Hair Growth and Weight Loss Challenge 2014

Im cooking dinner tonight for the first time in a while. My eating habits have been poor these past few weeks. Not to mention I haven't gone to the gym in almost a month. Now that school is out it is impossible to the gym unless I take the kids :nono:

Today I am getting back on track. I bought a bunch of fresh produce and healthy snacks (berries, bananas, cucumbers, etc.) Diet is far more important than exercise so I am going to work on my eating habits first and gradually get back into a workout regimen.

I'm feeling the same way. My cooking game has been off for a while. I admit i haven't been cooking the healthiest meals for my family for several months now. I'm just in a terrible cooking funk. I'm determined to change that.

I just came from grocery shopping and bought ingredients for a dinner salad tonight with shrimp and french onion soup (I'm skipping the melted cheese on mine.) I bought some of my and the kids favs for breakfast like artichoke hearts, 6-grain bread, corn beef hash (I know that's far from healthy but I let it slide for breakfast).

I also have a good plan for meal planning and I'm going to be working on that the rest of the week so I won't default to Publix fried chicken, Chinese food or Stouffers lasagna.:barf:

And I had been trying to decide between buying the Total Gym or getting a gym membership. Today I ordered the Total Gym. Can't wait to receive it!
My hair is doing fine but I refuse to get on the scale. And my coworkers talked me into doing the Pee Wee Herman dance so I could get a free donut from the donut shop :look: So that's how my week is going.
I'm going to purchase a scale that measures body fat and water percentage tonight. I don't know how accurate it will be, but if I use the same scale over a period of time I should be fine. I'm nervous that my old scale isn't calculating my weight correctly and I'll be disappointed when I weigh myself tomorrow morning.
I know Im mmmaaddd late, so I cant OFFICIALLY be in this challenge, but I really need somewhere to share my progress (or lack thereof :look:) so Im a sideline cheerleader for u ladies!! Hopefully I can make the rest of this year productive! I should change my avatar pic, but alas, Im clinging to the past like faux leather to some sweaty chaps:perplexed, so the pic of the skinny me shall stay above, but that is NOT how I look right now!!

My stats are below

Hair Goals
Current Length: almost BSL
2014 Goal Length: Full BSL or grazing MBL
Relaxed, natural, texlaxed: Natural
Hair type: 4 A/B
How you will achieve goal: Ive been protective styling for 8 wks at a time (braids/ wigs, etc), and keeping up with moisture/protein balance. Taking Priteva vitamins/ Biotin/MSM/Bamboo Silica

Weight/Fitness Goals
Current Weight: 197 :barf:
Goal Weight: 150
Current Dress Size: 14/16
Goal Size: 6-8
Fitness Goal: I love my shape, I just want it smaller. I miss the old me, before I developed an addiction to late night binges and fried twinkies (dont knock it till uve tried it......:grin:)

How you will achieve goal: Transitioning to a plant based lifestyle. RAW foods until I reach my goal, and then moving towards a majority Vegan lifestyle in general w/ fish a few times per year (Flexitarian). Exercise 5-6x per week. 3 cardio & 3 toning/stretching. SIMPLE stuff, nothing fancy.

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Just dropped 12 lbs and so proud of my progress. My hair has grown back to the length it was before my last trim three months ago.
I'm going to purchase a scale that measures body fat and water percentage tonight. I don't know how accurate it will be, but if I use the same scale over a period of time I should be fine. I'm nervous that my old scale isn't calculating my weight correctly and I'll be disappointed when I weigh myself tomorrow morning.

I've had a body weight scale for at least 10 years. I don't trust the absolute # but I trust the trends.

Welcome sunbubbles

Congrats on the 12 pounds! phynestone
Went to an Italian restaurant for lunch and had a steak salad and one piece of bread. I know that's not great, but I could have had pasta.
Sigh my diet sucks. I keep falling off the darn wagon. I told hubby we have date night this weekend and after that I'm getting serious about my weight loss.

Hair wise- I was planning on using my curling wand on my hair but flat ironed it instead. Then I went to Walmart to get a much needed trim. I dk why my nape grows faster than the rest of my hair but there's a noticeable gap that I do not like. Oh and I didn't put anything in my hair except mixed chicks hair silk and a little chi 44 iron guard. Anyway on to the pics.

My hair b4 str8ening
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While str8ening
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Once finished

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After trim
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My body fat % has moved to a new level. I am now consistently in the 27 range on my scale where for the past months I have been in the 28 range. When I started back in January I was around 33 or 34.

I'm getting ready to do a T25 workout and then a Brazil Butt Lift workout.

My flat iron is still doing well after 9 days. I'm trying to decide when to wash. So far my scalp isn't complaining.
I think my body is fighting hard again losing any more weight. I always have the munchies. I don't keep bad food in the house, but even too much good food is a problem. Sigh...
I think my body is fighting hard again losing any more weight. I always have the munchies. I don't keep bad food in the house, but even too much good food is a problem. Sigh...

You can do it! Push through and maybe in two weeks your body will surprise you.
The munchies got me yesterday. I ate an ENTIRE sleeve of saltines. 500 empty calories. :nono: :sad:

Plus I just laid on the couch all day reading. I didn't even take the poor dog for a walk.

As a result, my body fat is back in the 28% range. I have to get back in the 27% range.

I have to get back in the groove.
Went out to lunch today. Ordered a spinach salad and 2 halves of slices of pizza. Will up my water intake, and eat my usual yogurt, dinner, and green juice tonight. Hopefully I don't gain too much.
Weighed in at 127.8 this morning!

I'm loving my diet and exercise lately. I don't restrict what I eat, but every day I try to make good choices.

My first goal was 125. I think when I get there I'll want to hit 120. That's probably small enough. I'm 5 feet 2 so my bmi would be fine at much smaller, but I'm more concerned with my overall health and reaching a point where I feel comfortable and can maintain.

I think it's been 11 days since I started taking probiotics and fish oil. I feel great. I've never had any health concerns but I'd like to make sure it stays that way for a long time. The next few months I'll focus on losing these last few pounds and regulating my hormones.
congrats to everyone that's made progress. I dropped out a long time ago, I suck at challenges.

You're so close!!

I've changed my original target too, but I'm having a really hard time getting to my new goal. I may just have to be satisfied with my original target.
I've never associated my food cravings with PMS but I'm hoping that is what's going on with me. I constantly crave food lately.

I'm going to stuff myself with broccoli when I get home.
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I'm going to get twists soon. I'm going to keep getting my hair twisted for the summer if I like them. I'm going to moisturize and seal everyday. Hopefully I'll see good growth.
congrats to everyone that's made progress. I dropped out a long time ago, I suck at challenges.

Come back! I gained about 5 pounds this week. I don't want to lose the weight, but I don't want to put on more. 115 is my max for now. My tummy just looks bloated, so I'm going to eat better the rest of this week. I really want to find a dance workout video that has a lot of resistance exercises. I'm going to be honest, I don't feel like lifting weights.. no sugar for the rest of this month. That will get me back in order, oh I got this rum raisin ice cream in the freezer..

My hair is doing fine. I want to take a good hair vitamin.
I've never associated my food cravings with PMS but I'm hoping that is what's going on with me. I constantly crave food lately.

I'm going to stuff myself with broccoli when I get home.

:lachen::lachen::lachen:to the bolded GettingKinky. As far as PMS and cravings, it took me years to realize why I went crazy over Doritos every so often. Turns out it was every 28 days! I started buying a can of mixed nuts to have on hand for just that reason. I can eat a couple of handfuls and close them up until the next month without the nuts going stale. I didn't have that much control over eating Doritos.
Today is such a great day to be outdoors. It's partly cloudy, cool and the wind is gently blowing. Me and the kids are outside. They are having a blast. I used my resistance bands for my leg workout. As an added bonus the moisture in the air has my hair soooo soft.

In a minute I'm gonna go inside and start dinner. Grilled chicken and normandy blend veggies with macncheese
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