Help! Dating Advice For Those That Are Not Physically Attractive

Eh most of the time I'm barefaced. I like wearing make up but don't think it's a necessity. To me make up is just a fun thing to do when I feel like it.
Just want to be clear that I'm not anti-makeup. I just don't need makeup...if I put it on, it's because I love makeup. But I feel just as beautiful in my bare skin.
anything you do to better yourself is enhancing. That can be said about makeup, or the clothes you choose to wear.

Let me guess... you go without make up and dress like a dude, and your man loves it right cause your beauty shines through it all. Ok. I got it now. :)

I don't dress like a dude. I go without makeup bc I don't need to wear makeup. I asked my dude if he had a problem with it and he said no. And like I said earlier if he took issue with it, he would say something. Trust he has pulled my card on a few issues.
yes. some, IME, a lot do.

I'll share a secret I discussed with my guy friends back in the day when I dated women: you never go after the baddest chick in the room unless you KNOW you can compete. Men are insecure. At least most men are. The ones that arent are supreme narcissists usually with big balls and pockets to match. Furthermore, nothing hurts the ego more than losing a chick to someone else. As follows, when it comes to gettin married, barefaced chicks have an advantage. It's not because they are better women or more quality either. :look:

One more secret about my own experience, my last gf was a femme. Low-key super chill chick barefaced, she started taking hints from me, wearing makeup and dressing up: I broke up with that b*sh :lachen: Mind you, that was my longest relationship to date. I knew who the initial prize was the same time, I'll keep it real, I *technically* cheated on her twice (although I feel only married people are qualified a cheating). Once with a better looked uber femme hetero chick and lastly with the ex-FH who had swag for days. :look:. For me I thought she was boring and her look didnt spark the libido. She was faithful tho, I dodnt have to worry about losing her or having to compete and she worshipped the ground i walked on <---yea folks can go ahead an crucify me, i dont care....

I know some barefaced chicks that will cheat all day errday lol.
I know some barefaced chicks that will cheat all day errday lol.

not the point i was trying to make.

you notice that most men of status or means end up with wives that are glam or at least wear makeup. Barefaced is the opposite of a trophy wife. Trophy wife is associated with "value." That said, it's no shocker once bare natural faced and styled Savannah Brinson now walks around made-up and fashionably styled a'la Adrienne Bosh.....Lebron increased in value and she had to figure out how to increase HER value as well.....
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Bey doesnt need makeup yet she wears it often

Her facial skin is pretty damn flawless

I think it's weird when people thing those who wear makeup NEED it.

could just be some oof us just enjoy wearing it

Makeup is fun *shrugs*

Ok Im done for real. I aint letting yall suck me into this whirlwind again

That's why I wanted to clarify that I do love makeup. I've seen women who Need makeup, and I've seen women who don't. But for me personally, I wear makeup because I love wearing it...and I tend to impulse buy tons of it, so I always have makeup in every single bag I own. That's saying a lot. Most of the time I go around barefaced though...cause I can. That doesn't mean that a woman who is always in full face needs to be...her reasons are entirely her own, and I'm not shading any makeup users. I just feel fully confident in my bare faced appearance.
not the point i was trying to make.

you notice that most men of status or means end up with wives that are glam or at least wear makeup. Barefaced is the antithesis of a trophy wife. Trophy wife is associated with "value." That said, it's no shocker once bare natural faced and styled Savannah Brinson now walks around made-up and fashionably styled a'la Adrienne Bosh.....Lebron increased in value and she had to figure out how to increase HER value as well.....

That could be bc she had people in her ear all the time talking about you need makeup. If you keep having people beat down your self esteem saying you look like **** without makeup and how a grown woman needs to wear makeup, eventually you might think they are telling the truth, even though they aren't.
I don't think makeup is a necessity but dammit, it helps. I know several women who don't want to admit this. IMO wearing makeup is a part of being an adult woman. Would they not comb their hair before going to work? Go in with wrinkled clothes. Never. Why then do some women rail against a little makeup?

Most of the women that I know now and grew up with (family, friends, associates, co-workers etc.) do not wear makeup. And they are just fine with that. Its really weird for me to hear statements like the bolded above. (And I'm sorry but you can't equate it with not combing your hair or wrinkled clothes).

I just started to be interested in wearing makeup. And like most of my random hobbies I went full force. Its fun and I like the look. But I could just as easily not wear it. (I actually noticed that wearing it made me less satisfied with my natural look-almost got dependant and so had to get ahold of myself). My DH abhors it but tolerates it (I never wore it while we dated or the first 5 yrs of marriage). No he didn't settle lol...I was the prize.

I can agree that make-up can really help in certain areas and as I stated before I love having that option. But I do not believe that it is a must. Whats so hard about understanding that some women do not want to indulge in make-up...just like some women don't want to wear weaves...but somehow weave is not viewed as "necessary".
That could be bc she had people in her ear all the time talking about you need makeup. If you keep having people beat down your self esteem saying you look like **** without makeup and how a grown woman needs to wear makeup, eventually you might think they are telling the truth, even though they aren't.

whatever the reason, makeup won and she now sees more importance/value in wearing makeup and the detriment to not wearing it.
I'm floored that people can't be happy with what they got, but always have to "enhance" their beauty. I could say more about the "enhanced" beauty but like you I don't want to get banned.

I'm not trying to be funny but do you remove hair from your body? I feel item the same thing. Its a preference. Neither has anything to do with being happy with yourself.
I'm not trying to be funny but do you remove hair from your body? I feel item the same thing. Its a preference. Neither has anything to do with being happy with yourself.

Yes. I wax/shave all the necessary spots :look:
why would I be mad?

I know you cant help yourself and MUST be the opposite of everything

aint no one taking your arse seriously. :lol:

Probably in Suffrages getting a makeover right now typing all this gibberish

Chile boo
I'm floored that people can't be happy with what they got, but always have to "enhance" their beauty. I could say more about the "enhanced" beauty but like you I don't want to get banned.

You mean like how women who enhance their beauty get ahead in the workplace faster than women who don't? And are perceived to be more professional?

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:lol: ok see same thing.

How is that the same? If you don't shave or wax, that's between you and your man. I couldn't care less and wouldn't spend 3 pgs on a forum trying to convince you otherwise, by attacking your self esteem.
why would I be mad?

I know you cant help yourself and MUST be the opposite of everything

aint no one taking your arse seriously. :lol:

Probably in Suffrages getting a makeover right now typing all this gibberish

Chile boo

I don't have to be the opposite of everything. If there was a waxing thread I would agree waxing is better, however if you don't wax that's up to you. Shave away. I'm natural, but if you are permed go ahead. Perm your hair to your hearts content. I even will put on the perm for you. I don't date outside my race. But if you do I'll be happy for you and toast you at your wedding. I don't eat beef or pork, but hey if you do that's good. I'll even buy it for you and cook it. Can't taste it to make sure it taste good though I don't eat it.
Well the consensus seems to be ... It's according to "dey man"....

That's how it always is. I remember a while back I mentioned how I brought this topic up on FB about not listening to men who claim they don't like makeup. This one girl came in on the defensive talking about her man this, her man that. Then went on to talk about how she is pregnant with his 3rd child, so she would know what he likes :perplexed

I don't doubt that a man can appreciate a bare face, the fact that his woman can lounge around makeup-less and still look good to him. But I also don't doubt that that SAME man can appreciate a woman who knows how to fix herself up as well. That SAME man can appreciate the look his woman has when she's winding down for the night, going to the gym, doing work around the house, doing a sport activity with him, going out on a date night, going to an event, a night on the town, etc. It doesn't have to be either or, and that's what people fail to realize.
No one NEEDS to wax their pubes but no one goes crazy when people suggest they should.

eyeliner though? crazy talk