He that findeth a wife.....


Well-Known Member
findeth a good thing!

Im engaged!! :grin::grin::grin:

He proposed on New Year's Eve!! :yahoo: :yahoo: :yahoo:

Here's the story:

On mid-morning of New Year's eve, my BF told that we would be going out some where but did not tell me where. The only clue I received was that I needed to dress warm and that we needed to pack a lunch. So my initial thought was that we were going on a carriage ride.

We picked up lunch of subs and the fixings and headed off to our destination. However, when we pulled up to the intended destination I was like :look: this isnt a carriage ride!! :lol: But I was game either way. Instead of the carriage ride I had contrived in my mind, we arrived at a Nature Reserve.

We got out of the car and headed in. He is adorned with a backpack and a professional camera. None of this alarmed me because we've had dates like before. He begins to take pictures of different things we encountered along our walk. He then turns the camera on me and tells me to to pose for several pictures. I tell him that he is gonna have a camera full of picture of me, he exclaims that this is the point. :rolleyes: With each new entity that catches our eye, we take turns capturing pictures of it and each other.

As we continue our walk, he begins to look as though he is searching for something and eventually walks off the trails through the brush of the reserve. I was not happy about this because I was beginning to question just where he was taking me. :sekret: He noticed my discomfort and tells me that we are searching for a place that not many people find out there and that we HAD to find it. He mentioned that place was one of the buildings burned by Gen. Sherman on his march during the civil war and the only thing left standing is the ruins of this old building. After hearing this, I was all set to help find it too.

After asking a couple of people and him getting his baring, we finally spot the old building and it was unbelievably breath-taking!!! There we see the river rapids and a small trickling waterfall and the amazing stone masonry of the building. I am so ecstatic at the panoramic view that I stand and marvel at the majestic vista; trying to capture as many pictures as I can. We climb into the old ruin of the building and he asks if I have ever done a New Year's resolution. I scoff and say that I don't really do them. He agrees that he doesn't either but suggests that we should. I agree. He suggests that we record it. I agree reluctantly and tell him to go first. He has me test out the sound level of the camera. After that we are all set to record our resolutions. He starts by resolving to grow closer to God in the new year, and to work harder to reach his goals. He turns to me and says that he also wants to nurture our relationship more and he tells me that I am the love of his life. He then says that there was something that he always wanted to ask me. He removes his glove, pulls out a ring box and gets down on one knee. I could only ask repeatedly if he was serious and :cry: :crying3: :cry: :crying3: I finally said YES!! :grin:

I truly love everything about this man. He is my best friend. Even the things I don't like about him, I couldn't imagine those quirks coming from anyone else. He exudes so many Christ-like characteristics, its hard not to love him.

He has continuously showed me how a woman should be treated. He is selfless, compassionate, a LISTENER and very observant. He has always catered to his mom, sisters, family, & strangers so I knew then that he would know how to treat me. He always showers me with his love, support, adoration and prayers. God has remained the center of our relationship and my SO continues to exude Christian values by his "fruit." I am so happy that he asked me to be his wife. I couldn't imagine it any other way.
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This is so beautiful! Congrats! May you have a strong and loving marriage and may Christ be always at the head of your household.
Dang, why did I read this and start tearing up?? Maybe I had too much wine tonight? lol. I am sooo happy for you and your fiance. Both of you are truly good people and soon...you two will be husband and wife! You deserve him. Love you, girl.
Dang, why did I read this and start tearing up?? Maybe I had too much wine tonight? lol. I am sooo happy for you and your fiance. Both of you are truly good people and soon...you two will be husband and wife! You deserve him. Love you, girl.

:lol: Awww! ellebelle88, I know your tears come from love girly!! :hug3: Thank you so much!
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You need yo write a novel! That story was beautiful. Now I want to see the ruins. I think I got lost imagining the scene than the proposal.
Best wishes to you and may he keep his New Years resolutions!

I love love!!!!
Congrats delitefulmane!! Now go post this in the Christian forum We need stories like this!!! You may also add pics lol Seriously that was truly beautiful to read and well planned! I would've been fooled to lol
That was so purty and special. Congrats and I wish you both all the happiness in the world plus a batch of kids! LOL
Girl that story had me straight tearing up. Isn't it a great feeling when you find the man who GOD put on this earth specifically for you? Your story is a testament that real men do exist and they ARE looking for wives. Congrats to you and your now FH!!