was like errrrr...let me get on the net and check this out...sooooo I googled grow long hair and lhcf popped up and I was so impatient and wanted to post and ask questions right away. I coughed up the $5 bucks and been here ever sense.
I searched for AA women with long hair and somebody's fotki came up. I looked at her pics then her links. This was one of them. I wish I remembered who it was so I can thank her. :( Oddly, enough I found henna the same way even tho I was already a member here. I googled for relaxing and henna and VWVixxen's fokti came up...

When I googled for long hair I always got that site that sales hair sticks for WW or the one where she wants you to pay for a PDF with haircare tips. :ohwell:
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I was fed up with my natural and didn't know how to take care of it.:mad: My mom told me to look up natural hair care.:confused: When I goggled it in LHCF came up about natural hair care. I found so many beautiful heads of natural hair and I've been hooked every since.:p Thanks you ladies for sharing so much information so people like me can learn how to take care of their hair.:cool: I've learned so much from natural and relaxed hair women.:D I'm glad I found LHCF and my natural hair loves it too. The only people I told about LHCF is my husband and my mom.;)

bmoreflyygirl said:
I found out about it on BHM and I've been here ever since.
Yeah, me too. Ever since Ive heard about LHCF on Black Hair Media, I dont even visit that site anymore. I like LHCF sooooo much better.:D
Well, this is my first post. Yay!

I found out about it before BHM actually but I started posting on BHM first because of the $5. But I actually like this site better. I don't think I really want to go back to BHM, except for the Lace Fronts since I'm using that to grow my hair out after I take my braids out.

So, basically I am switching between braids and LF's.

Lf's one month, braids for two months.
I was on BHM, but was deleted for sticking up for some of the other members from someone who joined and became very disrespectful. I even apologized to the moderators for letting this member get the best of me, but they wasn't trying to hear me.:confused: Do I regret it:look: .....Heck NO! I :love: :love: :love: this site. I guess it was GOD's way of saying..... leave this awful board, I've found a better one for you.:grin: :grin:
I heard about it on BHM and then I googled long hair sites and LHCF popped up. I lurked for about 2 months before I officially joined.
i was just searching and did a google for African American Hair and found the website and ever since then ive been addicted to this site more than the others...i visit the other sites every now and then but not as much as i visit LHCF...
I was lurking at black voices on the Ent. forum and someone started a hair thread over there where they started talking about MTG. Someone later posted a link to this site and I've been growing ever since! :p
I found this place one day when I was trying to find some info on WGHO. I'd been using it for years, but wanted to find their website to get more info on it. So when i did a search a thread about it came up from LHCF. I decided to look around the site more, and have been ADDICTED ever since :) .
I found out about this site from a member of another non-related community site. A thread was started about maintaining healthy hair and someone mentioned LHCF. I checked it out and have been hooked ever since.
I found out about LHCF when I was reading a review of Cathy Howse's book from a customer. She was so disappointed that she wasted her money and told anyone that was reading this to go to LHCF and pay $5.00 dollars :lol:

Needless to say, I already have her book and use her conditioner and moisturizer, but finding this site is so worth it!!