You Proved Your Doubters/Haters Wrong--Share Your Stories Please

I don't have any stories as great as the one's ya'll are telling but I did get a lot of negativity from my family for the way I started to take care of my hair. They would make some really nasty remarks, actually. But once it really started growing and swinging and shinin', they want to be all up in it and ask advice. When my niece came home from college with a hellified mess of hair from dyeing it and bleaching it, she cut it herself, to about 200 different lengths.:nono: I had to school her on handling her hair gently, deep conditioning, not brushing it, and about keeping it moisturized. Basically, on all of the things everyone was getting on me for. I put her on a nice regimen and now her hair is at her shoulders after being 1-3 inches all over. That was from October. Not the best story, but her hair is thriving now...and so is mine!!! :grin:
I don't have any stories as great as the one's ya'll are telling but I did get a lot of negativity from my family for the way I started to take care of my hair. They would make some really nasty remarks, actually. But once it really started growing and swinging and shinin', they want to be all up in it and ask advice. When my niece came home from college with a hellified mess of hair from dyeing it and bleaching it, she cut it herself, to about 200 different lengths.:nono: I had to school her on handling her hair gently, deep conditioning, not brushing it, and about keeping it moisturized. Basically, on all of the things everyone was getting on me for. I put her on a nice regimen and now her hair is at her shoulders after being 1-3 inches all over. That was from October. Not the best story, but her hair is thriving now...and so is mine!!! :grin:
That's awesome. I think one of the best marks of success is when you can not only grow your hair long but help someone else do the same. I am always willing to give help, advice and tips to people I know who come to me with questions.
These are great stories!!!

I hope to have one soon....I am getting a lot of "flack" from my SO, mom, sister and even my DD about my LHCF practices...My mom is a old school cosmetologist so everytime i tell her something, she says " I know, we use to do that in hair school, at the shop, ya-da, ya-da, or she will say I guess you know more than me and you didnt go to school...Even my teenaged DD tells me that I think I'm a cosmetologist because I am constantly doing co-washes, pre-poo's, scalp massages, new products etc on her...I am the joke of the family!!!!:lachen:

But I will show them:grin:...I am trying to grow both my hair and my daughter's hair that has been damaged due to chemicals, weaves ( me) and relaxers and keep in healthy...I know that you guys will help me along the way!!!!! :grouphug:

PS...By the way, my hair is paperthin due to damage from weaves, etc...and so far, it is still THIN!!!!!!:wallbash:

Well, off to find a regime for thin to thick hair!!!!:cowgirl:
I dont have any hater stories but my mother looks at me sideways whenever i wash my hair. I get the :
-you're washing your hair too often:nono:
- who told you to wash your hair so much?
-you're going to get sick:nono:
- Calisha, your hair is not gonna grow any longer:ohwell:

stories. She's not a hater, she just doesnt believe me at the moment.
This past weekend I did what I call my version of a blow out because it was not a successful press based on the outcome. I have to admit it was a joy watching some of the ladies at the rehearsal who completely walked passed me a few days before then Saturday night came up to me smilling and saying they did not recognize me because of my hair.:blush::grin:

See story here:
Because I had it out on Sunday during bible study with my ladies Tuesday night I ended up spending 45 minutes talking about all things hair.

I created some combo oils, hair spritzes and discussed how to get hair thicker and healthier. That was completely unexpected but I was in my element. Anytime someone will sit still for 2 minutes and talk about hair I am ready to pounce. :yep:

If I can help I am front and center ready to drop some knowledge. You all have helped me I have to return the favor. Each one teach one is the motto.

I felt like a walking billboard for healthy natural hair. It was great.

And now back to our regularly scheduled broadcast of protective styles!:yep:
My number 1 hater: My sister.

I remember when I first told her I was going natural, her immediate response was "If you want thick hair, just leave it alone!" now I didn't say anything of the sort, now. I just gave her a weird look that said "I didn't even say that, short bus!".

You know the proverb, "Be quick to listen and slow to speak"?, yeah, well she knows no such thing and if she's heard of it, she definitely doesn't know the meaning of it. She assumes everything about everyone and its the main thing I hate about her, what a know it all she believes she is.

Well, just the other day she made me burst into tears because she got into a heated conversation about hair. I tell her 100% (or mostly) natural products works best of my hair, and I proceed to tell her the brands I use and have used. One of the products I mentioned was Giovanni Direct Leave-In, now like any other ignorant black person, she says "Giovanni is for white peoples hair", and I tell her "No....its not, its a all natural product and I know plenty of African American women (You guys) who uses it."; Now, I personally believe that companies don't just up and go "Oh, let's make a product for white people only!", that would be dumb in terms of sales. I also believe that ALL types of hair NEEDS moisture. She goes on to tell me that "white people" products are used to take the moisture out. Her EXACT words. In my mind, I'm thinking "I thought it was oil they needed to take out and what product doesn't attempt to have moisturizing properties?". I don't say anything because I'm a listener, rather than a talker; I really thought she was gonna make a point.

Now after trying to explain to her the difference in natural hair, natural products, shampoos and all that stuff, it turned out to be wasted breath because it was like talking to brick wall, I couldn't get through to her and she was just spewing common misconceptions and boasting about how she wanted to be a beautician (She should know I could care less about that because I loathe 90% of beauticians and I feel they know nothing, and they are merely misses of the perpetual shakedown).
then she picks at me about how I spend too much time on the computer, and said that I need to talk to REAL people (No joke, she actually said that a FEW times) about being natural and I need to stop jumping on bandwagons. She says this all to me with her hair knotted up in big balls because she doesn't even finger comb her hair for 2 weeks aaaand doesn't wear a bonnet of any kind. A big WTF moment.

Now, I was sad that day but when it all sunk in, this kicked operation big, obnoxious hair into overdrive!!!! I am more determined than ever to keep doing what I'm doing (Because I see results) to obtain this. I'm making a list of peoples faces (Ones who doubted me) I should rub my big hair into and know she's right at the top, on REPEAT.
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I'm not sure if this is really a hater/doubter story, but it sure was strange and kind of funny. I just got back from a long vacation with family/friends. Now one woman who was hanging with us--let's call her "Susie"--has long blonde hair that she highlights like crazy (and she has suffered breakage in the past as a result, by the way). We like to talk beauty and fashion, and sometimes the topic turns to hair. A few years ago, out of the blue, she mentioned that she was boarding a plane with a black girl who had really long hair. Mind you, this was before I found LHCF (and my hair was about EL). If this had happened today, I would probably have had a sermon ready. :lachen:

Susie: That had to be a weave right? That couldn't have been her hair.

Me: :look: Um, I have no idea if that was her hair.

Okay, so fast forward to a few days ago. We haven't seen each other in over a year. The last time she saw me, my hair was barely touching my shoulders. Now, its pretty darn close to full APL with blunt ends. I had just blown it out and flat ironed it.

Susie: Oh wow! Your hair has grown! I'm not just seeing things, right? It's longer, right???

Me: (Thinking :rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:) Yeah, it's longer.

DH: (Bless his little heart) She's growing it out!

Me: (Thinking "DH, I got this.")

We chat for a little while, and then she turns the topic back to my hair.

Susie: You're hair wasn't this light before, was it? You're wearing it lighter now, aren't you?

[Sidenote: She actually knows my hair is naturally blonde and that it gets blonder in the summer, because she has asked me about it in the past. In fact, I previously told her that just because I'm black doesn't mean I can't have naturally blonde hair. I must have been kind of irritated when we had that discussion, LOL.]

Me: No, it's just sun bleached.

Susie: Oh.

So fast forward from there to a few hours later. A bunch of us decide to go swimming in a nearby stream. I am not at all outdoorsy, nor am I a strong swimmer, but hey, its vacation and I'm a go-with the flow kind of person to a certain extent. We get to the stream, and it basically looks like raging rapids to me. Okay, I'm exaggerating, but there really is a lot of deep, cold water flowing pretty fast over big boulders. And it isn't super-warm outside, either. I reluctantly dip my toes into the stream, then decide to go ahead and step in. I find that there are boulders on the bottom that I can stand on wthout plunging my whole body into the stream, but I stick pretty close to the bank. Meanwhile, Susie is skipping around in the middle of the stream.

Susie: What's wrong? Come on in!

Me: Um, I'm not so sure about this. Are there big drop-offs in there?

Susie: I dunno. Come on in! What--you don't wan't to get your hair wet?

Me: Not really.

Susie: Why didn't you just say that?

Me: (Thinking :rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes: and noticing that there's another non-sista out there playing around who hasn't gotter her hair wet, either.)

At this point, DH ambled over. I said to myself, "You know what?" I sidled up to DH and he put his hands around my waist. I leaned allll the way back into the water, wetting my entire head. When I came up, my hair slinked down my back. Susie didn't have too much to say after that. DH got pretty excited, though. :lachen: [Another sidenote: That evening, I just let it airdry, and it made nice, beachy, messy waves.]

The next day, I deep conditioned and did another blowout. The guys were playing pool, and I walked into the pool room with my freshly done hair just as Susie was walking out. I suspect that DH had mentioned that I wasn't there because I was doing my hair. :rolleyes:

Susie: Your hair looks great. (Grabs my ends.)

I'm not big on people touching my hair, but whatever.

I noticed that Susie was a little catty with me during the trip, too. She was just acting a little bit . . . extra. I'm not saying it had anything to do with hair, but who knows?
I'm not sure if this is really a hater/doubter story, but it sure was strange and kind of funny. I just got back from a long vacation with family/friends. Now one woman who was hanging with us--let's call her "Susie"--has long blonde hair that she highlights like crazy (and she has suffered breakage in the past as a result, by the way). We like to talk beauty and fashion, and sometimes the topic turns to hair. A few years ago, out of the blue, she mentioned that she was boarding a plane with a black girl who had really long hair. Mind you, this was before I found LHCF (and my hair was about EL). If this had happened today, I would probably have had a sermon ready. :lachen:

Susie: That had to be a weave right? That couldn't have been her hair.

Me: :look: Um, I have no idea if that was her hair.

Okay, so fast forward to a few days ago. We haven't seen each other in over a year. The last time she saw me, my hair was barely touching my shoulders. Now, its pretty darn close to full APL with blunt ends. I had just blown it out and flat ironed it.

Susie: Oh wow! Your hair has grown! I'm not just seeing things, right? It's longer, right???

Me: (Thinking :rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:) Yeah, it's longer.

DH: (Bless his little heart) She's growing it out!

Me: (Thinking "DH, I got this.")

We chat for a little while, and then she turns the topic back to my hair.

Susie: You're hair wasn't this light before, was it? You're wearing it lighter now, aren't you?

[Sidenote: She actually knows my hair is naturally blonde and that it gets blonder in the summer, because she has asked me about it in the past. In fact, I previously told her that just because I'm black doesn't mean I can't have naturally blonde hair. I must have been kind of irritated when we had that discussion, LOL.]

Me: No, it's just sun bleached.

Susie: Oh.

So fast forward from there to a few hours later. A bunch of us decide to go swimming in a nearby stream. I am not at all outdoorsy, nor am I a strong swimmer, but hey, its vacation and I'm a go-with the flow kind of person to a certain extent. We get to the stream, and it basically looks like raging rapids to me. Okay, I'm exaggerating, but there really is a lot of deep, cold water flowing pretty fast over big boulders. And it isn't super-warm outside, either. I reluctantly dip my toes into the stream, then decide to go ahead and step in. I find that there are boulders on the bottom that I can stand on wthout plunging my whole body into the stream, but I stick pretty close to the bank. Meanwhile, Susie is skipping around in the middle of the stream.

Susie: What's wrong? Come on in!

Me: Um, I'm not so sure about this. Are there big drop-offs in there?

Susie: I dunno. Come on in! What--you don't wan't to get your hair wet?

Me: Not really.

Susie: Why didn't you just say that?

Me: (Thinking :rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes: and noticing that there's another non-sista out there playing around who hasn't gotter her hair wet, either.)

At this point, DH ambled over. I said to myself, "You know what?" I sidled up to DH and he put his hands around my waist. I leaned allll the way back into the water, wetting my entire head. When I came up, my hair slinked down my back. Susie didn't have too much to say after that. DH got pretty excited, though. :lachen: [Another sidenote: That evening, I just let it airdry, and it made nice, beachy, messy waves.]

The next day, I deep conditioned and did another blowout. The guys were playing pool, and I walked into the pool room with my freshly done hair just as Susie was walking out. I suspect that DH had mentioned that I wasn't there because I was doing my hair. :rolleyes:

Susie: Your hair looks great. (Grabs my ends.)

I'm not big on people touching my hair, but whatever.

I noticed that Susie was a little catty with me during the trip, too. She was just acting a little bit . . . extra. I'm not saying it had anything to do with hair, but who knows?

It does sound like it had something to do w/ hair (having nothing to say when you lean your hair into the water, grabbing your ends [:boxing:why can't people keep their hands to themselves?] At the beginning of your post, you mentioned that she's suffered from breakage b/c she highlights her hair a lot. How is her hair doing now?
It does sound like it had something to do w/ hair (having nothing to say when you lean your hair into the water, grabbing your ends [:boxing:why can't people keep their hands to themselves?] At the beginning of your post, you mentioned that she's suffered from breakage b/c she highlights her hair a lot. How is her hair doing now?[quote]

It looked pretty good. It's very long (close to waist). It was a little stringy and flat, but not bad overall.
ok i have this friend, when i met her last year and half ago she thought i was wearing a weave, she was suprised that it was mine after she ran her fingers throught my hair, but she was still skeptical that i could get even longer than it was. so a few months ago she saw me with flat ironed hair and her jaw droped!! and i said "i told you it was going to get long" and i told her "its going to be even longer than this next year" but i can still tell she didnt believe me. now how can she still not believe??? lol. but she always ask me for hair advice and never follows what i tell her, so whats the point. the last time she saw my hair it was top of mbl, im going to wait intill im at wL to flat iron again and i cant wait to show her.
With me it's not so much the hair issue but me getting visibly thinner. I really love to cook and it will always be my passion,but I have really cut down on portions and got myself moving.This weight is melting off slowly,but enough to take notice from the size I used to be. It feels really good to shut those mouths concerning weight. Love it!!!
Mine isn't that great but I will share anyway.
My hair has never in my life been long. I would usually get around nape-length - shoulder length. I didn't even have this long hair as a baby like a lot of the women on the board had. Nope, I had tiny little spiral ponies and when my mom started braiding, I had inch-long braided ponies... lol. So anyway, I had been going to the same stylist from age 11 until 18. I was always complaining that I wish I had longer hair and asked what could I do to get it longer. I have ALWAYS been interested in hair and taking care of my hair, so even if she said I would have had to do 300 things, I would have done those 300 things without complaint. I've always enjoyed taking care of my hair.
Stylist: It's not in your genes. Look at your mom (even though my grandmother used to have hair waaaaay down her back when she was younger and it's only short now because she prefers short hair and she's also 81, but ok)
Me: I just want to wear a ponytail and have the ends touch my shoulders
Stylist: Your hair will never be that long. How long it is now is how long it's always going to be

When I graduated and went off to college, I went through a hair experimenting phase of colors and cuts, etc. I went to see her maybe three times a year when I came home, and as usual, my hair was around nape-length - shoulder-length. Finally, my junior year I stopped going to her completely and started trying out stuff I had heard about (pre-LHCF) and my hair had gotten down to collarbone. I don't remember exactly what I did but I'm pretty sure it consisted of hardly ever straightening my hair and wearing a lot of french braids and making sure I moisturized.
Unfortunately, though it had grown, it had been so damaged from color that I ended up having to get this stylist to cut it into an ear-length bob and the very back was shaved. Anyway, as usual, once the novelty of the bob wore off and I wanted longer hair again, I asked her what I could do and got the same response.
I got this bob cut in Feb 2009 and have yet to go back to that stylist (or any stylist for that matter). My hair is now 1.5" from APL despite the fact that the back had been shaved (yes - the same hair that would never get past nape-length apparently). I WILL reach APL in October, and I will be sure to straighten and make a visit to her shop after I do.
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I got negativity from certain people at work. They thought I needed to relax and style my hair or "do something with that mess on her head" as someone told me was being said about me. I've gone from EL to approaching SL since February and some of the same people doing all the yakking have noticed my growth. One co worker told me she was planning to go natural like me because she wanted to see some progress with her own hair and asked me what I use in my hair. I was happy to tell her and it makes me feel vindicated - that taking care of my hair and low manipulation is actually a good thing to do!
.................................................. .

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it's way too late but I'm still up and want to read more stories so...
bump bump bump
for responses later on today!
Mine isn't that great but I will share anyway.
My hair has never in my life been long. I would usually get around nape-length - shoulder length. I didn't even have this long hair as a baby like a lot of the women on the board had. Nope, I had tiny little spiral ponies and when my mom started braiding, I had inch-long braided ponies... lol. So anyway, I had been going to the same stylist from age 11 until 18. I was always complaining that I wish I had longer hair and asked what could I do to get it longer. I have ALWAYS been interested in hair and taking care of my hair, so even if she said I would have had to do 300 things, I would have done those 300 things without complaint. I've always enjoyed taking care of my hair.
Stylist: It's not in your genes. Look at your mom (even though my grandmother used to have hair waaaaay down her back when she was younger and it's only short now because she prefers short hair and she's also 81, but ok)
Me: I just want to wear a ponytail and have the ends touch my shoulders
Stylist: Your hair will never be that long. How long it is now is how long it's always going to be

When I graduated and went off to college, I went through a hair experimenting phase of colors and cuts, etc. I went to see her maybe three times a year when I came home, and as usual, my hair was around nape-length - shoulder-length. Finally, my junior year I stopped going to her completely and started trying out stuff I had heard about (pre-LHCF) and my hair had gotten down to collarbone. I don't remember exactly what I did but I'm pretty sure it consisted of hardly ever straightening my hair and wearing a lot of french braids and making sure I moisturized.
Unfortunately, though it had grown, it had been so damaged from color that I ended up having to get this stylist to cut it into an ear-length bob and the very back was shaved. Anyway, as usual, once the novelty of the bob wore off and I wanted longer hair again, I asked her what I could do and got the same response.
I got this bob cut in Feb 2009 and have yet to go back to that stylist (or any stylist for that matter). My hair is now 1.5" from APL despite the fact that the back had been shaved (yes - the same hair that would never get past nape-length apparently). I WILL reach APL in October, and I will be sure to straighten and make a visit to her shop after I do.

Davis, did you ever go back to the shop?
it's way too late but I'm still up and want to read more stories so...
bump bump bump
for responses later on today!

Girl, yes you were up REALLY late! Lol. I do love the stories and hope I can remember to bump this thread up in about a year and share mine! Hopefully I will be getting close to APL by then. The longest my hair has ever been was a shoulder length bob in high school.

I've also had beauticians tell me that I wasn't going to ever have long hair bc I didnt have it as a child. On the flip side tho, I've also had a lot of them tell me, that I have nice hair (including a Dominican lady which shocked me bc I'm 4b/a and didnt think they cared for my hair type) and that it should be able to get long.
Davis, did you ever go back to the shop?

No... I was going to go this December when I planned to straighten, but I BC'ed so my hair isn't APL anymore... lol. Not as impressive since my hair has been as long as it is now in the past. I am definitely going to go "visit" in April, when I am hoping to be APL again!
^^^Girl, yes! I know it's petty, but I'ma make a point for certain folks including stylists to see that yeah, my hair can and did grow long, than you very much. Lol.
Wow girl, you are to be nominated for sainthood (in due time of course), I am not sure I would have been that nice.
I proved my doubter wrong not through length but by improving the health of my hair-

When I cut off most of my relaxed hair a few months ago a black co-worker asked me why I cut off my lovely long relaxed hair (my hair was no way near long- it was shoulder length) and why was I going natural and said natural kinky black hair looked ugly (meaning 4ab hair) and that my hair did not look right:perplexed She also said that I should not come to work with my hair looking like how it did:wallbash:

Well, I must admit that I was not that offended, because all this was coming from someone who always wears some really tired, awful and embarrassing looking wigs and weaves. Also, when I initially cut my hair it did look a bit peculiar because I did not know how to style it or care for it and it did look like a dried up coconut (if I must say so myself:nono:).

A couple months later, after figuring out how to care for my natural hair (from all the kind ladies here eg Justkiya, Ladypknc, Ladylibra among others). My hair started looking less like a dried coconut and more like lush healthy moisturised hair. This same lady started touching my hair repeatedly:sad: and kept saying how shocked she was at how soft my hair was. She said she did not realise that our hair could be so soft. She then wanted to know how I cared for my hair because she was having problems with her little daughters hair being tough and hard to comb. I went out and bought her some products (which I was reimbursed for) and wrote a regimen for her daughter.

Last week this same lady came to work without wig/weave (first time in years anyone at work saw her real hair. I was shocked. She said she is so impressed by the health and look of my hair that she is trying my regimen on herslf - I guess that is the nicest compliment :grin: Unfortunately this poor woman has no hairline, it starts way back (farther than Essence's Susan Taylor) and it looks weird. I am pondering suggesting some MN. I did suggest she come on here but she said she is not a computer sort of gal- too busy.

I have other doubters to prove wrong but that will be in a couple years from now when I show them that black women can grow their hair long- stay tuned:grin:
hahahahhahah! just lmao!
There is this one girl who is a freaking know it all, one upper that works my nerves. She always has something to say. Plus she likes my dh so she is really on my list. Here's how it went down.
Stupid chick: Why did you cut all of your hair off?
Me: Because it's mine. Why do you care?
Stupid chick: You know it's going to take forever to grow it back right?
Me: Blink, blink, blink

Fast forward she sees me at an event and my back is to her. She doesn't know it's me and was even asking who the girl was with the long hair. They were like that's Q isn't her hair beautifu? :blah:

This is how she looked :thud:
Stupid chick: Wow Q your hair has really grown. What are you doing?
Me: You know the usual stuff that's all.
Stupid chick: It's longer than mine now.
Me: I know, crazy huh?!!!

Oh and I was getting so much attention from people that she suddenly had something wrong with her :rolleyes: So everyone was with her trying to make sure she was okay. All of a sudden she couldn't breathe and had to leave although she was fine just a frew minutes before she saw me. Yeah, RIGHT!!! Q