Why did you join LHCF?

What made you go looking for it?
Two reasons: a) I needed product/product ingredient information - just as I would settle on something that seemed to work with my hair or my son's hair; it would suddenly disappear from the store shelves, and I would have to start looking and testing products all over again. b) Once I had children, and particularly after my daughter was born, I wanted to make sure I had enough awareness and knowledge to not pass down the negative attitudes we [blacks in the Americas] have about our hair, and figured this would be a good place to pick up on issues I might have overlooked.

How did you find it?
JustKiya sent me the link. :thumbsup:
Im still a newbie and I must admit that I thank God every single day that I found this forum.
I wanted a home made treatment for my hair and was searching the net. (Ask.com) there was an answer with a lady who mentioned this forum. and i decided to take a look. I was amazed at how beautiful african women had beautiful hair. I did not subscribe but there is a lady who posted a thread with a 2 yr aniversary and on her first post i saw my hair. That was an encouragement and i decided to be a a subscribed member.
The tips i have read from this forum are amazing and i must thank you all.
Be blessed i should post a pic so that people can see my start pic
What made you go looking for it? How did you find it?
Searching for Afro Detangler --> lots of links about it --> boards made especially for people with curly hair --> boards made especially for black women --> links to LHCF --> seeing black women with relaxed and natural MBL or WL hair opened up the world of healthy haircare practices to me. Hesitation (partially due to the overt Christianity that endeared the place to the poster above the poster above me :grin:) until I realised I was finding LHCF in EVERY Google result when I looked up haircare practices made me join. Curiosity made me pay $6.50.
What made you go looking for it?

I wanted to learn how to take care of my hair myself. I refused to buy into the hype that for healthy hair you neeeeed to go to a salon. No sir. I knew that I could do it on my own and it look just as good if not better.

How did I find it?

I was online Googling for reviews on a conditioner which lead me to another forum, on which LHCF was constanly mentioned. So I came lurked around found some info, searched some more and this site kept popping up. So after a few months lurking, I decided to join. I wanted to see the other boards and to participate and share.
What made you go looking for it? Through a friend her cousin grew from shoulder to BSL in about 15months
How did you find it? As above
Great thread, OP :giggle:

I found LHCF in '08 after I moved to the DMV. My flat iron broke on the flight - I was looking for a stylist. I kept seeing "blowout" and "Dominican blowout" everywhere, so I googled it. LHCF came up. I remember seeing Macherieamour's hair (maybe on fotki?)- she was my first hair inspiration.

Anyhoo, I lurked but didn't join until about a month later. My ends were very damaged, so I started rollersetting/going to the Dom salons for blowouts, but I wanted to learn how to grow my hair long. I trimmed cut off all the damage and started reading through thread after thread. I had to pay the $6.50 because I wanted to see the pictures and get involved in the discussions. I'm now a 99% DIYer, I've learned how to rollerset, stretch, do braidouts, etc. and my hair has never been healthier.

I'm naturally argumentative, so I get myself in trouble around here sometimes, but I've learned so much and I absolutely love this site (and youtube!).
This chick from another board mentioned it, well LHCF, and she had awesome hair so I googled it because I wanted awesome hair and found it. I didn't lurk too long because I wasn't new to msgboards so I dove in with all of my questions. Been here a LONG time lol before alot these sub forums were even created. I don't think most of the main posters are even members are still on here anymore either for one reason or another :sekret:
I came and paid cause I'm extremely interested in doing my own hair and it looking professional, as well as growing out my hair to longer lengths.

I found out about it through the other hair board, and I got tired of the messiness that was going on over there so I came here. Also it was geared more towards lfs and weaves and I wanted more about growth!
When I decided to go natural, I found myself with a thousand questions about my hair. I did not know who to ask so I turned to google.

LHCF threads kept coming up in searches which eventually made me take a closer look. I lurked for x months and finally joined.

This is what I actually wanted to discuss in my "taking initiative" thread but only 2 people answered :look:
I had taken DD to the salon to get her hair straightened for her 5th birthday. I was SO dissatisfied with the service tht I vowed she would not set foot in a salon for at least ten years. I googled a product my mother used on me when I was little--a Lustrasilk spray she used when pressing my hair--and LHCF came up. I was drawn in. I had never seen a message board before and, like some above said, loved that there were other women out there that loved haircare and beauty as much as I did. I joined about two weeks later. Now I hang out mostly in the makeup forum, but it was about a year before I even left the hair side.
What made you go looking for it?
How did you find it?

What made you go looking for it?

I was newly natural looking or ways to take care of my hair. I wanted something that confirmed I didn't have to use the most expensive products or be uber natural in order to have healthy hair. LHCF is it.

How did you find it?

What made you go looking for it?
I was looking for information on getting my hair healthy and heard about LHCF from a friend.

How did you find it?
My friend sent me a link and I've been hooked ever since. :-) Finally made the decision to become a paying member today. School is out for summer so I have loads of free time to peruse the boards...happy, happy, joy, joy!!
Because I was sick of my hair falling out.

I discovered this site and wanted to absorb all the knowledge I could get; so I joined.
I was tired of having fried hair: fried ends, balding at the nape, breakage, you name it. This site was also alot more positive than some other sites and I needed a positive place to ask questions.
I was in college and didn't have reg access to a salon so I did a search on livejournal for black hair and skin care. I noticed a lot of ladies mentioned LHCF. I joined but didn't subscribe forgot about the site (accidently of course), stumbled back upon it years later and decided to cough up the $6. Glad I did!
I had gotten a touch up and ended up with chopped off hair with zero life to it. I had been unhappy with my relaxed look for a while, and was sick of the no-styles that stylists kept giving me... so I thought about going natural, then looked up weaves... somewhere in there Google led me to the wonderful world that is LHCF :) I lurked FOREVER though :look:. hahaha. almost a year!
After leaving my stylists chair....i went online and googled "a good shampoo for black hair" and LHCF popped up...along with BHM....i went to BHM first and lurked on here and i was SO intrigued with all the info on here i HAD to join and i haven't been back to a salon since!:infatuated:
Why - I was tired of finding short broken off hairs in the sink, on the floor, and on the back of my shirt.

How - I did a Google search for "grow AA hair long"
When I bc the first time I was a big follower of Motowngirl and she mentioned this site..I lurked back in 06..my second bc I wanted info so I lurked..I would have never paid for hait site but to be real honest I was hella depressed I knew my religion was my only way out so I heavily lurked in the cf alot..and the lovely Shimmie and her comments is what made me pay..nothing else.
I had decided to stretch my relaxers out to every 3 months instead of every 4 weeks; which to my Luck I had done since high school. Luckily my hair still thrived with weekly blow drying and daily flat ironing; i went nightly without wrapping my hair and I used Infusium power PAC weekly with out deep conditioning; and my hair was armpit with all of the abuse. Until i decided to use a stronger relaxer (BOX) optimum and I let my family member apply my relaxer; as she was applied my relaxer I noticed she started to pull the relaxer all the way towards my ends. I rushed into the shower to find my hair breaking and it felt like straw. I went to the salon the following week I had my hair cut to ear. :-) Then i started using Panting relaxed and naturals; which I now know was the biggest mistake ever; my hair was breaking badly and i could not retain any length; it went on like that for a year and half; until i changed hair products as soon as i did my hair started to grow back; and I found this site so that i could grow my hair back. I Hate Pantene products Protein overload..
I found this site in 2007 when I was looking for tips on how to transition. Back then I gave the stank eye to the $5.00 joining fee :rolleyes: LOL I ended up joining naturallycurly and getting all the transitioning answers I needed. Back then there were more relaxed heads in here anyway.

I came back mid-2008 when the whole Megatek craze was happening. I saw all those posts and I wanted to reply, but I couldn't. So I bit the bullet, paid $6.50 and finally joined. I was ignored by everybody the first 7 months :grin: but I'm glad I stayed.
In April 2009 I was fed up with more hair on my bathroom floor than on my head so I started researching healthy hair tips. Every time I googled a question the first or second link would always be to this forum so I came up off the $6.50 in exchange for a wealth of priceless information.
When I became natural , I wanted all the help I could get!

Also, I've been lurking for a couple of years, and I was always frustrated that I could get some of the ladies' Fotki passwords....I wanted to become a stalker and I couldn't!!!!
When I became natural , I wanted all the help I could get!

Also, I've been lurking for a couple of years, and I was always frustrated that I could get some of the ladies' Fotki passwords....I wanted to become a stalker and I couldn't!!!!
girl me too!lol i know how ya feel