Hair Growth and Weight Loss Challenge 2014

Gorgeous GettingKinky!! There's nothing wrong with wanting smooth hair. I wonder if you could flat iron more often and stretch your relaxers for longer? I don't know, just trying to figure out how you can have everything you want.

Thanks toaster.

I already stretch 16-17 weeks. I probably could go even longer, but I still don't think my hair would like flat ironing any more frequently. I wish I could get this result with roller sets. Maybe if I was fully relaxed instead of texlaxed....

I never know what I want. When it's not flat ironed (which is most of the time) I love the volume of texlaxed hair. But if I were fully relaxed maybe I would set more often and have smooth shiny hair more often.
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Are you guys taking any vitamins? I obviously stopped taking my birth control and over a month ago I stopped taking Hairfinity :look:. It was working, but my normal growth rate is pretty fast and I just didn't feel like taking hair pills. Last night I purchased a probiotic and fish oil, and I just took them this morning along with my juice and a banana. I thought these were two things I could add for general health.
Are you guys taking any vitamins? I obviously stopped taking my birth control and over a month ago I stopped taking Hairfinity :look:. It was working, but my normal growth rate is pretty fast and I just didn't feel like taking hair pills. Last night I purchased a probiotic and fish oil, and I just took them this morning along with my juice and a banana. I thought these were two things I could add for general health.

I used to take a multivitamin and MSM. But at some point I read an article saying multivitamins aren't really necessary so I stopped. I should probably at least finish the bottles I have. I bought fish oil to give my dog. Maybe I'll take it too.
I did Body Beast Total Body this morning. It's a great workout and the trainer Sagi, is quite handsome. For now I'm mixing in body beast with Brazil butt lift. But after 5 weeks of butt lift my butt is just firmer, not more lifted. After another week I'm switching over to 100% body beast.
I can't believe I only have 3 more days of the beginner's calendar on blogilates! I really think it's making me more toned and flexible so I want to continue. My issue is that her monthly calendars are 60 minutes of pilates and the beginners calendar was 30 minutes. After the 30 minutes I usually went on a 45 minute walk. I don't know if I have time in my day to work out for 2 hours every day!

I mean, I know I could wake up earlier, and I'll probably see a lot of improvement, but it seems like a huge step.

This week I worked out for 11 hours and 9 minutes and burned 4,550 calories! New record!
toaster can you spread the 60 minute workouts over 2 days? Or does each workout kind of build on itself?

I think the workouts build on themselves, but they do consist of several of her youtube videos so I probably could split it up.

I'm already messing up by starting the June calendar on Friday, but I think I'll start from day 1 and just be a few weeks behind on the next month's workouts. I've seen so much progress form the beginning of the beginner's calendar, so I don't want to miss out on the monthly workouts.

I think I'll try the 60 minute pilates and shorten my walks on the week days. On the weekends I can have my longer walks. Also once my internship is over in a few weeks I'll have more time in the day. This is when being a student comes in handy.

But I must say, this is my second law school summer and I'm much better at working out when I'm working than I am during school. My schedule is the same every day and I don't always feel like I should be "studying" or doing something all the time. I need to work on making working out part of my school routine as well.
Between Thursday and Sunday I've been eating so badly. I haven't had fast food in ages, but I totally blew it this week.

Thursday I had Taco Bell for dinner because I was at the hairdresser past 10 pm

Saturday I had Popeyes for lunch and then shared a big a** slice of pizza with DH as a pre-dinner snack. :nono

Sunday I had ramen for lunch so much sodium.

Today my weight is up 1.5 lbs, but my scale says my bodyfat is my lowest EVER. I'm not sure what to believe.

I need to get back on track to be at 133 for 4th of July.

I'm am eating clean for the next 3 weeks.
Ugh, here I am - all fat and juicy.:sad:

Hair Goals:
  • Currently CBL natural.
  • Short-term goal of APL by December 2014
  • Long-term goal of MBL by December 2015
  • I joined the APL/BSL 2014 challenge.
  • My next length check will be September.
Hair Starting Pic taken June 11.

Body Plan of Attack
  • Starting weight 215.8 lbs.
  • Short-term goal 10 lbs lost by September 15, 2014
  • Long-term goal 30 lbs weight loss by June 2015.
I went ahead and set my calendar to remind me to weigh in every Monday and keep a log.
Exercise 3-5 times weekly with a variety of walking, step aerobics and my Total Gym (when it arrives). Stretch daily.
  • Try to find alternatives to my carb cravings during that time of the month.
  • On a daily basis reduce my food portions in half. (worked in the past)
  • Try to eat no later than 8:30 and brush my teeth to halt eating. (worked in the past)
My gut and back fat gots to go!! (my hair pics from June 11 BC which so nicely shows my gut and back fat!)
Welcome HappyAtLast

I'm setting new goals for myself so that I can focus on something other than the scale.

- I want to be able to see my triceps when I flex them, so I need to lower my body fat and lift heavier for my triceps.

- I want a 6 pack or at least a 4 pack so I need to lower my body fat. I can feel the muscles, there is just a layer of fat covering them.

- I want to be able to do 2 pull ups in a row unassisted

- I want WL hair with no bonelaxed ends. That will take me at least until the end of 2016

- I want a way to get my hair smooth without direct heat and preferably without rollersetting.
Hi Ladies! I had fallen off for a while, but I'm back!! Developed a new workout plan with a PT friend. Will be doing mostly cardio and 1 upper body weight lifting and 2 lower body plyometric workouts per week.
Well I met one goal today of finishing my last meal by 8:30. Mondays are free fall for dinner for our family so I made myself a hearty salad with salmon, mixed greens, lots of mushrooms, radishes and red & yellow bell peppers. I also had a slice of natural cheddar cheese.

It was good and filling - thank goodness!
I'm not losing a single pound. In fact I gained back the five I lost! But...I am definitely getting tighter. And stronger. Now when I walk I don't feel so much like Quasimote anymore. I'm feeling very erect and strong. I look in the mirror and can see my hips trying to get lean. My butt if definitely higher, rounder, firmer. Arms are getting a little definition. My stomach is going to be a beast, but now when I hold it in, it actually gets a little flat. So I'm going to stick with working out and building muscle. I put the scale away as it was discouraging me.

Been wearing wash n gos for the last three weeks. That "Anthony Dickey Method" makes a big difference....even though he didn't really invent the technique and I'm just revisiting what I used to do. Not sure why I stopped.
I'm not losing a single pound. In fact I gained back the five I lost! But...I am definitely getting tighter. And stronger. Now when I walk I don't feel so much like Quasimote anymore. I'm feeling very erect and strong. I look in the mirror and can see my hips trying to get lean. My butt if definitely higher, rounder, firmer. Arms are getting a little definition. My stomach is going to be a beast, but now when I hold it in, it actually gets a little flat. So I'm going to stick with working out and building muscle. I put the scale away as it was discouraging me.

Been wearing wash n gos for the last three weeks. That "Anthony Dickey Method" makes a big difference....even though he didn't really invent the technique and I'm just revisiting what I used to do. Not sure why I stopped.

Sounds good! The scale can be a liar when you're losing fat but gaining muscle!
Still here ladies! Just trying to sort things out since this move.

No working out yet....I am losing weight due to less calorie consumption though. :look:

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The CLA and garcinia cambogia combo are working! -4 lbs in one weeks!

ETA: just used the bathroom. Make that -4.6 lbs :lol:
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The 3 lbs I gained after eating crappy food last weekend must have been water retention because after 2 days of clean eating, it's gone. :-)

I like squats and deadlifts, but lunges are evil.

I can't believe how bad my hair looked preHHJ. So thin and straggly. I look back at pictures and I can't believe at the time I thought it looked good. :nono: I wish I had known more about hair care back when I was in college.
Are any of you ladies gym members? If so, how often do you go and what exercises/machines do you do? I'm contemplating joining for just one year but I'm on the fence.
I used to belong to a gym, but now I workout at home with beachbody programs. I love working out at home, it's so flexible and I'm addicted to beachbody. I have a set of adjustable dumbells (5-52.5lbs) and a stability ball and a pull up bar. So far I haven't needed anything else.

I do miss some of the group classes at the gym though. But I only went a few times a week and at home I workout 5-6 times a week.
I used to belong to a gym, but now I workout at home with beachbody programs. I love working out at home, it's so flexible and I'm addicted to beachbody. I have a set of adjustable dumbells (5-52.5lbs) and a stability ball and a pull up bar. So far I haven't needed anything else.

I do miss some of the group classes at the gym though. But I only went a few times a week and at home I workout 5-6 times a week.

Its nagging in the back of my mind that I'll work out more if I stick to it at home too. Idk, for some reason I'm starting to feel out of control of my time and schedule - probably because the kids are out of school and have infiltrated my whole day - maybe I'm looking at the gym as an escape.:lachen:
I really enjoy gym group fitness classes and will definitely be attending again in a few weeks.

But I wanted to say that I finished the blogilates beginner's calendar today! Man, it was hard, but I actually see changes in my body. On Friday (tomorrow is "rest" day) I'm going to jump in the middle of the June calendar and see if I can keep up. There was a lot in the beginner's calendar that I found challenging, but I pushed through. I'm pretty pumped about it.
I'm loving how firm my butt and thighs have gotten. Brazil Butt Lift works for sure for firming. I wish the program wasn't so repetitive. I'm starting to get bored but I should really do 2 more weeks after I finish this one. Maybe then I would see lift too.
5:30 am cardio. I hate getting up early but I get the workout out of the way and I feel good during the day.
I have hit plateau. For the last month I've been stuck between 134-137. I really want to get somewhere between 125-128. Time to get even more strict with my diet.
Which probiotic do you take? I take Enzymatic Therapy Pearls but not consistently. I think ill go pop one now!

Just nature made digestive probiotic. I'm not taking it for weight loss, I'm just having some digestive issues that my doctor thinks is caused my prolonged birth control usage. But two birds with one stone and all of that.
Just nature made digestive probiotic. I'm not taking it for weight loss, I'm just having some digestive issues that my doctor thinks is caused my prolonged birth control usage. But two birds with one stone and all of that.

yeah, I started taking mine for digestive issues and antibiotic usage.
Im cooking dinner tonight for the first time in a while. My eating habits have been poor these past few weeks. Not to mention I haven't gone to the gym in almost a month. Now that school is out it is impossible to the gym unless I take the kids :nono:

Today I am getting back on track. I bought a bunch of fresh produce and healthy snacks (berries, bananas, cucumbers, etc.) Diet is far more important than exercise so I am going to work on my eating habits first and gradually get back into a workout regimen.