Married and engaged ladies...

No signs. We knew when we started dating that it was for marriage so it was inevitable. The actual proposal was a complete shock... wasn't excepting it at that particular time.

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This is pretty much my story. We started our relationship with the understanding that we were dating for marriage. I knew about the rings and the fact that he was going to propose. He tricked me with the date. He told everybody and hinted to me that it would be that Christmas, but surprised me on his bday that October.
I'm in rainy Cali right now, spent Thanksgiving on the east coast. One of my friends brought me a belgian waffle iron for christmas and I'm going to make use of it in the morning. SO's going to love that... ;)
We talked about marriage often (mostly me initiating the convo) and like someone said upthread, we went ring shopping together. However I thought he was going to propose when I got back from Iraq in December but instead he asked when I came home for R&R in October. I was shocked even though I knew it was coming.
Weeks before he popped the question, he got super secretive (which he is not, obviously...:lol:)...and would disappear, w/out telling me where he was going.

Mine did the same thing. He was being sneaky all the sudden.

Yes I knew beforehand but that's just because he's a bad liar. I had an inkling 2 weeks before and thought he was going to ask that day. He was acting strange. Turned out he was at the store getting the ring sized. I was disappointed. 2 weeks later he started acting all weird again and I knew he would ask that evening. He did.

ETA: We looked at some rings maybe 3 or 4 months before hand so I figured it was coming.
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Oh no....:blush: Why did you think that?
I'm glad it was the opposite of what you thought.

Omg. Deets pls.

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We'd been together for four years, so we'd settled into the comfort zone, the "he sees me in the morning with eye crusts and morning breath" phase. He'd also seen my weight fluctuate from "hawt" to "nawt". There're more examples, but you get the picture. so the night he proposed he took me out to dinner at my favorite restaurant, which is rare since its a hike to get out there. He'd barely said two words to me the whole day, so I thought he was mad about something. then we went for a walk on a nearby beach and he still seemed off. Started talking about "are you happy with me?" and "what if I were no longer your boyfriend?".

Before he could finish, I said something like "Oh I see what's up. you take me out to dinner to soften me up and now you're breaking up. Nice move, son." Then he laughed, got down on his knee and whipped out a small black box. He says "babe, will you marry me?". I covered my face, I was so embarrassed. Then the waterworks started.
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^ Love love love it!!!!!

I want the proposal to be next year but at the same time I don't want to pressure or even give a deadline but he already knows I don't plan on waiting forever... A balancing act.
I do NOT want to be like Kenya lololol
My big sis got engaged last night! :grin:

Her SO asked for her ring size a few months ago so we knew it was coming.
Perfect timing of this thread seeing as how I got engaged this past Saturday :grin:

I was very surprised. Like MrsJaiDiva I wasn't surprised that he proposed b/c we had discussed rings but I was surprised at the timing. I thought it would be 3-6 months from now (after I handed in my dissertation or graduated).

Just a hint: He ordered white roses for our table in the restaurant. While we were eating a random middle aged white couple walks by is and the man is like "Oh, you guys engaged?" I'm like :look: It seemed so random. My boyfriend...well, I guess fiance now :grin: shook his head. Well, apparently white roses symbolize engagement. I didn't know this or else I might have suspected. I was completely and totally duped. The entire restaurant staff were in on it and I was totally clueless :lol:
^ Love love love it!!!!!

I want the proposal to be next year but at the same time I don't want to pressure or even give a deadline but he already knows I don't plan on waiting forever... A balancing act.
I do NOT want to be like Kenya lololol
sounds like we have the same thing going on. Long story short: He is marriage minded. I'm marriage minded. I can tell though that a big decisoin like this is extremely scary for him. and though i understand that I won't allow him to waste my time or string me along (which right now i don't feel he is doing). But with the way he has been reflecting as of late and doing other things I just wonder if this will be the year (2013)
My big sis got engaged last night! :grin:

Her SO asked for her ring size a few months ago so we knew it was coming.
that is awesome. she must be still very much over the moon :yep:

Perfect timing of this thread seeing as how I got engaged this past Saturday :grin:

I was very surprised. Like @MrsJaiDiva I wasn't surprised that he proposed b/c we had discussed rings but I was surprised at the timing. I thought it would be 3-6 months from now (after I handed in my dissertation or graduated).

Just a hint: He ordered white roses for our table in the restaurant. While we were eating a random middle aged white couple walks by is and the man is like "Oh, you guys engaged?" I'm like :look: It seemed so random. My boyfriend...well, I guess fiance now :grin: shook his head. Well, apparently white roses symbolize engagement. I didn't know this or else I might have suspected. I was completely and totally duped. The entire restaurant staff were in on it and I was totally clueless :lol:
Aww!!!!that is fantastic!!!! Congratulations lady :)

I don't think boo thang knows about the meaning of roses but I will be on the lookout :lol:
He was acting very antsy all week and when we got to the cabin he was very particular about everything being "just so".

It was so romantic, the best night of my life. :)