HOTs, Oil Rinses, Ends/Scalp Sealing Challenge 5/1/11- 8/31/11

My hair is getting soooo long!! Still using my coconut mix and my mainstay Shea butter mix with all the other oils. I will probably do a scalp scrub and wash this weekend.
Tonight I'm going to massage castor oil into my scalp and edges very well. Then i'm doing my hot oil treatment with coconut oil and leave it overnight and shampoo it off tommorrow morning. Then make a protein conditioner with olive oil,avocado and conditioner. I love the bolded oils, they're my life lol.
Dampen braids with rose-water,Ayurvedic JBCO mix on scalp,KBB Milk for moisture,Sealed with Walnut oil...

Happy Hair Growing!
Got an EVCO/EVOO HOT in my hair right now. I'm going to try the Zen Detox Hair & Scalp Therapy:

I have some residual scab hair in my crown that is growing out. The scab hairs have irregular "bumps" on the shaft of the hair and are incredibly rough and wiry. On some strands, this is growing out and is just on the ends at various heights on the strand. On others, they are still like this at the root. It makes sense to me that this could be from damaged follicles. I'm going to try this scalp detox, and I've been researching oils to help heal my scalp/follicles.
Got an EVCO/EVOO HOT in my hair right now. I'm going to try the Zen Detox Hair & Scalp Therapy:

I have some residual scab hair in my crown that is growing out. The scab hairs have irregular "bumps" on the shaft of the hair and are incredibly rough and wiry. On some strands, this is growing out and is just on the ends at various heights on the strand. On others, they are still like this at the root. It makes sense to me that this could be from damaged follicles. I'm going to try this scalp detox, and I've been researching oils to help heal my scalp/follicles.

My hair at my crown feels similar. I had never heard of scab hair or thought about my scalp being damaged :ohwell: I am working on healing my scalp as well. Please keep us updated on your scalp detox. Sounds interesting.
I did a scalp massage with my oil blend and then did a HOT with the CD's Lisa's Hair Elixir. Its supposed to stay in for 5 minutes but I decided to leave it in while I ate. Man does that stuff have a tingle. I actually applied shampoo and conditioned on dry hair. By the time I applied both, it felt like a hole was going to burn in my head. :lachen:

Oh!! :lol: Okay! I love that oil! :yep:

How do you like that Ipad? Did you get it in place of a laptop?

Brownie518, its nice because it smaller than laptop, and you can put it in you purse, but the downside is i take classes so can't do papers, adobe or pdf apple don't allow. I don't know if the ipad2 allows more but doubt it, apples want to charge you for everything. They offer stands, keyboard if I can do over and trade i would get a laptop.
Y'all, I am in LOVE with this Zen Scalp & Hair Detox Therapy! :love3:

So, I had left some EVCO to soak on my hair since yesterday, and then put some EVOO on my dry areas, did a scalp massage with EVOO (great cleansing oil) and baggied my dry areas & covered with a towel for like an hour or so.

I mixed the ZSHDT with water to a creamy mud, applied to my scalp & hair & massaged my scalp. Within a few minutes, my scalp felt like it was breathing fresh air. It just felt incredible!

After about 15 mins, I got into a hot bath, with candles, incense, bath oil, etc as she suggests (next time I'll get in sooner). I assume this is to open up the pores and for the steam. I closed the shower curtains to create a steamy chamber (opening them when it got too hot) and sipped on ice water. It was a wonderful, relaxing spa like experience. My skin was lightly sweating, and I could feel my scalp opening up. Aaaaahhhh….

I rinsed it out under warm water in the shower (it says to dip your head in the bath but I didn't want to do that). As I touched my scalp to gently massage it out, I said, out loud "Ohhhhh my god"…

My hair felt unbelievable! Clean, smooth, soooo soft, but strong, and it seemed to hang straighter/more stretched. I thought I knew what "clean but not stripped" meant before this. I didn't- THIS is it. My scalp felt clean and soft. I didn't use conditioner b/c my hair felt so great (will use it next time on dry areas), braided my hair, and airdryed in a towel, my scalp breathing contentedly underneath.

I kept lifting off my towel to feel my hair as it dried. It felt sooooo soft and brand new, like a baby's hair. My braids also looked very long- much longer than they usually look as I am airdrying. I've just put in my butters and oils, and braided it back up. The true test will be how it looks tomorrow and throughout the week (and it'll be months before I know if this helped my scab hair, if I can even tell), but I am already thrilled with this, and can't wait to do the next one!

By the way, this is the review that got me to try it:

I bought it off the Morocco Method site, and shipping was fast (maybe 2 days?):
Last night I pre-oiled my hair with coconut oil and put my conditioning cap on for an hr. Then I applied cassia which I prepared with bottled water and added some of BF Nourish scalp butter in the mix. After applying it I put my hair in two ponytails and applied a plastic conditioning cap and left on for about 2 hrs and cowashed off with Tresseme Naturals nourishing conditioner. My hair was so soft and moisturized after that I started not to deep condition, but I haven't in awhile so I deep conditioned with HV Sitrinillah under my steamer for 15 mins, rinsed and sealed in moisture with blue magic and braided it into two ponytails to air dry.

Today, I unbraided and lightly detangled with my fingers. I didn't do a thorough detangle just enough to stretch my hair a little as well as remove the rest of the shed hair. Then moisturized each section with Oyin hair dew and sealed with blue magic and put my hair in a bun. Hope to keep it like this for the next 2 days.
Y'all, I am in LOVE with this Zen Scalp & Hair Detox Therapy! :love3:

So, I had left some EVCO to soak on my hair since yesterday, and then put some EVOO on my dry areas, did a scalp massage with EVOO (great cleansing oil) and baggied my dry areas & covered with a towel for like an hour or so.

I mixed the ZSHDT with water to a creamy mud, applied to my scalp & hair & massaged my scalp. Within a few minutes, my scalp felt like it was breathing fresh air. It just felt incredible!

After about 15 mins, I got into a hot bath, with candles, incense, bath oil, etc as she suggests (next time I'll get in sooner). I assume this is to open up the pores and for the steam. I closed the shower curtains to create a steamy chamber (opening them when it got too hot) and sipped on ice water. It was a wonderful, relaxing spa like experience. My skin was lightly sweating, and I could feel my scalp opening up. Aaaaahhhh….

I rinsed it out under warm water in the shower (it says to dip your head in the bath but I didn't want to do that). As I touched my scalp to gently massage it out, I said, out loud "Ohhhhh my god"…

My hair felt unbelievable! Clean, smooth, soooo soft, but strong, and it seemed to hang straighter/more stretched. I thought I knew what "clean but not stripped" meant before this. I didn't- THIS is it. My scalp felt clean and soft. I didn't use conditioner b/c my hair felt so great (will use it next time on dry areas), braided my hair, and airdryed in a towel, my scalp breathing contentedly underneath.

I kept lifting off my towel to feel my hair as it dried. It felt sooooo soft and brand new, like a baby's hair. My braids also looked very long- much longer than they usually look as I am airdrying. I've just put in my butters and oils, and braided it back up. The true test will be how it looks tomorrow and throughout the week (and it'll be months before I know if this helped my scab hair, if I can even tell), but I am already thrilled with this, and can't wait to do the next one!

By the way, this is the review that got me to try it:

I bought it off the Morocco Method site, and shipping was fast (maybe 2 days?):

Thanks for that review. I might have to get some of that..:grin: