You Proved Your Doubters/Haters Wrong--Share Your Stories Please

My coworker did not believe I was going to go natural from being relaxed the majority of my life. When I started my transition, she started to notice the texture and thickness of my new growth compared to my relaxed hair. She thought it will be no time before I relaxed my new growth. To her surprise I BC after my 17 month transition and started wearing wigs for a year. When I did my reveal and flat ironed in July 2010, my hair was longer than hers! She was astonished to say the least. Since I am now back in my wigs, when I achieve APL, I will do another reveal and take her to lunch. That way she can check my hair out for an entire hour, and see without a doubt that I do not have a weave.
I second that, I also read in a magazine that black women cant grow their hair past shoulder length, that it was a genetic trait! err:look:

I love this thread and what are magazine is this suggesting black women cant grow long hair?
Probably Essence, you know how they love to put us black women down.

yea it was probably know what funny?i was looking through Seventeen Magazine while i was waiting in line at the grocery store, and there was a whole 3-4 pages for black hair and what products to use depending on whether you were relaxed or natural&what to do to make your hair grow longer.I was so shocked because that magazine is mainly targeted towards white females rather than black females but yet they were giving better hair advice then most black magazines.smh.

but keept the hater stories coming!theyre fun to read lol
I found this thread while looking for 4ab natural inspirations. After reading all 8 pages I'm giving it a hearty BUMP. It's the end of the year and I'm sure someone has seen a family member or friend they haven't seen in a while and they said: "Wow... Look at YOU!!" or "So you fancy huh? Now that your hair is all long and what not". Bring me a story! Lol
Well, I will have a cute story for this thread on New Year's. I saw this girl (DH's BFF's DW) a few months back at a party. I had a wig on at that time. When she complimented my hair, I told her it was a wig but that my real hair was longer than the wig was. I got lots of :rolleyes:

I'm coming to her house Friday, with my hair flat ironed straight... HIP length. What you wanna bet she'll not even notice :rolleyes: hair? what hair? :rolleyes:
Well, I will have a cute story for this thread on New Year's. I saw this girl (DH's BFF's DW) a few months back at a party. I had a wig on at that time. When she complimented my hair, I told her it was a wig but that my real hair was longer than the wig was. I got lots of :rolleyes:

I'm coming to her house Friday, with my hair flat ironed straight... HIP length. What you wanna bet she'll not even notice :rolleyes: hair? what hair? :rolleyes:

I can't wait to hear this story. And see pics of your hair! :grin:
My precious mother has yet to get over how thick and long my hair has gotten. I had always had "bad hair" that was dry, thin and never grew past neck length. Just the other day, I was wearing a twistout that was full/thick and reached almost APL; it was pulled back with an elastic headband. (My hair is actually at MBL, but ya'll know all about shrinkage.) Anyway, Mom just stared at me, then when I looked back at her, I guess she felt she had to say something, so she blurted out, "You just have too much hair for your small face." What?!!! I still love her, though, and I took her remark as a compliment.:grin:

That's funny..:lol: I'm sure she is very proud of your hair progress. Mothers are like that sometimes. No harm no foul...
I knew nothing of Lady P's New Year's post, but now I'm eager to find out if the BFF DW said anything about her hair, weave checked her, or just tried to pretend she didn't notice hair at all this particular day.
I bet she is already on here, I bet those products for her and not her daughter... I mean I could be wrong but just in case I am not... Welcome EvsBaby Co-Worker!

I will never understand why women in general but esp. us cannot be more supportive and encouraging...

I have no stories I mean my hair is relaxed and bleached( I know, I know). It is almost bsl about a inch away.. pretty thick to be relaxed. So, I get Is that real? all the time. Actually, I think it is pretty tactless.. I mean people do not go around asking if your teeth are real.

Great Stories Ladies.... Great Motivation and Inspiration.. I am scooting over to the co-wash board.
Actually I've been asked many times if my teeth are caps I'm like what people
act like theyve never seen teeth before.
Get ready though cause as your hair gets healthier thicker longer there will
always be 1esssstuuuupidoooo
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Ok here's my doubter story she's fam- not a hater she's just believed you can't shampoo or cw curly to kinky hair more than once a month water is he enemy yada yada. she's always saying how I need a weave for and that style cause my hairs not long enough. Granted I did wear weaves ul until this past spring to get and maintain WL so to befair she hasn't seen my hair in a looking time. So once I reach HL/TL I won't hear that anymore.
So I've just been doing my regimen and I've rached WL and that's when she's like oh your hairs so thick and long and that's also when my uncle weave Checked me he was slick gave me a hug and checked the nape. :lol: So now everybody wants to know what I did and do eventhough I've cut back to BSL they're still in awe. Now when I say I
want to Grow my hair to HL and beyond I don't get an you can't or negative stuff.
Mission accomplished
No one knows what you can do until you do it that includes you.
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Here is my story:

One day in a class, a few ladies (different races) were talking hair. I comment to my Hispanic friend (who has waist length hair) that I have on a wig. Out of not where, a black associate says "DUH." (I was like WTF). I said, "my hair is actually longer than this wig." She said, "riiiiight. When I saw you a few month ago your hair was by your neck." (she was referring to soaking wet twist on my natural hair) I told her that I didn't have any reason to lie about my hair, and I asked her if she wanted to see a picture. She declined. (I had just flat ironed my hair the month before, but she probably thought that it was a weave). I finished the conversation by showing the Hispanic friend next to her my progress pics. I also explained that I have natural hair and that it shrinks when it is not straightened (My Hispanic friend understood because she has curly hair as well).

Fast foward 5 months. We are in another class (we are a cohort). I had my hair in individual braids. I left one out in the back to spice it up. She sat by me and I think that she complimented my hair. She picked up the left out braid, played with, and looked closely to see if I had weave mixed in with it. She then commented on how it was curly (I am 4a/3c I believe...I really dk). She didn't say much else, but I could tell that she felt stupid because she blatantly accused me of lying about my length.

My co-worker has also weaved checked me. When I flatironed my hair oneday (she knew I was going to come to work with straight hair), she was like "ooo, you got it so straight. And you said that you don't have a relaxer, right?" (She has seen me in natural hair styles). Then she came up to me and was like, "let me see." She then went to the bottom of my hair (nape area) and felt it up.

The thing that I dislike most about the above instances is that I am very transparent when it comes to my hair. I will tell you when I have on a wig, sew-in, etc. I don't have a reason to lie about it.
Well, I will have a cute story for this thread on New Year's. I saw this girl (DH's BFF's DW) a few months back at a party. I had a wig on at that time. When she complimented my hair, I told her it was a wig but that my real hair was longer than the wig was. I got lots of :rolleyes:

I'm coming to her house Friday, with my hair flat ironed straight... HIP length. What you wanna bet she'll not even notice :rolleyes: hair? what hair? :rolleyes:

Lady P we all need to hear how this story turned out
Where r u?
Sorry to disappoint you ladies.. we ended up not going over there. They have a baby, and one of our kids was sick. I couldn't bring a sick kid over around her child... so we stayed home. :/

Maybe by superbowl sunday we'll go over again.
Sorry to disappoint you ladies.. we ended up not going over there. They have a baby, and one of our kids was sick. I couldn't bring a sick kid over around her child... so we stayed home. :/

Maybe by superbowl sunday we'll go over again.

Aww, I hope your little one is feeling better now :sad:
True Story:

Yesterday I was printing out notes for class in the computer lab. I saw some of my old classmates from high school. We weren't close in high school. I was very awkward in the first couple of years of high school. They spread horrible rumors about me. I ended up changing schools. The school was competitive. It's still number one in our state. Having to deal with the workload(which was bad enough), and the drama was too stressful. It took me a long time to get over that. Now, that I go to the same college as A LOT of these students I see them often. We still barely acknowledge each other.

Well. While I was printing out my notes, this FINE brown skinned brother randomly asks if I were in his government class. I contained myself, but I was :drool: on the inside. This class has 200 people in it, but I am in it with him. He asks had I taken an online quiz yet. I said no and made small talk about the class. One of the girls I went to high school with must have knew him, because she playfully said hello. This girl was the prom queen of my class. He brushed her off, and never dropped eye contact with me. We continued to make small talk. Afterwards, we exchanged names, smiled, and shook hands.

This guy may not be into me at all. I really assumed he wasn't, but now I'm thinking maybe I'm wrong. Oh well. Even if he was just being friendly, having him approach me in front of all of my old messy classmates made me smile the rest of the day. I could use a fine guy friend too! ;)
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When I was very little I had a grandma who shaved my head whenever my mum was not around, she said "your hair is supposed to be short, it will never grow".
A long time has passed and today my grandma always asks me to "wear my beautiful hair down".
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Many times and the chick is still bald not to mention I'm only my mothers child when I'm bsl or longer (she's east indian and other (gpa looks American Indian)) Any ways when I first got into the hair thing 04 maybe I cut allll my hair off, this chick as always had no more than 3 to 4 inches of hair at a time. My goal was to be neck length in a year, she gave me that yeah right look. I saw her a year later rockin SL hair swanging it! Lol she was molded and kept askin if it was a weave in effort to draw neg attention from others. That just started ever1 realizing that it was all mines and asking what my secret was...

The next time is when I dyed my SL hair in the winter and told my mom I would be MBL by summer. She told me that I had my daddies hair, needless to say by july I was MBL with a bomb *** dye job....that's when she started that you have my hair, I said I thought I had my daddies nappy hair? I actually like his nappy hair, nice n thick. Lol

The next time is when the same chick from above used my comb to scratch out her nasty fungus scalp, needless to say I got the same nasty fungus that hair my hair thinning and my scalp itching like crazy. I told her to AVC rinse and she looked at me like I was stupid, as you can see in my albums, my hair is not perfect but I have some hair, she is rockin a Geroge Jefferson, has been to the doctor and didn't follor his orders because to her Dr.'s don't know nothing. Her hair looks like a sick joke I wouldn't wish on anyyone. All she can do now is give me props on my progress. I don't share hair advice with her anymore because she spent a year ditching beauty school and think she knows something, only if her clients knew what was under that lace wig.
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True Story:

Yesterday I was printing out notes for class in the computer lab. I saw some of my old classmates from high school. We weren't close in high school. I was very awkward in the first couple of years of high school. They spread horrible rumors about me. I ended up changing schools. The school was competitive. It's still number one in our state. Having to deal with the workload(which was bad enough), and the drama was too stressful. It took me a long time to get over that. Now, that I go to the same college as A LOT of these students I see them often. We still barely acknowledge each other.

Well. While I was printing out my notes, this FINE brown skinned brother randomly asks if I were in his government class. I contained myself, but I was :drool: on the inside. This class has 200 people in it, but I am in it with him. He asks had I taken an online quiz yet. I said no and made small talk about the class. One of the girls I went to high school with must have knew him, because she playfully said hello. This girl was the prom queen of my class. He brushed her off, and never dropped eye contact with me. We continued to make small talk. Afterwards, we exchanged names, smiled, and shook hands.

This guy may not be into me at all. I really assumed he wasn't, but now I'm thinking maybe I'm wrong. Oh well. Even if he was just being friendly, having him approach me in front of all of my old messy classmates made me smile the rest of the day. I could use a fine guy friend too! ;)

What about the hair? lol
I was wondering was I the only one that noticed she never mentioned the hair. (lol) But maybe she meant that the haters saw her talking to him....I'm lost.