He Doesn't Eat Out.


Well-Known Member
I recently met someone. While we were talking yesterday, I stopped and got Chinese takeout. He asked how often do I cook. I cook maybe twice a week. When I cook its enough for 2 or 3 days. Weekends I hardly ever cook. He says he can cook everything at home. I eat out weekly. Its just me and I treat myself. Well he informed me that he cooks every day and doesn't eat out. What he likes to do is ride his back on the trails and movies. He's Panamanian, but US born.

Ladies, can you date someone who doesn't take you out to dinner, but cooks for you instead and takes you to the movies sometimes? Is this a sign of being frugal or perhaps his culture?
I met a guy like this when I was in my early 30s. I knew then that I couldn't do it because I like to eat out even if I have cooked. Even after a bike ride, my SO and I may stop to get something to eat.

It doesn't necessarily mean he is frugal. Some people are really focused on what they put in their bodies and if they didn't cook it they don't trust it.

I couldn't date him because his range of activities is to limited for me. I like to do a lot of stuff. Too much in life to see and do.

Do you two have any common interest?
How are you guys going to date... I mean get out.. Not to say there are not other things to do, cant really call it..

Have you guys went out together already?

@AnjelLuvsUBabe No, we haven't gone on a date yet. He was asking me about movies yesterday. He was talking about a movie with the ROC coming out this weekend that looks interesting. It seem as if he was moving to asking me to the movies. It doesn't seem as if he does anything beyond movies.
I met a guy like this when I was in my early 30s. I knew then that I couldn't do it because I like to eat out even if I have cooked. Even after a bike ride, my SO and I may stop to get something to eat.

It doesn't necessarily mean he is frugal. Some people are really focused on what they put in their bodies and if they didn't cook it they don't trust it.

I couldn't date him because his range of activities is to limited for me. I like to do a lot of stuff. Too much in life to see and do.

Do you two have any common interest?

@faithVA we both like bike riding and movies. We have that in common, and he lives within 25 minutes from me. I love eating out and being taken out to dinner. You're right, even if we go bike riding, he'll be rushing to get back home to eat. He doesn't eat beef or pork. A lot of people don't but there's other stuff on the menu to choose from. His range of activities are very limited. He did say he like an occasional get away trip.

It is hard to date someone with this mindset.
@faithVA we both like bike riding and movies. We have that in common, and he lives within 25 minutes from me. I love eating out and being taken out to dinner. You're right, even if we go bike riding, he'll be rushing to get back home to eat. He doesn't eat beef or pork. A lot of people don't but there's other stuff on the menu to choose from. His range of activities are very limited. He did say he like an occasional get away trip.

It is hard to date someone with this mindset.

He has to be open to trying something new and doing things you want. It may seem OK now but think 5 to 10 years down the road when your interest have expanded and his have not, then you will either have to go solo, with friends or just hang out with him. Find out if he is flexible. If he isn't I would move on.

With this scenario, you can't even hang out with friends at a restaurant because he doesn't like to eat out. Eating out can be social as much as it is for nutrition.
He has to be open to trying something new and doing things you want. It may seem OK now but think 5 to 10 years down the road when your interest have expanded and his have not, then you will either have to go solo, with friends or just hang out with him. Find out if he is flexible. If he isn't I would move on.

With this scenario, you can't even hang out with friends at a restaurant because he doesn't like to eat out. Eating out can be social as much as it is for nutrition.

I'm not sure about his flexibility. I need to find out because I like to do a lot of stuff. Eating out seem off the table.
@faithVA we both like bike riding and movies. We have that in common, and he lives within 25 minutes from me. I love eating out and being taken out to dinner. You're right, even if we go bike riding, he'll be rushing to get back home to eat. He doesn't eat beef or pork. A lot of people don't but there's other stuff on the menu to choose from. His range of activities are very limited. He did say he like an occasional get away trip.

It is hard to date someone with this mindset.

Ask him what would he do if he was on a cruise.

For me I would let him go. I like to try different restaurants especially while I am traveling. That is a must for me.
I'm not sure about his flexibility. I need to find out because I like to do a lot of stuff. Eating out seem off the table.

I'm know people do it, but I can't understand how life works if you don't eat out :lol: If you spend a day running around the city it means you have to take your food with you, or go back home every time you are hungry and then go back out.

The positive note is, he definitely can save a lot of money and perhaps he can cook.
Ask him what would he do if he was on a cruise.

For me I would let him go. I like to try different restaurants especially while I am traveling. That is a must for me.

Yeah, I would want to know if he would even go on a cruise and how much he would be willing to travel. It can be overlooked if he brings more to the table than movies and bike rides. If he said we are going to eat in but go on a 7 day cruise twice a year, I might be able to overlook it. Maybe!
I used to date someone that didn't eat out. He was on a tight budget and insisted that he pay for our dates so we did other things that was just as fun. I totally respected it but we live in NYC so, it didn't last long - if you spend all that time dating someone, you don't have time to cook so we ended up eating out.

I guess that the situation was different in that it's not that he wouldn't due to culture but that he restricted himself temporarily.

My advice would be ride it out - if he is stingy/crazy/defected it'll come out. Stay woke.
Ask him what would he do if he was on a cruise.

For me I would let him go. I like to try different restaurants especially while I am traveling. That is a must for me.

I think most women like to be taken out sometimes. I like trying different restaurants. Once he told me he didn't like eating out, I tried to imagine myself not being taken out to dinner while in a relationship. I didn't like it one bit. I think he's off my radar now.
I used to date someone that didn't eat out. He was on a tight budget and insisted that he pay for our dates so we did other things that was just as fun. I totally respected it but we live in NYC so, it didn't last long - if you spend all that time dating someone, you don't have time to cook so we ended up eating out.

I guess that the situation was different in that it's not that he wouldn't due to culture but that he restricted himself temporarily.

My advice would be ride it out - if he is stingy/crazy/defected it'll come out. Stay woke.

He actually sound like a homebody, perhaps frugal...I will find out. Thanks, I will stay awoke.
he would be NO for me...he sounds boring as fluck and eating out is a huge thing i like to do....we are not eating every single meal at your house sorry boo....i also think that he may have other quirks that may not work in the end...he may work as a friend....may is the key word there....he need to be by himself with the not eating out....in 2015 cmon son!!! ugh

I think most women like to be taken out sometimes. I like trying different restaurants. Once he told me he didn't like eating out, I tried to imagine myself not being taken out to dinner while in a relationship. I didn't like it one bit. I think he's off my radar now.
He sounds boring but he may be worth getting to know. How does he look? Not eating out isn't necessarily a deal breaker if he comes up with other nice date alternatives.

He looks ok. He's tall, brown, bald, wear glasses and keeps in shape. Maybe I should look into this further instead of dismissing him for not eating out. Sounds like he'll cook for me. Thanks.
he would be NO for me...he sounds boring as fluck and eating out is a huge thing i like to do....we are not eating every single meal at your house sorry boo....i also think that he may have other quirks that may not work in the end...he may work as a friend....may is the key word there....he need to be by himself with the not eating out....in 2015 cmon son!!! ugh

I think that may be why he is by himself right now. /-: Many women like getting dressed and taken out to dinner.