Have you ever turned down a marriage proposal?


formerly nicola.kirwan
Ever turned down a direct proposal of marriage, or refused someone who made it clear they wanted that from you?

Why'd you say no?

Are you still unmarried now? Any regrets?
Ever turned down a direct proposal of marriage, or refused someone who made it clear they wanted that from you?

Yep I sure did!

Why'd you say no?
One out of the three.... Because he was an ***! He treated me like dirt and once he got out into the real world he realized what a gem he had. He gave me this long soliloquy about how he had everything he needed except me. I looked him in the face like :look: are you serious? And he was.... dead serious. I had to break it down for him," I mean no disrespect but I can't be with you much less marry you. You were rude, arrogant, obnoxious, you cheated on me, you didn't respect me, and to be quite honest I haven't forgotten who you really are."

Are you still unmarried now? Any regrets?

Yep I'm unmarried but I've been in a relationship for two years. We plan on getting married. No regrets what so ever. :grin:
Ever turned down a direct proposal of marriage, or refused someone who made it clear they wanted that from you?

Yes, at least 4 times.

Why'd you say no?

I would look at them and get the creeps or they would have done something that would be a total turn off like lie or cheat or just wearing something stupid or say something DUMB!!!!!!!!!:wallbash:

Are you still unmarried now? Any regrets?

Unmarried but considering this man who hasn't done none of the above. We are going back and forth and I think I've met my match with this one.:yep:

No, I don't regret not marrying none of the others. YUK.
Yes, a proposal from a foreign friend to marry for a green card in exchange for $$$ and a swank condo apartment. Said no because I was too much of a chicken to do anything illegal. Married, divorced and remarried since then. No regrets.
Yep...I was 16 years old, and my guy was a Marine. Very nice and handsome young man named Solomon, both of his parents were deaf, and he doted on the two of them.
I know he would have made and excellent husband.

He would come a courtin, bearing roses and big gifts for me and my mom. I know she wanted me to marry him, but I was too scared to leave home to travel with him. I was so young.

I have not seen or heard from him in years, but have always wished him well, and have wondered from time to time what my life might have been like if I said I do.

I did marry and am currently divorced.
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yes--twice---we just werent the right fit---i felt bad though--something about a man being so vulnerable and proposing such a huge step in his life and i didnt comply--i do feel a certain kinda way about that--not that i lead them on--but because it takes alot to get to that point and not have things go the way you want---and i know if someone turned my *** down i woule be like gasppppppppppppp---

on one hand i was like damn i turned down some really good men--will there be more?
i am a huge risk taker so i was like *** it---on to the next one-god got me!!!
- marriage is forever and i knew i would meet the right one for me soon since i put it out there in my universe like i do everything else..and low and behold---i bumped into my knight and shining armor--i was for the frist time blown away by him--and i knew he was it!
Ever turned down a direct proposal of marriage, or refused someone who made it clear they wanted that from you?
Yes mam 3 to be exact

Why'd you say no?

I never saw myself with any of those individuals longterm

Are you still unmarried now? Any regrets?

Yes mam i am still unmarried and also recently single nope no regrets
Yep and have not regrets about it. Because my DH is good with the other person He/I would have probably been dead by now. Cause I know for sure that he beat up both of his former wives into pulps every now and then. I don't play that. Yes he was rich as goats milk but there is not enough money in the world that can soothe an arse beating.
I've never turned down an actual marriage proposal, but I did end a relationship where the guy pretty much made it clear that he loved me and was going to ask me to marry me pretty soon. He was a great guy in every way, but I just didn't love him.
Yes, this summer.
My ex totally caught me off guard and bought me a nice ring and everything :crazy:. I told him no, in a nice way tho :lol: . I know for sure he's not the right person for me to marry.
I was practically engaged - we had plans to get married and were discussing the details when I broke it off. No regrets - we were not well suited to each other but have each enjoyed long marriages to other people so definitely no regrets.
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Ever turned down a direct proposal of marriage, or refused someone who made it clear they wanted that from you?

Why'd you say no?

Are you still unmarried now? Any regrets?
Evern turned down a proposal - YES
Why - Different places in life.
Are you still unmarried - No
Any regrets - None
wow---interesting aunty B ( in my head i consider you like my much wiser carribean aunty--whose liveeeeddddddddd (wendy voice))....:blush:--but good choice

I was practically engaged - we had plans to get married and were discussing the details when I broke it off. No regrets - we were not well suited to each other but have each enjoyed long marriages to other people so no regrets.
Ever turned down a direct proposal of marriage, or refused someone who made it clear they wanted that from you? Yes

Why'd you say no? He wasn't marriage material by far. Abusive and an alcoholic.

Are you still unmarried now? Any regrets? Still unmarried. No I don't regret it. Things are working out splendidly
dude cheated on me, he was fat and kinda cute, but AS SOONas I got with him, other chicks got interested in him, and he started smelling himself. So he cheated. I broke up with him. Another guy had told me (this guy told me because he was interested in me, but never the less, he told me) and when I confronted him, he acted all nonchalant about it. After being broken up, dude tried to get back with me, and was 'telling' me we gonna get married. I was like GTHOOHWT Biscuit and Gravy.
Ever turned down a direct proposal of marriage?
yes. 3x from 3 different men

refused someone who made it clear they wanted that from you?

Why'd you say no?
i did not want to be married to those men and i did not love any of them

Are you still unmarried now?

Any regrets?

one thing i can tell unmarried ladies that want to be married: there is no shortage of good men (whatever your perception & definition of "good man" is) there is no shortage.
Interesting how a lot of the women who have turned down marriages have turned down a few (3+).

I wonder why that is??

I've never turned down any proposals.
I've turned down one.

Honestly I was only in the relationship for the sex. I liked him but was not in love with him, and I was up front about my intentions.

It was just the wrong time for me.

No regrets at all for turning him down.

I'm about to be chained up tho..lol Its ok because I do love this one.

Yes, turned down several, but accepted the last. I ended the engagements because after a wedding date was set they all became controlling, jealous and insecure. I made some bad decisions in judging character obviously. Things ended badly in every case :nono::nono:. Happy to say that after all those bad experiences, I finally struck gold.
Ever turned down a direct proposal of marriage, or refused someone who made it clear they wanted that from you?
Why'd you say no?

Part of me doesnt think/believe he is the One!

Are you still unmarried now? Any regrets?

I have done all that meeting the parents thing who btw think its a sure thing....Unmarried but still shacking up with same dude...:look:...I have no regrets about it. He knows that if things dont change by next .
year I am outta here
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I have, and no regrets at all, b/c I wouldn't have met my FH.

I didn't love him, and could not see myself spending the rest of my life with him.

I'm not married yet, but I will be come July 24, 2010 :grin:
Ever turned down a direct proposal of marriage, or refused someone who made it clear they wanted that from you? YES

Why'd you say no? b/c i was engaged to someone else:lachen:

Are you still unmarried now? married the person i was engaged to at that time, and just got divorced

Any regrets?
yes, b/c the guy i married was a real jackass, and abusive....i am now with the guy that proposed to me before and he proposed to me again :lachen:
Interesting how a lot of the women who have turned down marriages have turned down a few (3+).

I wonder why that is??

I've never turned down any proposals.

It is funny how those things work. I don't know about the several...some people are fortunate enough to have the right one ask the first time. But the just getting asked period seems to be the problem for most...

I was dating someone earlier this year who was simply shocked when he asked had anyone ever asked me to marry him and I said no. He was just like, "What kind of guys have you been dating!!?" He wasn't trying to flatter me at all, and he was questioning my taste in men because of it. Something clicked after that. Probably partially self-worth, believing I deserved it, probably hearing it from a man (one of those attractive, "good black men") that someone should have snatched me up by now. But whatever it was, it changed, and since then I don't even question it (or entertain anything less than men who are serious toward me) and I've been pushing the suitors away right and left of late.

It was either that, or turning 24.5 was the magical romantic age for me. :laugh:

yes, b/c the guy i married was a real jackass, and abusive....i am now with the guy that proposed to me before and he proposed to me again :lachen:

Thank goodness for second chances!

one thing i can tell unmarried ladies that want to be married: there is no shortage of good men (whatever your perception & definition of "good man" is) there is no shortage.

Sooo, sooo true. They love women to think that, though!
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No, but I've broken off two engagements. (I was a sucker for beautiful rings. LOL)

ETA: I'm married and as happy as can be about it. I'm glad the other two didn't result in marriage, I can't imagine having what I have with Dh with either of them...or any of my ex's for that matter.
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asked and been in relationships where marriage was talked about as the future plan....esp the ones up until i was about 25 where i just had to start tellin people i preferred open relationships and to be open to how they play out vs being their "girlfriend" with ideas to get married

in the end, always a 'no'

my first real love was/is a great guy and he was all gung ho for the whole american dream and as much as i love him the life he wanted and i wanted wasn't gonna align up....he was married by 25 and has 3 kids and to this day i would not trade places with his wife....

the last guy who asked me cursed me to hell when i said no...i told him I wasn't really feelin all the love he claimed to have for me as he was tellin me my life was gonna fall apart and i would have to come running to him to save me or something along those lines

however i think i may have met the man who will be my mate and up until i laid eyes on him a few months ago where at first sight I was like...thats him....any other guy it would of been not fair to him or me to settle because I didn't not have that sure feeling about them, even though they are some great men