Well-Known Member
Hello LHCF ladies,
There is a few days I send this mail to Brittanny and I'm so happy to hear that she thinks it's a good idea:
When I read it again I realize that I sound a bit harshbut all I said in this message I read it on the web when I searched for information about heat training.
I was shocked by the "you try to fool people around" blah blah... I don't believe that heat trained ladies do this on this purpose really.
Until today, all the heat trained ladies speak freely about their true hair texture.
Sooo, you dont have to be a heat trainers, you don't have to be a heat lovers... Just be CREATIVE!
and yes you can be natural, relaxed,texturized, texlaxed, bkted or bald too!
(I know we will have some "frylaxing" lol but hey, it's part of the game!)
LHCF is one of the best place to ask because on this board ladies are educated and open minded!
The following words have been proposed:
heatlax, thermal texturizing, thermal straightening , Mechanical Loosening, neo press, helax , thermalaxing....
And many more! You can read them all here:
YouTube - Broadcast Yourself.
They are in the comment section.
ok ok...
The mic is open...
This is a funny thread. I, of course, understand what you mean perfectly. I have received many great ideas from subscribers. Again, I think this is a great idea and will serve its purpose in time and make it easier to people to find the information that they seek. Thank you again on the great suggestion. I haven't decided what to call it yet but I do have some great ideas. Please feel free to send me anymore suggestions.