Heat Training Support Thread

Team Crisco!!!!!

You got that right!

After lurking on boards such as this since I decided to stop
relaxing my hair in June 2007, I had become increasingly
afraid to use any heat on my hair. I was thinking all
the progress I was making would just fry up and dry up, lol.

Then I read a post from MyAngelEyez where she posted the
video I included above. 'Angels' sang and I was brought back
in time :lol: . There I was in my friend Tracy's kitchen back
in the 70's - watching her grandma using Crisco straight out
the can. No heat protectant. Tracy's hair was always beautiful
and long and thick.

Then I remembered I too had long thick hair. My mama used
that Ultra Sheen Creme Satin press. No heat protectant. My
hair was always past my shoulders back then because my mom
kept it to that length. She couldn't handle three girls on a
Saturday with super long hair.

Pressing my hair is such a job I've only done it once and that
was back in December and I only used the Crisco. No heat
protectant sssshhhhh please don't tell the HP police!! :grin:

I was planning on pressing once a month to heat train but my
son said something to me that changed my mind. He said he
loved the way my hair curls up like his and the way it gets
so big. When I straightened it he asked me if I had heat damage
LOL (son of a hair addict) and when was I gonna wash it to find

So maybe I'll stick to straightening for length checks for now...
just had an awesome press last night!
i dc'ed all day with some coconut oil, the last of a bottle of scurl, some aphogee 2 min, and suave clarifying conditioner:lachen: (i'm just trying to use up stuff while i wait on this dang refund to hurry up and come!) rinsed that out, and used my tresemme heat tamer spray (won't repurchase), sat under the tabletop dryer as usual (on low).

i did turn the heat up this time too because i want to speed the process. i can't wait until i only have to do the roots! instead of 320, i set the dial to between 320 and 400 (any izunami users know the temp scale?)

at first, i wasn't happy 'cause my hair seemed greasy (from the dc?) so there was smoke coming up. but no hair burned off, so i guess i'm ok. wrapped it to the best of my worst ability:lol:

today it looks really nice. my growth is getting uneven, and my ends look rough, but i don't have a date with shears til May, so they better lay down and hush:lol: PIC TIME! (oh, the fro pic is after i put the dc on relaxer-style)


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saw brittany's pitch for her new book on her website. sounds interesting, but i'm scared about the "get final results in 1 pass" thing.

i know heat training is essentially heat damage and blah blah blah, but that's kinda pushing my own limits. it would be just my luck that i'd burn a patch of hair off.
Crisco.... :blush:
*checks if I have it*
YAY!..I do.. must have been on sale..:rolleyes:
I use to use avocado oil to press but I don't have it anymore. I'm going to try some crisco I liked pressing with oils.

I recently tried apex pressing oil.. ..well I think i used way too much.. how much are you guys using?
Crisco.... :blush:
*checks if I have it*
YAY!..I do.. must have been on sale..:rolleyes:
I use to use avocado oil to press but I don't have it anymore. I'm going to try some crisco I liked pressing with oils.

I recently tried apex pressing oil.. ..well I think i used way too much.. how much are you guys using?

i use a tiny amount.i lightly tap the top of it and use the residue on my finger. if you dip you are using too much...i must be using the crisco wrong becuase when i used it my hair felt very oily . i initially used it the same way as my apex and felt like i had added nothing so i added some more and my hair was oily to the touch.:sad: there must be a trick to it.

i definitely like pressing my hair with oil better. i think of it as a "catalyst" to straightening the hair. it lowers the activation energy required to remove the kink from the hair:dork: my avatar is a light press with palmers oil (mostly soybean,sesame and safflow oil)and it came out very swangy. if i had used a little higher temp i could have gone bone straight.(i straighted at 300!)it had more swang then my apex:look: but it didnt last as long
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Crisco.... :blush:
*checks if I have it*
YAY!..I do.. must have been on sale..:rolleyes:
I use to use avocado oil to press but I don't have it anymore. I'm going to try some crisco I liked pressing with oils.

I recently tried apex pressing oil.. ..well I think i used way too much.. how much are you guys using?


Same here, chica. Re Crisco, I used just a tap of one fingertip and
spread that over the other fingertips with my thumb.

I mimicked what I saw MyAngelEyez doing in the video. The
only difference was that she used a flat iron and I used
an electric pressing comb.

My hair did come out on the oily side but nothing so bad
where I was getting residue everywhere. It wasn't stiff or
anything, just soft. I set in bantu knots each night. It stayed
shiny and soft for 10 days until I missed my nappyness and

I'd love to know how it turns out for you.
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I used the electric pressing comb when I first went natural. They dont get hot enough for my hair. Even on the highest heat, my hair looks like a blow out and reverts very fast. I still have 2 of them, probably time to sell

Yup same here. I cannot get my hair silky straight with an electric pressing comb.:nono:

Same here!!! I have a Soft & Silky electric pressing comb and it goes up to either 450 or 500 degrees. I've put it on the highest setting before and used it on my hair. As soon as I went outside... :afro: :grin:
I may have to try Crisco.

Do y'all use the Crisco before blowdrying your hair too???


:yep: , I did. I used the tension method on low and only
until damp. Then I twisted/bantu-knotted in 6 sections to
keep the ends protected and so that my hair wouldn't totally
dry out. Each knot was soft and shiny as I took them down
to press.

It was the first time I pressed with the Crisco so I'm thinking
using it before blow drying then using a tap rubbed across my
fingers then down the hair may have been more than enough.

Next time, and I really don't know when that'll be, I think
I may use a heat protectant to blow dry like AngelEyez's daughter
did and apply the Crisco only while straightening.

I hope that makes sense.
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Thanks Kiki0130! I've been looking for something else to use on my hair before blowdrying it. I've been using the Mane N Tail Conditioner to get rid of it, but it leaves my hair feeling somewhat dry/straw-like for some reason. However, using the Ultra Sheen Satin Creme Pres before flat-ironing has been great...gives moisture and shine! :yep:
Thanks Kiki0130! I've been looking for something else to use on my hair before blowdrying it. I've been using the Mane N Tail Conditioner to get rid of it, but it leaves my hair feeling somewhat dry/straw-like for some reason. However, using the Ultra Sheen Satin Creme Pres before flat-ironing has been great...gives moisture and shine! :yep:


lol, I bet it does. Sometimes I get all confused reading about
all these newfangled specialized products. More often than not
I find my hair is left with that dry feeling.

Also, don't quote me on this, but I could almost swear that the
Mane and Tale has some protein that could case that feeling.
But don't we need the strenthening anyway? I squirted some
Infusium 23 Leave In Original on my soaking wet hair before I
wrapped it in a tee shirt to soak up the drippies.

After most of dripping stopped, that's when I applied some
Crisco and bantu-knotted the 6 sections to keep them from drying
completely out. As I let down each section to blow dry to damp,
they felt good. I put each of them right back up.

Then when I took each one down to press, same soft hair.
It's not easy getting my hair to feel that way during prolonged

I have to say, though, I'm learning a couple important lessons.

1. Some old school products endure because they produce great

2. Products like Crisco to press and cook with serving double or
triple duty (started using it on my face too) are amazin' :yep:

I've learned more stuff but these are the lessons that actually
apply to this thread :look:

If you use the Crisco, remember, not so much. Either before
blowdrying or during the straightening is my recommendation.
Trial and error like everything else.

(Thought I would share that I started pressing my hair during
the day when my son was in school. I was still at it when he
came home. He ran straight to the kitchen and then to me
in the bathroom wanting to know where the pancakes were.
He said it smelled like pancakes, lmbo smh...)
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Same here!!! I have a Soft & Silky electric pressing comb and it goes up to either 450 or 500 degrees. I've put it on the highest setting before and used it on my hair. As soon as I went outside... :afro: :grin:

its not the heat that gets the hair straight. its the technique and product. i tried to do a dry press(leave in conditioner only) with my pressing comb on the lowest setting and my hair would not straighten at all. i put a lil pressing on and the hair smoothed out like butter. viva la pressing oil:look:
Thanks @Kiki0130! I've been looking for something else to use on my hair before blowdrying it. I've been using the Mane N Tail Conditioner to get rid of it, but it leaves my hair feeling somewhat dry/straw-like for some reason. However, using the Ultra Sheen Satin Creme Pres before flat-ironing has been great...gives moisture and shine! :yep:

i tried the mane n tail as a leave in before straightening and it made my hair very heavy:sad: zero swang!

lol, I bet it does. Sometimes I get all confused reading about
all these newfangled specialized products. More often than not
I find my hair is left with that dry feeling.

Also, don't quote me on this, but I could almost swear that the
Mane and Tale has some protein that could case that feeling.
But don't we need the strenthening anyway? I squirted some
Infusium 23 Leave In Original on my soaking wet hair before I
wrapped it in a tee shirt to soak up the drippies.

After most of dripping stopped, that's when I applied some
Crisco and bantu-knotted the 6 sections to keep them from drying
completely out. As I let down each section to blow dry to damp,
they felt good. I put each of them right back up.

Then when I took each one down to press, same soft hair.
It's not easy getting my hair to feel that way during prolonged

I have to say, though, I'm learning a couple important lessons.

1. Some old school products endure because they produce great

2. Products like Crisco to press and cook with serving double or
triple duty (started using it on my face too) are amazin' :yep:

I've learned more stuff but these are the lessons that actually
apply to this thread :look:

If you use the Crisco, remember, not so much. Either before
blowdrying or during the straightening is my recommendation.
Trial and error like everything else.

(Thought I would share that I started pressing my hair during
the day when my son was in school. I was still at it when he
came home. He ran straight to the kitchen and then to me
in the bathroom wanting to know where the pancakes were.
He said it smelled like pancakes, lmbo smh...)

i tried the mane n tail as a leave in before straightening and it made my hair very heavy:sad: zero swang!

Are you guys referring to the Mane 'N Tail Deep Moisturizing Conditioner? If so, I hate that stuff! There was nothing moisturizing about it. It made my hair feel like straw.
Those of you trying the crisco, just swipe your finger across the surface so your finger looks oily or shiny, and that should be enough to add per section before flatironing/pressing.
how long does the crisco and/or satin creme press keep your hair moisturized?

Hi me-T

Hmmm, that's a tricky one. I kept my straight hair for 10 days and
set them in bantu knots nightly. I used S-Curl No Drip and sealed
with my usual olive oil for my ends only. After a couple days, when
I took them down, I just rubbed some olive oil down each section for
shine/protection and fluffed it out. Still, nightly, I used the S-Curl/olive
oil for my ends.

All of that to say I'm not sure how long the Crisco kept the moisture
in because I threw a little olive oil into the routine.
me-T, I straightend my hair last Saturday, and washed it out last night, and mine stayed soft/moisturized that entire time. I think I moisturized my ends with curl activator/moisturizer monday evening, but that was more due to habit than need.
you used s curl while it was pressed? my hair wish i would! lol

LOL, o snap! Only for the ends at night when I set the
bantu knots and just a touch! I was so paranoid about
using a blowdryer and hot comb that I became obsessed
about my ends drying out :lol:.

By morning they were fine. I wasn't wearing my hair
straight down with a precision cut. The press was mainly
so I could impress myself with how my hair had grown.

I like my hair big so the bantu knots gave me the opportunity
to still have relatively big hair.

I'm not big on pictures and I'm kind of a loner but I do have
some pics that I took so I can kind of keep track. I'm not
very good at it and should try harder, lol. You can find my
online album and password in my profile if you want to see
a little of what I've been talking about.
how long does the crisco and/or satin creme press keep your hair moisturized?


Haven't tried Crisco yet, but that Ultra Sheen Creme Satin Pres keeps my hair moisturized and soft for about 1-2 weeks I believe. When wearing it straightened, it keeps my hair from reverting.

There was one time I tried Ultra Sheen Creme Satin Pres on a twistout or bantu-knot-out and my hair was very moisturized and shiny. I did not have to reapply it for days.
Hi me-T

Hmmm, that's a tricky one. I kept my straight hair for 10 days and
set them in bantu knots nightly. I used S-Curl No Drip and sealed
with my usual olive oil for my ends only. After a couple days, when
I took them down, I just rubbed some olive oil down each section for
shine/protection and fluffed it out. Still, nightly, I used the S-Curl/olive
oil for my ends.

All of that to say I'm not sure how long the Crisco kept the moisture
in because I threw a little olive oil into the routine.

you used s curl while it was pressed? my hair wish i would! lol

My EXACT thoughts me-T! If I used S-Curl on my straightened hair ends, they would revert and curl up with a quickness!