Has LHCF worked for everyone's hair?

learning to KISS on LHCF made a HUGE difference. My hair has never been this long and I never even knew I could make it as a natural
LHCF has definitely helped me with retention. I started the healthy hair journey two years before joining this board, and I was pleased to find all of the things that I was doing were listed here (i.e. DCing, low/no heat, rollersets, lots of moisture, vitamins, using wide tooth combs to detangle, protecting hair at night with a scarf or satin bonnet). All of those things worked for me, so I get really excited when I see these techniques working for others.

In terms of retention, LHCF gives really simple, common sense techniques that work, and I'm pleased to see that these tips work for others (low mani, moisturiz/seal, keep the hair up, less frequent trims).

I think the tips on LHCF can work for anyone, but the rate of success probably does depend on the health of your hair when you first start. I spent two years getting my hair healthy before joining, and I thank God that through prayer and sincerely trying and sticking with the tips on this board, I'm finally getting the hair that I've always wanted.

Like Sistaslick, I hope everyone will choose one routine and stick with it to see the results that they desire. Don't give into negative thoughts before you truly get started.
Definitely! I've learned so much on this site and now my hair is recovering (and thriving) so well after 4 years of abuse. I thank GOD that I found this site :yep:
The wealth of information on here (and hair care boards in general) has helped me with my hair progress tremendously.


-low heat
-protective styling
-using regular conditioner as a leave-in
-good oils (none of the mineral oil loaded stuff in the BSS)
-detangling starting from the ends first
-being primarily silicone-free

These are the things I've learned from here that have helped my hair.