Hair Growth and Weight Loss Challenge 2014

Having to recommit for June. My diet was good for May but I barely exercised. Walked 4 miles today to get June off to a good start.

Just keeping my hair tucked away. I guess I'm getting my average growth rate. My grays are coming in with a vengeance.
I've still been walking and doing my blogilates and juicing. Hoping June is a good month!!

Good luck ladies.
I've been slacking since Memorial Day. I think I'm mostly satisfied so my motivation is flagging. I need to get back on track so I don't backslide and I want to be 100% satisfied.

I'm back to my daily braidouts. They are so easy and almost always turn out well.
I've been way too busy/tired to post but I'll be back to usual posting ways in July. I just completed day 13 of blogilates and I'm headed out for my daily walk. Still juicing twice a day as well!
I've decided trying to lose weight is a bust. So, I'm going to concentrate more on lifting weights, building muscle and burning fat that way. Perhaps if I tone up all over I'll be able to fit my pre-pregnancy clothes again, which is all I really want to do. I find I'm more excited about doing classes and lifting weights than I am trying to lessen my caloric intake. I've cut carbs (mostly breads and pasta) and most dessert/snacking sugars (but the darn stuff is in everything and I'm not extreme dieting!). My goal is twice a day 4 days a week. Cardio in the morning when my son is in school and weight lifting in the afternoons. So far so good. The scale isn't moving but my core is definitely getting stronger.
My weight has gone down a bit since the beginning of the challenge, but my tummy bloat is at an all time high. Maybe im allergic to something...maybe it's because it's almost the tom...or it could be because I eat too fast. I gotta figure something out. My bday is next Friday and I don't wanna look like metty the snowman :lol: :lachen:
I have to go back and see what my "starting weight" was. My weight has been up and down the past few months but this morning I weighed in at 130.5! That's the lowest I've been in a WHILE. Trying to get to the low/mid 120s.

ETA: I was 133 in February, but I know in May I got up to 138 so I haven't been doing that well. Hopefully I'm on a downward slope now.
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I'm primarily focusing on staying active. The scale isn't budging no matter how I change my diet, so not fooling with that. I have been consistently doing the daily salad and have extended that into June. I think I missed 2 days in May.

Now I'm focusing on just improving my overall fitness. I am doing some form of exercise for 45 minutes at least 4 days a week. This week I am walking 3 to 4 miles and this weekend I will hop on my bike.

Who knows what's going on with my hair. I will do a rollerset at the end of June to see if I have made any progress. My grays say that my hair is growing. It's just a matter of how much and how much I have retained.
IronButterfly - don't give up. I'm sure that in the process of toning you will lose weight

toaster- congrats on getting to a new low!

faithVA- that's awesome the way you are sticking to your personal salad challenge

Prettymetty - good luck figuring out the cause of your tummy bloat. Hopefully it's just because of your tom

Over time my brisk evening walks with the dog have turned into a leisurely stroll. What used to take 25 minutes now takes 40. I have to pick up the pace.
IronButterfly - don't give up. I'm sure that in the process of toning you will lose weight

toaster- congrats on getting to a new low!

faithVA- that's awesome the way you are sticking to your personal salad challenge

Prettymetty - good luck figuring out the cause of your tummy bloat. Hopefully it's just because of your tom

Over time my brisk evening walks with the dog have turned into a leisurely stroll. What used to take 25 minutes now takes 40. I have to pick up the pace.

At least you caught it to correct it. Imagine if you pick up the pace and still do the 40 minutes :yep:
I just detangled my hair. There was a lot of shedding today. It caught me off guard. I sprayed each section with aloe/glycerin spray and Aphogee green tea keratin. Then I put a generous amount of aussie moist on the ends and sealed with evoo. Im not going to bother my hair again until I get it done next Friday for my bday :)
Finished my workout for the day already! Have some errands to run and I think I'll wash my hair tonight. I stopped taking my birth control pills on Monday and my body is sooo out of wack. Just going to continue eating well and working out and hope it calms down in a month or two.
Are you planning to have a baby toaster?

I just finished 4 weeks of Brazil Butt Lift and I lost 1.5 inches!!

Bust 36.5 --> 36 (not so happy)
Waist 26--> 25.875
Hips 39 1/8 --> 38 5/8 (so happy)
Rt thigh 21 7/8 --> 21 3/4
Lf thigh 22 1/4 --> 22

I'm going to do this program for 2 more weeks and then I start Body Beast.
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Noooo. No babies until I'm married. I just stopped feeling comfortable putting all those hormones into my body. I've been on BC for 6 years and I wanted to stop. Plus my doctor recently switched my prescription and I felt terrible on them. I will use other non-hormonal birth control methods until I'm ready for a child.
I changed my weight on my heart rate monitor watch and now the heart rate I need to reach "cardio" level is higher and the calories I lose on my walk is lower. Boooo. I guess I need to speed up my steps. My blood pressure this morning was 115/75 so that's pretty good.
I'm down 2 lbs this week with the increased walking. Going to stick with my plan of exercising 45 minutes at least 4x a week. Going to set my bike back on the trainer so I can ride some this week. Also going to try to squeeze in a tae-bo session.

My hair is slowly growing. Nothing major but my puff is looking a little better, so not having to struggle to make one. Going to put the puff away for another month or two and go back to flat twist.

I'm just going to have to stay patient and consistent with both my weight loss and my hair growth/retention. Stay focused and no set backs in either area :yep:
I'm going to be in a bikini on 4th of July to go stand up paddling so I'm setting a mini-goal of losing 2.5 lbs by then to be at 133.
Tossing a sliced banana in cinnamon and heating it up in the microwave for one minute has cured my dessert cravings. Still only allow myself to have it twice a week, but it's amazing.
My dessert--
Plain yogurt+ cocoa powder with sliced bananas. It's kind of like chocolate pudding but the only thing making it sweet is the banana. Since I don't eat sugar DH says my taste buds are skewed, but I think it's delicious.

Next time I'll try toaster's warm banana with cinnamon.
I got a bottle of vo5 kiwi lime conditioner to detangle with a d a bottle of Chi silk infusion for my blowout tomorrow. Dh wants to go to the gym tomorrow, but im not trying to revert my hair on the first day. He better go without me lmao
I worked out this morning and now I'm headed for a touchup. I'm trying to cool my head with the AC so my pores will close, but I'm nervous.

ETA: it didn't burn at all. This is my second time trying this trick and both times it was successful. The one time I worked out and didn't try to close my pores, it burned like crazy.
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I got a touchup, cellophane treatment and flat iron yesterday. I slept in 2 braids with rollers on the end and today I have silky, wavy hair. Is it wrong that I love it so much when my hair is smooth and shiny?


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Gorgeous GettingKinky!!

There's nothing wrong with wanting smooth hair. I wonder if you could flat iron more often and stretch your relaxers for longer? I don't know, just trying to figure out how you can have everything you want.