Hair Growth and Weight Loss Challenge 2013

Froreal3. Well done on ur weight loss and toning progress, pics would be nice but I know what you mean about the posting

MGA2013. Well done on graduating and the mini weight loss, like u I finally finish up end of May, and then I'm bang on it for the summer months to see some progress, esp as I've been stressed and sick and gain a few pounds back but I'm not gonna stress too much about it just need to finish off and get back on it hard. Plus my graduation is at the end of the year so definitely wanna see a difference by then
Fab79 good luck on exams, I definitely know the feeling of that stress! I hope you begin to feel better as well! If you work hard during the summer you'll be fab for your graduation!!!
@Froreal3. Well done on ur weight loss and toning progress, pics would be nice but I know what you mean about the posting

@MGA2013. Well done on graduating and the mini weight loss, like u I finally finish up end of May, and then I'm bang on it for the summer months to see some progress, esp as I've been stressed and sick and gain a few pounds back but I'm not gonna stress too much about it just need to finish off and get back on it hard. Plus my graduation is at the end of the year so definitely wanna see a difference by then

Fab79 I posted pics in the Health & Fitness section in the Health Thoughts thread. ;)
You ladies are so quiet! Hope all is well! Just quick update to say I finished 2 weeks of Couch to 5k. I am busy, but I can carve out 30 minutes 3 times a week. Feeling accomplished :-)

Will update weight on Monday.

I never updated my weight. I've lost 5 lbs since 5/1 and feeling motivated. Still doing couch to 5k. Changed my eating habits a lot!
Quiet in here. I've been doing well with my exercise and hair regimen. I'm still using NJoy's new sulfur mix daily or every other day. I also DC once a week, moisturize and seal every other day and ps 100% of the time.

I dropped a couple lbs since easing juicing into my diet. Coupled with working out four to five times a week, it's working well. I just started taking Tonalin CLA caps the other day, so we'll see how that works for me in the next few weeks.
I'm twisted up for the summer and down 25 lbs total. Switching to a paleo/primal for the summer.
Morning ladies!

My dreams of going on vacation with BSL hair are gone BUT I just realized I would rather have braids for the summer. I'm working out so much now, that its best for me. So I will have BSL braids but I do plan to be BSL by years end.

Right now, I am drinking bamboo leaf tea which I love with no sweetener. It helps suppress my appetite between meals and I'm hoping the silica is helping my hair!

The ABS diet DVD is awesome! I get a thorough, intense workout at home. I'm alternating it with running/walking at the track and I also go to flirty fitness (lol) classes. I'm most excited that I have changed from being sedentary and inactive to looking forward to working out. Before I couldn't find time, now I make time. I loosely follow the ABS diet plan; I need to incorporate more of the protein smoothies post workout.

Current weight is 149.8 which may be more than when I started but I had Some weight gain that I am recovering from. I would like to be 140 by months end. I will do some measurements later.
I haven't moved much on the scale but I lost inches last month was a bust my work schedule was so crazy I barely got any workouts in. I'm. Little disappointed I sort of fell off the plan :(

I'm making up for it this month though I'm going hard for summer
I believe I can reach goal in 2 months if I really put in the 6x a week workouts
I fell off miserably with exercising. The transition from college life to the real world doesn't help. I'm faithfully praying that life after my board exams becomes more stable!

My hair is doing ok, I want to get some braids for the rest of the summer, so I can focus more on important things lol.
I am so ashamed. I joined and fell off the rocker within weeks of the challenge. I have no excuses. Well updates with my hair. My hair is doing well. I am inches away from BSL.... YAY. Now lets talk about my weight. That's a whole different story. I need to step it back up. I eat well every few days and then go back to the same old routine. That's not good. So this time around I am going to find a good plan that I can stick to. I think bringing my lunch to work worked well. Maybe I might use a shake a day and two meals. That usually works good for me. When I figure it out I will come back and post. I need to incorporate exercising as well. I will be back before the week is over to update you guys on my hair care routine and what I plan on doing differently to retain length. I will also create a fitness/diet plan for myself and post that as well. I hope I am welcomed back into this group. I am sorry ladies I fell off the wagon. Please forgive me. I need motivation to stick to this. I am back for your support.
Omgosh I forgot I was even in this challenge...smh I need to step up my game on this bc I'm still trying to loose. Haven't been consistent at all. I have been exercising religiously for the past month 4 times a week. I just altered my eating habits bc I haven't been doing good with my eating. Like I would not eat breakfast and lunch and only eat dinner. Or I would eat breakfast and dinner only. Right now my weight is at 221 but I know I should have lost way more by now. I'm going to get back in here ladies and finish this challenge through. How embarrassing!


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I'm down to 217! :-) my only thing is the water. I need to consume more water so I'm working on that. I'm proud of myself that I cut out all regular sodas and am only drinking big red zero. I'm actually shocked bc I absolutely hate diet drinks and I've been able to tolerate these. My eating habits have gotten better by making sure I'm not skipping any meals. I feel good! I do have some back fat or rolls that I think even when I loose weight it may still be there along with some loose skin on my stomach. I'm thinking once I'm done and reach my goal I may get the fat that's hard to get rid of sucked out lol and a tummy tuck but we shall see bc I have a long way to go. Oh and have to get the okay from hubby lol.


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Hair Goals

Current Length: ~Full shoulder, trimmed so I'm not really grazing anymore.
2013 Goal Length: ~Full BSL
Relaxed, natural, texlaxed: ~Natural
Hair type: ~4B
How you will achieve goal: ~deep conditioning, co-washing, bunning, minimal heat, no chemical processes, careful handling.

Weight/Fitness Goals

Current Weight: ~164ish
Measurements: ~ 38.5*29.5*39.5

Height: ~5'7.5
Goal Weight: ~145-150
Current Dress Size: ~10
Goal Size: ~I'm not big on this. I'm fine being a 10. maybe 8?
Fitness Goal: ~have an hourglass shape. Perkier butt and boobs. Look good in a bathing suit.
How will I succeed? ~ eating Paleo, reducing sugar intake, running, swimming, and weight training. Keeping it simple.

Well gee whiz. According to this old post, I've met my original weight goal for the year. 7/13/13 I weighed in at 150. I need to take pics and update.
I just noticed I'm subscribed to this thread and haven't been updating at ALL nor have I been tracking my hair length. At last measure I was full shoulder length. Aiming for full APL by end of year, since I'm a slow grower. Aim to lose 30 pounds by end of year, which will be a struggle. I will need to exercise at least five days a week and watch what I eat. Will post monthly length/weight checks starting in September.

UPDATED: Upladed a photo of my hair as of December 2012

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I haven't posted in a while. Haven't worked out in a month, but I am back at it. Hair is doing fine. Almost bsl...hope to be grazing mbl by year's end.

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I'm finally on track with eating healthy and exercising regularly! I have to go back to my original post to see where I really am. I probably weigh more than when I started, but I am pleased with the progress I am making overall.

My hair is doing well, a little past APL. I will update with pics and length check at the end of Sept/early Oct. I hope by them I'm knocking on BSL's door.
Originally Posted by jprayze (11/10/12)
Hey ladies!!!

Hair Goals
Current Length: APL
2013 Goal Length: BSL then MBL
Relaxed, natural, texlaxed: natural
Hair type: 3 B/C
How you will achieve goal: regular DCs, tea rinses, MN, PSing, limit heat, and may add some sulfur to my regimen in 2013

Weight/Fitness Goals
Current Weight: 142.8
Goal Weight: 125
Current Dress Size: 10
Goal Size: 6-8
Fitness Goal:
How you will achieve goal: Drinking lots of water, eating lots of fruits and veggies, and regular exercise.

I found my original post and I do weigh more...I would be happy to weigh 142.8 now. I weigh in on Mondays, so I will come back tomorrow with my actual weight.

I think I can make BSL this year but not MBL due to a big trim I had earlier this year. Overall, my hair is healthy and thriving so I am happy.
Hair Goals
Current Length: Full APL
2013 Goal Length: Full BSL (long-term goal: waist-length, stretched)
Relaxed, natural, texlaxed: Natural
Hair type: 4B
How you will achieve goal: weekly DC, protective styling, co-washing, henna

Weight/Fitness Goals
Current Weight: 250
Goal Weight: Year-end goal is 200, long term goal is 150.
Current Dress Size: 16
Goal Size: Year-end goal is 14, long-term goal is 8
Fitness Goal: Be able to run a 5K
How you will achieve goal: Smaller, more frequent meals using "cheat" foods (like cauliflower rice instead of regular rice, miracle noodles instead of rice noodles, etc.), and exercising frequently.


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Down a couple of pounds. I highly recommend miracle noodles and Walden Farms. I'm about to put together a little cookbook for all these lo-cal foods- they are the real deal! ;-)

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Can you elaborate pls?

Well, for dinner I just ate a big bowl of stir fry, which was about 75 calories. It contained baby corn, yellow onion, peppers, celery, water chestnuts, bean sprouts, carrots, peas, and broccoli. Instead of rice, I used some cauliflower (chop it into big pieces, then quickly process in a food processor)- this was about 50 calories. Then I tossed the chicken in some Walden Farms Sesame Ginger dressing and quickly seared it. That was about 40 calories. I had dinner with a bottle of Lipton Diet Green Tea with Citrus.

The whole meal was about 175 calories. When I eat this over miracle noodles, it drops to 125. :yep: The tea is calorie-free.


Trying to show how big this bowl was:

ETA With miracle noodles:


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Made a yummy crab and avocado salad and threw some mango salsa on top.

Quick, and full of healthy ingredients!


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*sigh* Back to almost my original weight from last October. Boo. I haven't been consistent working out and eating properly. School has taken the front seat. I need to make sure I get my protein in. I just bought some plan based protein powder and I will be taking this along with juicing once a day.

On my way back to the Health & Fitness Forum. As for my hair. It's doing great. I'm now BSB/BSL. Yay. I hope to get another two inches by the year's end. That would put me at grazing MBL. I want this year to end with a bang, so my goal is to keep my workouts consistent.
Here ya go, mshoneyfly:

I'm in the Midwest, so we don't have fresh crab. If you have access to it, definitely use that instead!


I used:

1 pack of lump crab meat (6 oz.)
1 TBSP brown (or Dijon) mustard
1 tsp lime juice
2 TBSP finely chopped cilantro
.5 tsp cumin
1 tsp minced red onion
1 tsp minced garlic
2 avocados

After halving avocados (as if making two cups), scoop out avocado flesh.

Dice avocado flesh into small cubes. Sprinkle with lime juice and set aside.

In a medium bowl, mix together crab meat, mustard, cilantro, cumin, garlic, and onion.

Gently fold in avocado.

Scoop equally into the four avocado cups. Serve cold.

(Optional) mango salsa garnish

1 mango
3 stalks green onion
.5 jalapeño
2 TBSP finely chipped cilantro
.5 tsp lime juice

Dice mango into quarter-inch pieces.
Finely mince green onion and jalapeño.
Combine above ingredients with cilantro in a medium bowl.

Sprinkle with lime juice and let chill 4 hours to overnight (tastes best when allowed to chill for several hours).

**I used about a teaspoon of mango salsa per avocado cup. Also very good on habanero-tequila shrimp tacos.


Habanero tequila shrimp

1 # raw shrimp (peeled, deveined)
.25 c. Triple sec
2 TBSP tequila
1 tsp cumin
1 tsp garlic powder
1 tsp onion powder
A dash of habanero powder (if using fresh habanero, macerate a pepper and use .5 tsp of the pulped flesh)
2 TBSP orange juice
Corn tortillas

In a large bowl, mix triple sec, tequila, cumin, onion powder, garlic powder, and habanero.

Add shrimp and marinate 1-2 hours.

Heat griddle to medium-high.

Remove shrimp from marinade.

Add shrimp to pan and drizzle with orange juice.

Cook until caramelized (about 90 seconds per side), then remove from heat.

Remove pan from burner.

Put corn tortilla on the burner for about five seconds. Flip with tongs and repeat. Set aside.

Top tortillas with 3-4 shrimp and one TBSP of mango salsa.

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Girl thanks a million!! Im in the MW too so all I know is imitation crab :lol: i cant say I'll post a pic when I attempt this recipe but I'll let you know how things turn out

I LOVE this HHJ!!
A couple weeks ago, I mentioned that I was thinking of compiling/making a list of suggested recipes featuring lo-cal foods. Here's what I ate for dinner, courtesy of Walden Farms:

1 heart of romaine, shredded (30 cal)
2 slices of turkey bacon, in thin strips (60 cal)
2 TBSP Shredded cheese (60 cal)
1/2 Roma tomato, finely diced (10 cal)
2 TBSP red onion, finely diced (10 cal)
2 TBSP carrot, finely diced (10 cal)
2 TBSP Walden Farms Bacon Ranch dressing (0 cal)

=180 calories

I usually bake my turkey bacon, but microwaving works just as well. I did four minutes for my four slices (2 for DH). Works for legit bacon, too.

This made a large serving bowl of salad:


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Froreal3 I love the Daily Burn channel for Roku. The workouts are all awesome. And one of the instructors is on YouTube... SuperheroFitness or something like that. I'll update once I double-check the channel name.

ETA: It's actually Superhero Fitness TV on YouTube. Fun, free workouts.

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