He Doesn't Eat Out.

Also, how does this work in the beginning of a relationship when you would presumably not be going to each other's houses?

Is he trying to get women over to his place with the whole "I don't eat out" thing because home environments are more likely to lead to sex?

Now I'm suspicious :look:

That could very well be the case. I won't be going to his house. Last night he asked me to meet him at Chillis for a drink. He wanted to see me, but I was going to a new sports bar for dinner and drinks with friends. I couldn't invite him, since we were planning to eat there. o_O
He might have something to hide or want to hide the woman he is dating
Social Anxiety is a possibility but the dating stages is where your representative is supposed to sell your best points. The true colors shine later :lachen:

How can anyone date him if he dont like eating out?
OP this is a red flag your lifestyles dont match up at all. Don't settle!
He looks ok. He's tall, brown, bald, wear glasses and keeps in shape. Maybe I should look into this further instead of dismissing him for not eating out. Sounds like he'll cook for me. Thanks.

If you're in shape you don't eat out a lot because you can't control what others put in their food. Its a lifestyle not about dieting. Unless eating out is the only activity you do while dating figure out what you do have in common or if this is a waste of time.

Some West Indian men that can cook will do it all the time so your not cooking may not be a deal breaker but he will not want to eat out on the regular. Its not about being cheap. That doesn't mean he will never go on vacation or ever go to restaurant but there is a wide gap between once in a while for a special occasion and 3-4 times a week.

Eating out all of the time would be a turn off for me. Nobody has time for all those calories. Its bikini season.
maybe he just means that in a normal week, he eats only food that he has cooked. If he is very much into watching what he eats, this makes sense. And I marvel at my co-workers that are always complaining about being broke but purchase lunch and breakfast every day. i think that i would think the same if my college age kids on a budget, and with an available kitchen, were getting take out, instead of cooking.

But it may just be my age and that I'm old and cranky :lol: I mean I eat at restaurants, but during a normal typical week i eat at home,rather than eat out or get take out.
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Call a spade a spade! He's CHEAP!

Exactly. That was the first thing that came to mind. OP, what are his favorite dishes to cook? Are his recipes run-of-the-mill?

Oh yea my dad is kind of like this too, so I know what this is like. He is an amazing cook though and will spend the money to get what I want, but is otherwise unbelievably cheap, controlling and inflexible.

Same here, my father is the same way, but he doesn't like to cook at all, (just likes to complain about when the food isn't ready when he's ready to eat). :mad:

Hmm. Well I'm guessing since he said he only likes biking on the trails and movies he is not the kind of guy who even would do most of those things for fun. The other poster that said y'all would probably just be camping and staying at peoples houses for weekend getaways is probably right. This doesn't sound like the guy who is going to want to do those types of things. I just know I would hate that kind of setup but you seem pretty determined so date him and see where it goes.

OP, I'm curious as to what he exactly does for fun. And I saw the post about him wanting the daughter to cook at home too. Another controlling aspect. Since he has a daughter, I'm assuming that he's in his mid-40's/50's and at that age, they're pretty hard to change. I wouldn't pursue this one, but if you do keep us updated.
Nawl ya'll, this ain't got nothin' to do with saving calories. He cheap!

Dh and I both cook - and we've made a pact to cook more at home. BUT, we still eat out. I like being taken out to eat. Dh like finding new restaurants for us to try. I like grabbing a bite on the way home after running errands all day.
Exactly. That was the first thing that came to mind. OP, what are his favorite dishes to cook? Are his recipes run-of-the-mill?

Same here, my father is the same way, but he doesn't cook at all, (just likes to complain about when the food isn't ready when he's ready to eat). :mad:

OP, I'm curious as to what he exactly does for fun. And I saw the post about him wanting the daughter to cook at home too. Another controlling aspect. Since he has a daughter, I'm assuming that he's in his mid-40's/50's and at that age, they're pretty hard to change. I wouldn't pursue this one, but if you do keep us updated.

He likes to cook chicken, fish, veggies, rice, alfredo pasta, but he'll cook other stuff that folks eat that he doesnt. He doesnt eat beef or pork, like alot of folks. His meals sounded pretty basic to me. He doesn't seem flexible. I don't plan to pursue him.
Girl, I ran in here ready to tell you "now you know what you need to do." :laugh:

Anyway, have you tried scouting some mom-and-pop restaurants to dine at? If it's not a chain restaurant and has a more homely atmosphere, he may not feel so adverse to it, since it's only once a week or so.
He likes to cook chicken, fish, veggies, rice, alfredo pasta, but he'll cook other stuff that folks eat that he doesnt. He doesnt eat beef or pork, like alot of folks. His meals sounded pretty basic to me. He doesn't seem flexible. I don't plan to pursue him.
I don't eat pork or beef and that has never stopped me from eating out--even at steakhouses. :look:
HELL NAH!!!!! Here is exactly what you need to do:
1. Prep seven days beforehand, drinking exclusively cranberry and pineapple juice.
2. Show your pumpum some love, trim her, oil it up, you know all that good good.
3. You need to get him to fall asleep and then take your panties off and straddle his face and hold on to dear life!!! He gonna wake up like an angry bull and try and knock you off! Hell nah!!! Ride those waves like a pro OP!

4. You don't get off till your pumpum gets what it came for!!
5. Get off.
6. He gonna be beggin for more talmbout "Girl that juice was to good!!"
7. This is super important: Cut him the F*** OFF! ( you don't want someone in your life that ever said he don't eat out smdh, bringing bad vibes to your pumpum)
8. You've now done a service to the world cause he gonna be tasting every pumpum that he can trying to get that delicious flavor...but it will never be the same.
HELL NAH!!!!! Here is exactly what you need to do:
1. Prep seven days beforehand, drinking exclusively cranberry and pineapple juice.
2. Show your pumpum some love, trim her, oil it up, you know all that good good.
3. You need to get him to fall asleep and then take your panties off and straddle his face and hold on to dear life!!! He gonna wake up like an angry bull and try and knock you off! Hell nah!!! Ride those waves like a pro OP!

4. You don't get off till your pumpum gets what it came for!!
5. Get off.
6. He gonna be beggin for more talmbout "Girl that juice was to good!!"
7. This is super important: Cut him the F*** OFF! ( you don't want someone in your life that ever said he don't eat out smdh, bringing bad vibes to your pumpum)
8. You've now done a service to the world cause he gonna be tasting every pumpum that he can trying to get that delicious flavor...but it will never be the same.

I see you didn't read the thread. LMAOOOOO.
HELL NAH!!!!! Here is exactly what you need to do:
1. Prep seven days beforehand, drinking exclusively cranberry and pineapple juice.
2. Show your pumpum some love, trim her, oil it up, you know all that good good.
3. You need to get him to fall asleep and then take your panties off and straddle his face and hold on to dear life!!! He gonna wake up like an angry bull and try and knock you off! Hell nah!!! Ride those waves like a pro OP!

4. You don't get off till your pumpum gets what it came for!!
5. Get off.
6. He gonna be beggin for more talmbout "Girl that juice was to good!!"
7. This is super important: Cut him the F*** OFF! ( you don't want someone in your life that ever said he don't eat out smdh, bringing bad vibes to your pumpum)
8. You've now done a service to the world cause he gonna be tasting every pumpum that he can trying to get that delicious flavor...but it will never be the same.

At first I thought this was your way of teaching him a lesson like "Oh u can't take me out to eat huh? U like to eat at home huh? Well eat THIS!!!" and I was like well damn....Then I realized you didn't read the OP
:lachen: :lachen:
HELL NAH!!!!! Here is exactly what you need to do:
1. Prep seven days beforehand, drinking exclusively cranberry and pineapple juice.
2. Show your pumpum some love, trim her, oil it up, you know all that good good.
3. You need to get him to fall asleep and then take your panties off and straddle his face and hold on to dear life!!! He gonna wake up like an angry bull and try and knock you off! Hell nah!!! Ride those waves like a pro OP!

4. You don't get off till your pumpum gets what it came for!!
5. Get off.
6. He gonna be beggin for more talmbout "Girl that juice was to good!!"
7. This is super important: Cut him the F*** OFF! ( you don't want someone in your life that ever said he don't eat out smdh, bringing bad vibes to your pumpum)
8. You've now done a service to the world cause he gonna be tasting every pumpum that he can trying to get that delicious flavor...but it will never be the same.

Wait, but not with that Obama gif with him dipping his cookies in milk below!! LMAOOO
SuchaLady said:
Is he black? :look:
@SuchaLady Yes, he's black. He is Panamanian. He was born and raised in the US.

We Panamanians do eat out on occasion. It could be that he doesn't eat from just anyone (my father was particular about where he ate and who cooked for him).

@LiftedUp he said that he loves to cook and is a good cook. He can cook anything, however, he was very interested in how often I cook and what I like to cook. He didnt seem to like the fact that I eat out several times a week. Its hard to call if he will cook for me or he wants me to cook for him. From his questions, I'd say both.

He likes to cook chicken, fish, veggies, rice, alfredo pasta, but he'll cook other stuff that folks eat that he doesnt. He doesnt eat beef or pork, like alot of folks. His meals sounded pretty basic to me. He doesn't seem flexible. I don't plan to pursue him.

Is he on a special diet so that he can't eat certain things? I have food allergies but even I eat out every so often. It seems that any woman who would get involved with him either has to eat before seeing him or wait until after the date to eat.
My bad OP! Your title got me so irritated I wrote without reading. Anyway that was a PSA for all :toocool:

For eating out (food) it's not a big deal. Here is what I would do:
1. Go out on an "other" date, movies, hiking whatever.
2. Afterwards say "I'm famished! I know of a wonderful restaurant, let's go sit down"
3. He'll say something like "Nah you know I don't eat out.."
4. And then you can politely say "But you know I don't eat in. :)"
Which is as ridiculously sounding as "I never eat out"
Watch him try to formulate an argument, but it won't work because everything he will say can be applied to his situation, thus making him a hypocrite.

Then leave and say you two have fundamental differences you aren't interested in working out.

OP know that you deserve someone who can care and love for you on all aspects of your life. If you want to be wined and dined then you shouldn't expect any less.
SuchaLady said:
Is he black? :look:
@SuchaLady Yes, he's black. He is Panamanian. He was born and raised in the US.

We Panamanians do eat out on occasion. It could be that he doesn't eat from just anyone (my father was particular about where he ate and who cooked for him).

He likes to cook chicken, fish, veggies, rice, alfredo pasta, but he'll cook other stuff that folks eat that he doesnt. He doesnt eat beef or pork, like alot of folks. His meals sounded pretty basic to me. He doesn't seem flexible. I don't plan to pursue him.

Is he on a special diet so that he can't eat certain things? I have food allergies but even I eat out every so often. It seems that any woman who would get involved with him either has to eat before seeing him or wait until after the date to eat.

@Ms. Tarabotti he's not on a special diet. I think he hates spending money on food at restaurants when he can cook at home. That's what I was getting from him the more we talked.