Has anyone asked you as a natural, what's wrong with your hair


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or why your hair is different? Please share stories...

I distinctly remember being asked by an oblivious Asian girl from Seattle why my hair was different from all the other black girls. "Why is your hair different? Do you tease it up or curl it or something?" It stopped me in my tracks when she first said it and still makes me laugh.
A lady I work with assumed that I had a curly perm because my hair "spiraled so perfectly." When I told her that my hair is naturally like this she at first didn't believe me at ALL. And I was like...um, why would I lie to you?
Im not natural, but I was at an convention event and a young BM college student wore out his picked-out fro which was huge! He caught attention from, blacks, whites, asians, everyone was asking if it was real and was highly intrigued. I guess its because you hardly see blacks rocking their natural hair in a fro.
Well one time I was on the phone to my friend after I had just came back from Greece and I was telling her too look at the pictures on facebook. I was transitioning at the time and my hair was half and half (about half natural half relaxed) and for the whole week I wore braid outs. So my friend looked at some pictures and she was like "Mel, what happened to your hair? your hair doesn't look like that".
The last time she saw my hair was fully or looked fully relaxed, and also she was one of the people that peer pressured me in to relaxing my hair.
When she said what happened to your hair, I was wondering what pics she was looking at because there were some pictures where I had a banging braid out, and there were some pics where they didn't turn out so good but had to rock it anyway cos my hair wasn't long enough for a bun and times where it got straight f'd up by the sea. So I do not know:spinning:

I like to think she said that whilst looking at the pic of the banging braidout, especially as there was a time where even I thought my hair could never look like it did.
back when i 1st went natural, i was still pressing my hair and wearing it straight 100% of the time.

one day i came to work with a wng because the monsoon humidity was not playing! i was approached by so many people telling me my perm looked great, where did i go to get my perm, when did i perm my hair... i was in shock! i was like "all i did was wash my hair and put some leave in on my hair and walked out the door"

now people at work are used to my curly hair since i rarely wear it straight now.
I just remembered what my mom said when she saw me after I chopped the
relaxed ends off my hair. It was too short for a ponytail so I had it pulled back
tightly with an ouchless band.

Poor thing hadn't seen me for months and hadn't seen my natural hair for 20-
something years prior to that.

She watched me getting out of my car and wanted to know what kind of hat
I was wearing.
I just remembered what my mom said when she saw me after I chopped the
relaxed ends off my hair. It was too short for a ponytail so I had it pulled back
tightly with an ouchless band.

Poor thing hadn't seen me for months and hadn't seen my natural hair for 20-
something years prior to that.

She watched me getting out of my car and wanted to know what kind of hat
I was wearing.

I had a couple of people ask me once (other girls who were natural) what was wrong with my hair but they had every right to do so because sometimes I wonder myself.....:perplexed
Some family members still do not believe that my curly hair is not processed in anyway. I'm often asked what I "put in" my hair to make it curl. I once soaked my hair with water to prove that the curls were not done with any product or tool.
Nope, I get compliments a lot of the time, with a occasional "don't relax it" urges, the few "is it your real hair?" questions, and the one-off, blank-stare worthy "are you black?" :perplexed
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Well my 4 year old niece has been the only one with a slide comment: i took out my kinky twist and put my hair in just twist and she said i like your hair but it looks better when its fake
Every time my aunt sees me with my curly 'do, she's like when are you going to straighten it again, your hair looks so pretty like that. I'm like what's wrong with my hair curly?
Yes!! Someone I know (who is very against natural hair) for the first time saw me with a wash-n-go. The first thing she did when she saw me (without even saying hello) was make a face and say "What's up with your hair?"

I said "What you you mean 'what's up with my hair?'" She repeated the question "I mean...what's up with your hair??" As if she was waiting for me to come up with some explanation for why my hair wasn't the way she thought it should be. I gave her the same response, so she could realize how rude she was (we aren't even friends).

Finally, she seemed embarrassed and looked at the ground mumbling something like "I know you usually wear it straight, so ..." Then she shut up.

With the exception of that situation, I get many compliments on my hair, and people wanting to know what I do to get it "that way". Positive and curious reactions.
people tell me they like my natural hair and the minute i flat-iron it they tell me i should keep it like that :( wth!?! i tell them if they pay for me tpo go to the hair salon i'll flat-iron all the time and they get quiet:look::lol:
Only when I wear my wash and go fro. My hair doesn't have much of a defined curl pattern as is, but my curls pop when I wear twist or braid outs. When I show up sporting my WNG people look at me funny and ask me what's up, or they make sure to compliment me the next time I wear my twist out. I hardly ever get any compliments when I wear my WNG, but whatever... I just keep moving. I love my fro.
My brothers SO asked me this the other day.

Him: "What's wrong with you hair?"

Me: "It grows out of my head this way. I'm Black.":look:
When I do my W & G's..The questions roll..

Is that a curly wig?

If not curly perm?

Can I run my fingers thru it?

Do you curl each strand to get it like that?

If you comb it better you can get it straight..

My Great Aunt ask if I comb my hair from the roots?

Another person said why dont you go to the hairdresser & get them to flat ion it? So it can look REGULAR ! Well This Is REGULAR FOR ME!

Happy Hair Growing!
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My oldest brother ask me what's wrong with my hair almost every time he sees me.

I was grocery shopping once & I was wearing a twist out that pretty much started to look like a fro. A little girl who was about 3 or 4 pointed at me & told her mommy that she wanted to braid my hair.:lol:
I thought it was hilarious & it didn't bother me a bit. By the time I finished shopping & made it to the register, I received two more comments, but they were compliments. lol
When I first started bartending, before getting my timing right to dodge all the dishwasher steam, it would go from straight and curled, to a large fluff. I was asked plenty of times what had "happened" to it, usually paired with restrained amusement...

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yea my Grandmother said to me on the day I BC'd (well she said on the phone to my great-aunt while I was standing right in front of her) "Oh girl, Jessica done cut all her hair off...I don't know she looks like a little boy...and she was so pretty before too with her hair"

I was like, damn, really Granny?
A church member asked me if I liked my hair. I didnt like that at all. When she got her bob cut shorter,and I was wearing a full shoulder length braid out, I asked her if she liked her hair...
A white male friend asked me what's going on with my hair when I noticed he cut his hair. I asked for him to explain. He said, "Well, it's usually straight and dyed." I told him that I'm going back to my naturally curly hair. He said, "Oh, okay".

My black husband, on the other hand, tells me that I need to be pampered, which basically meant I needed to go to the salon and get my hair done because I was looking a bit "rough".

See the difference. It's sad.
This past Christmas, my side of the family had a get together at one of my uncle's house. One of my older cousins has a daughter who is maybe a year old or so and she kept staring at me, like hard core. Lol. I had my hair "out" in a cute fluffy braid out that hovered just above my shoulders (not even braids can kill my shrinkage! LOL) and my oldest uncle laughs and says, "She staring at you because she's wondering what's up with your hair!" Now, I love my uncle and I knew he was just giving me a hard time so I laughed and replied "Uncle, you're just jealous because you don't have any!" Haha. Both of my uncles are bald as heck. LOLOL! They tease me about all my hair, and I just remind them that they are getting old. It's all in good fun! :lachen: