Has anyone asked you as a natural, what's wrong with your hair

I was taking out my boxbraids and my floormate asked me "What are you going to do you with your hair?" I told her "Well, I have a small afro." She said "Oh :look: ". We kept talking and she asked me what I was going to do with my hair TWO MORE TIMES! I wear my natural hair; what's the confusion? Jeez. Lmao.
My story is not nearly as amusing as most you ladies, but I'll share.

I had my hair pulled back in a small ponytail. I think I had my claw clip on the back like the 1st picture in my siggy. Anyway, my brother came over and at some point he asked me what I'd done to my hair. Apparently he didn't realize that natural hair could be smoothed back into a ponytail. He asked me if I had relaxed it again. :eh:

I told him, "No, I just put some hair gel in and pulled it into a ponytail."

He was like, "Oh, okay. Bet not put that stuff in your hair again."

What the heck does he care if I relax my hair again! :lachen::lachen:

I think its funny that nobody really even batted an eye when I told them I was going natural, but if I so much as hint (jokingly of course) that I'm going to relax my hair again, people tell me I'd "better not" do it! :spinning::lol:
When I first BCed the second time everyone was asking why I did it since my hair was so long and pretty before. I said because I wanted to be natural, now my hair has grown on people and people notice me more now than before.

OT, sorry. About your siggy. You are not half bald. You have a cute low cut.
THIS is half bald:
A few days after my BC a colleague asked if I had to keep putting little curlers in my hair every night.

Sometimes when people ask crazy questions like that, I want to tell them yes. :look:
The kids I work with ask me on an almost daily basis what happened to my hair and constantly tell me "I liked your hair better when It looked like that" (pointing to faculty with relaxed hair) or "When are you getting your other hair back." All of them are natural 6 year olds btw.
Even my 3yo niece asks me why I wear my hair this way and why I wont wear it like her numerous straight haired barbies :ohwell:
I was at Dollar Tree and the woman behind the register told me I looked like a babydoll and asked how I got my hair "to be like that". I told her nothing, and she asked what products. So I told her, "This grows out of my head...I just used some conditioner and oil."

She gave me a stank face and rang up the rest of my items without talking to me. :blush:
I think she thought I was lying.
Its funny because even when I think my hair looks bad i get a ton of compliments. I can walk around with a jacked up twist out and someone will hit me with "your hair looks so good like that". I just give them a light side eye and say thanks.
I'm lucky, my sisters, my daughter, my grandmother and my aunt are all natural. My grandmother tried a relaxer 30 years ago and hated it; my aunt realized a curly perm was redundant!!

Everyone I know wanted to know what took me so long to stop relaxing my hair and my husband loves it.

Like many other ladies, many people do not believe it's not a curly perm. People also ask me where I'm from (I have chocolate brown skin, but a straight nose and curly hair). They seem to have a hard time believing that I come from American slave stock on both sides!!
I'm lucky, my sisters, my daughter, my grandmother and my aunt are all natural. My grandmother tried a relaxer 30 years ago and hated it; my aunt realized a curly perm was redundant!!

Everyone I know wanted to know what took me so long to stop relaxing my hair and my husband loves it.

Like many other ladies, many people do not believe it's not a curly perm. People also ask me where I'm from (I have chocolate brown skin, but a straight nose and curly hair). They seem to have a hard time believing that I come from American slave stock on both sides!!

I'm lucky, my sisters, my daughter, my grandmother and my aunt are all natural. My grandmother tried a relaxer 30 years ago and hated it; my aunt realized a curly perm was redundant!!

Everyone I know wanted to know what took me so long to stop relaxing my hair and my husband loves it.

Like many other ladies, many people do not believe it's not a curly perm. People also ask me where I'm from (I have chocolate brown skin, but a straight nose and curly hair). They seem to have a hard time believing that I come from American slave stock on both sides!!

I was asked by guys at work if I had a Jerri Curl I was like for real because Im black my hair cant be curly. They all got to yelling my bad!
I'm lucky, my sisters, my daughter, my grandmother and my aunt are all natural. My grandmother tried a relaxer 30 years ago and hated it; my aunt realized a curly perm was redundant!!

Everyone I know wanted to know what took me so long to stop relaxing my hair and my husband loves it.

Like many other ladies, many people do not believe it's not a curly perm. People also ask me where I'm from (I have chocolate brown skin, but a straight nose and curly hair). They seem to have a hard time believing that I come from American slave stock on both sides!!

Yes, I can kind of see what you mean (from your photos in this post):


I remember my granny asked me what happened to my hair when she first saw my TWA. I had BCed a few months prior and had just taken my weave out. I tried a wash and go but it didn't look too hot that day. I was pretty embarassed. We were all at the hospital visiting my Grandfather. Months later when she saw it again she told me she liked it though. It had grown out and was properly styled that day.

I get the how do you make your hair curl like that question on occasion. My mother was under the impression that I used some magic conditioner or something to make my hair curl until she happened to come by the house one day when I was in the process of washing. I think once she saw the whole process from washing to detangling to blowdrying she realized that I wasn't doing anything extra.
I'm lucky, my sisters, my daughter, my grandmother and my aunt are all natural. My grandmother tried a relaxer 30 years ago and hated it; my aunt realized a curly perm was redundant!!

Everyone I know wanted to know what took me so long to stop relaxing my hair and my husband loves it.

Like many other ladies, many people do not believe it's not a curly perm. People also ask me where I'm from (I have chocolate brown skin, but a straight nose and curly hair). They seem to have a hard time believing that I come from American slave stock on both sides!!

I understand what you meant by this comment 100 percent. People tend to think that black people all look one way...sterotypically wide/flat nose, cottony hair and etc. However, we are a diverse people. And I think your point is totally valid. People might not question a lighter person who has a small nose and curls because they might just assume the person is mixed or something automatically(which is ignorant). But if a darker person has smaller fetures, and a looser curl pattern then people are allll realllyyyy thrown off.. They then start asking about the mixed factor. I've had it happen to me as well...even recently. People are just stupid...
I wore a braid out to work one day that was a massive failure. I walked in and one of the students looked at me in a way that only a 3 year old can pull off and asked: " Ms. Natalie who did your hair?" I replied me and he proceeds to say, " Well I don't like it."
The only question I get is how do I get my hair to look like that. I've recently stopped entertaining those questions...:ohwell:
lol. My friend gets constantly asked how did she get her hair like that. Her response is always "the womb".

When my hair was natural (the first time) people preferred my hair that way because my relaxed hair was a raggedy mess -_-
I am laughing sooo hard right now at this thread!!! I've never been asked if something is wrong but I've been asked several times "When are you going to do/style your hair?" and it was styled, oh well.
Although some of these responses are funny, it amazes me how many black people still feel like our natural hair isn't pretty. Really, it's more sad than anything. :sad:
Although some of these responses are funny, it amazes me how many black people still feel like our natural hair isn't pretty. Really, it's more sad than anything. :sad:

I agree and what's also really sad is how often people of a different race (caucasian) find my natural hair beautiful more so than those with whom I share race. I swear I get more compliments about my hair from white people (in person) than blacks on the regular.
Carry on with the stories. :drunk:
I agree and what's also really sad is how often people of a different race (caucasian) find my natural hair beautiful more so than those with whom I share race. I swear I get more compliments about my hair from white people (in person) than blacks on the regular.
Carry on with the stories. :drunk:

Could it be that they are less acquainted with natural afro-textured hair?

Plus, it's not as if it's only blacks who sometimes believe in the "straight hair" standard. They do too. The same who compliment natural hair are often the same who would never leave their house with a slight wave in their hair.
Although some of these responses are funny, it amazes me how many black people still feel like our natural hair isn't pretty. Really, it's more sad than anything. :sad:

Seriously, it really is. I'm finding this thread a little depressing. :ohwell: