How did he propose?

Ms. Feliz

New Member
How did your SO propose to you? For those who haven't been proposed to how have you dreamed that you would be proposed to?
He proposed to me on prom night. I went to the bathroom and asked him if he could take the pillows off of the bed. I came back to the bed and the gazillion pillows were still on the freaking bed. I was like uhhh I know you heard me ask if you could move the pillows? He told me to take them off myself and I was about to give him a serious side eye but I was so tired so I went ahead and did it. He had the ring placed behind about 3 pillows. I started to cry like nobody's business and he put it on my finger. :cry4:

I forgot to add that we were staying at a nice hotel that night because the prom was pretty far from where I lived. I felt like a whole new woman leaving the hotel the next day. :lachen:
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no disrespect to my hubbie. I love him to pieces and he is a real gentleman but.....

I had known my hubbie all of about a month and that would be stretching it. We had lunch in Percy Ingles ( a real old fashioned sandwich bar in the UK. ) I was doing my upmost to turn him off me (he was such a gentleman, real sweet. too sweet if you kn ow what I mean) so I wasn't bothered about meeting him anywhere posh. Anyway we had a chat and obviously my mind must have been elsewhere because for days after he kept saying, something along the lines of, (And just to say he's nigerian with a strong accent then, so there may have been a slight communication problem) "You have not responded to my proposal". I never knew what he was going on about and not being that interested in him, I always ignored him. After say the fifth time he said I realised what it mean. I found it hilarious. Not romantic but I'll never forget. He gets top marks for originality
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It was Christmas 2000 and DH took me to some pier (can't remember) and was like "C'mon, get out the car. I wanna show you something." I'm like "Hell no, it's freezing outside." I finally get out of the car and we start walking around on the pier (the only two dummies cause it's cold) and when I'm not looking he goes into his pocket, grabs a handful of change and drops it all on the ground. I'm still totally clueless at this moment and start helping him pick up the change. He pulls out the ring and asks.
It was Christmas 2000 and DH took me to some pier (can't remember) and was like "C'mon, get out the car. I wanna show you something." I'm like "Hell no, it's freezing outside." I finally get out of the car and we start walking around on the pier (the only two dummies cause it's cold) and when I'm not looking he goes into his pocket, grabs a handful of change and drops it all on the ground. I'm still totally clueless at this moment and start helping him pick up the change. He pulls out the ring and asks.

Girrrl I thought you were going to say that he threw the ring on the ground with the change. My face was literally :blush::blush: before I got to the next sentence. :lachen:
A few years ago when I was at Island of Adventures a man had a jet spell out "Marry me, Jessica?" in the sky. Everyone took pictures of it, it was so cute.
I glad you posted this topic. I wanted to start a topic about this the other day. I'm a waitress at a sushi bar and a couple got engaged at our restaurant on Saturday night. The fiance had the waiter bring out the ring on a plate (it was stuck into a peeled and decorated orange :lachen:). The woman said yes of course, but her face was like :perplexed. It was probably not what she'd imagine her fantasy proposal to be. My restaurant is like the Japanese equivalent of Applebee's. She was wearing a sweat shirt and some jeans. He could have at least took her to a fancy overpriced sushi restaurant. She would have at least been dressed a little nicer or something.

I know guys can be clueless and whatnot, but he could have at least called her mom/best friend for some romantic ideas. I'm glad my boyfriend checks with his sister before he does or buys me anything. I haven't been disappointed yet.
It was on Feb 18th 2010! I had a bad day at work and was barely listening to my SO tell me how beautiful I was and all that good stuff (he always tells me that kind of stuff) He asked me to marry him and for whatever reason I didnt take this as my "official" proposal so I said Of course I will baby, he then goes on to say he wishes he had my ring but to close my eyes he was gonna give me something silly and he hoped I would wear it. I of course tell him bring on the bread tie! I will marry u with just that and this fool slipped the prettiest ring ever on my finger! :) I love that guy!
It was on Feb 18th 2010! I had a bad day at work and was barely listening to my SO tell me how beautiful I was and all that good stuff (he always tells me that kind of stuff) He asked me to marry him and for whatever reason I didnt take this as my "official" proposal so I said Of course I will baby, he then goes on to say he wishes he had my ring but to close my eyes he was gonna give me something silly and he hoped I would wear it. I of course tell him bring on the bread tie! I will marry u with just that and this fool slipped the prettiest ring ever on my finger! :) I love that guy!

Awww. :love2:
We had gone to a jazz jam slam...whatever you call it...bunch of local jazz artists get together and perform. It's a free show they do the last Sunday of every month but this was the first month...September...and they take up donations for the arts academy my children attend and that I volunteer at. Anyway, during the show, they open the mic up to musicians that show up and are in the audience and a poet got up. Her name was "Gran Gran" and she says that she starts every reading with a tribute to her lover, her lover of 53 years, her husband of 50 years...and she recited this poem that brought tears to my eyes (I wish I had it where I could copy and paste it for you). eautiful and I was so moved. It was so b All these years and she and her husband still seem very much in love. Afterwards, FH and I were going down the street. He asked if I was okay and I told him that I was just touched and moved and hoped one day that someone would love me that way and that I could love someone like that and how beautiful it would be to have that poem recited at a wedding. He grabbed my hand, while still driving down the road, and said

"I love you like that. I have always loved you. I prayed for you and asked for you by name. I prayed to God to have you in my life again. Will you marry me?"

I said "what? are you serious? no, Quinton! you are not going to ask me to marry you riding down Elvis Presley Blvd! Where's the ring?"

He said "I have to have a ring to ask you to marry me?"

"No, but I have to have a ring if you expect me to tell anyone we're engaged" :look:

In January, I was moving some things around in the closet, he came in to help me and I saw a shiny on the tip of his pinky finger. I was like "Wait a minute. What's that?" "what are you talking about?" "don't play with me. you know what I'm talking about" "oh, this? yeah, it's a little something I got for you and I was debating on whether or not to give it to you now or wait until later" I was like "I'd say give it to me now!" "Are you sure you want it?" "well, why don't you let me try it on and see?" He took it off his pinky and put it on my finger. He says I stood there silent, speechless for severa l minutes...I dont remember that. I remember him saying "now can I ask you to marry me?" "yes" "will you marry me?" "of course I'll marry you"

We were still in the closet the whole time. I was trembling standing on top of this step-stool I use to reach the top shelf of the closet. I lost my balance. Tried to catch myself by grabbing the top shelf and brought the whole thing down. He caught me. It seems he does a lot of that lately
DH proposed on the beach late one night when we were in Cancun on vacation. Honestly, I was getting over a bad hangover, lol, so the night is somewhat blurry. I remember it took me a second to realize he was proposing. It was still my dream proposal though because the beach is both our favorite place to be.