Hair Growth and Weight Loss Challenge 2014

I took some measurements :look: I've been paying attention to the way my clothes fit. Not much change. I'm not overly concerned. Focusing more on keeping junk food out of my mouth :yep: has some interesting salad recipes.

Thanks- I'll check out the site. Here's the salad I'm having for dinner tonight. Shrimp zucchini & avocado. Yum!


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Thanks- I'll check out the site. Here's the salad I'm having for dinner tonight. Shrimp zucchini & avocado. Yum!

hmm, that gives me some ideas. I may try adding salmon on my salad.

I had a chipotle chicken bowl on lettuce for lunch. Unfortunately it didn't have enough lettuce for me to consider it a full salad :sad: But it was good :lick:

So tonight going to have 2 pieces of gluten free pizza from domino's and a salad. The pizza will let me feel like I'm treating myself with adding a lot of calories.
Day 5 of 30 days of juicing only. I haven't been able to go to the gym due to the lack of energy. I love the gym so I'm bummed. This challenge is difficult so far. The Side effects are terrible. Headaches, nausea, low/ no energy, flu like symptoms. But it's supposed to be up hill starting with day 16 so I'm really trying to stick with it. I just want a burger and to go to the gym. Lol

Hair- I washed and conditioned my hair, took out my braids. Then straightened it attempting to wand it. Much harder styling my hair than my wigs. And my scalp is sore so I probably won't get my braids redone until a week from now.
I just got a great compliment. I was at the grocery store exchanging my propane tank. The bag boy was putting the tank in my trunk and as he walked away he said " your ponytail is beautiful". I still can't stop smiling.


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I made it 6 days wheat free, but we had Thai last night and drunken noodles is my favorite so I had a bit. But not nearly as much as I usually have. I'm down 2.2 lbs since last Monday. I'm hoping to be in the 135 range next weekend. My jeans are finally starting to get looser in the thigh area. If I can keep working out and lose another 8-10 pounds I think I'll be happy.

I had my 90 minute massage yesterday and it was glorious!! 90 minutes is way more than 50% than 60. But my massage therapist is moving away so I'm bummed.

Getting ready to wash my hair and damp bun.
I'm making chili for dinner. I usually chop up onion garlic and peppers, but today I'm being lazy and using pre chopped frozen onions and peppers and garlic powder. But it's still homemade, so I guess it's better than ordering a pizza.
IDK what to do. My hair and weight are all outta wack. Last Summer of 2013 I weighed 186lbs. That's the largest I've ever been and I'm 5'10". I worked out and ate clean. I got down to 155lbs. Then I got sick around Xmas and got down to 145lbs. I've since experienced a lot of stress with my marriage and 2 stepdaughters (5 & 6 yrs old), I've been gaining and losing 10lbs since last year and my hair is coming out in clumps! It looks like Cookie Monster took a bite of my once beautiful BSL hair. My skin has lost its elasticity and I have saggy breasts! Me of all people. I don't even have any children. Although it's only 10lbs it's 10lbs of fat. It's emerged as cellulite on my thighs. I'm disgusted with myself. Not expecting a reply, just venting.
IDK what to do. My hair and weight are all outta wack. Last Summer of 2013 I weighed 186lbs. That's the largest I've ever been and I'm 5'10". I worked out and ate clean. I got down to 155lbs. Then I got sick around Xmas and got down to 145lbs. I've since experienced a lot of stress with my marriage and 2 stepdaughters (5 & 6 yrs old), I've been gaining and losing 10lbs since last year and my hair is coming out in clumps! It looks like Cookie Monster took a bite of my once beautiful BSL hair. My skin has lost its elasticity and I have saggy breasts! Me of all people. I don't even have any children. Although it's only 10lbs it's 10lbs of fat. It's emerged as cellulite on my thighs. I'm disgusted with myself. Not expecting a reply, just venting.

:bighug: Don't be disgusted with yourself. At times like this you need to be in your own corner and give yourself some comfort. As you said you have been under a lot of stress and having some difficulties. Don't be hard on yourself or your body because it is retaining some weight. You did a fabulous job of getting down to 155. Congratulate yourself on that.

Instead of focusing on your weight right now, maybe you need some time for pampering even if it is just a candelight bath with some soft music.

I have the same 10 lbs of fat due to a stressful year last year. I think it is just the bodies way of trying to protect us. We have to give ourselves some time to let our bodies adapt and it will let the fat go when it feels we are safe.

It's time to pamper yourself and remember why you are wonderful.

At 5'10" 155 is very slender. That would be very hard to maintain when you're under stress. I'm sure the stress is worse for you than the extra 10 pounds. Like FaithVA said, take time to take care of yourself. I hope things calm down for you soon.
I'm not doing much. I'm not exercising enough to drop weight so just sort of maintaining with my diet. And still doing the twice a week hair cleansing. Nothing exciting going on.
Dh and I have bronchitis. I have laryngitis also so I can barely talk. We have been eating soup for dinner this week. We had baked potato soup yesterday. Today we are having chili and tomorrow we are doing chicken and vegetable soup. If im feeling better I might order pizza on Friday.

Im going to wash and steam my hair today. It's about time to redo my celies too. I love my low maintenance regimen. My hair loves it too. I cant wait to get my blowout next month for my bday. Im gonna try to make it last a month this time...
All I've done since I've been home is eat, and since I still can't work out I feel disgusting. I ordered a large mouth juicer today, and it will be delivered on Friday. I can't wait to buy fresh fruit and veggies. I hope to have a large juice every morning and see how that makes me feel.
Do I had decided to take my calories up to 1400 per day because I couldn't hit 1200-1300 properly. It wasn't working so I thought Hmm...let's try the opposite. I've cut my calories down and I'm making my goal a lot more now. Who knew? So I'm doing well as of late with eating.

I've also ditched the scale as of late and my motivation is up.
Got an awesome workout in this morning and burned about 500 cals. That's a lot for what I usually do. Feels good to be back on track. That workout boosted my mood as well!
Okay! This morning I did some abdominal stretches, a 30 minute Blogilates video (I'm going to try and complete the 4 week beginners calendar), and went on a 2 mile walk. Came back and stretched.

My juicer is out for delivery today so I need to go and stock up on fresh fruit and vegetables. I also need to figure out my meal plan for my other meals. On Sunday I'm going to try and make a halal chicken recipe, and hope that lasts a few days.

I guess this weekend I'll just concentrate on juicing and eating all my meals at home.
Ok. I broke down and had to join the Y. I plan on going twice a day 4 times a week. I can't stand looking like this. I took a kick boxing class and looked like a dancing hippo.
So I made juice. Kale/pineapple/apple/strawberry. It's pretty delicious. Next time I'm at the grocery store I'll get some carrots and other veggies to add to it. I want to try to make them half/half instead of mostly fruit.

The juicer was easy to put together and juiced quite fast. I don't like that it doesn't come with a receptacle to hold the juice, and the clean up is kind of cumbersome. There are a lot of parts. I wonder if I can make a big batch every 2/3 days and just drink that.
Relaxed my hair on Friday and curled it today. My hair has surpassed shoulder length by an inch in the back and the front is chin length. It took over a year just to get that length and I'm 100% happy to have healthy relaxed hair. I didn't lose any weight but I didn't gain any either. Maybe by July I can drop 10 more lbs.
Hi ladies. Hair is doing well. Will probably make MBL by the end of summer. It's been hectic, so I haven't been working out. I moved, so no more gym for now.

I think I will start back up small by doing planks, squats, and vacuums every morning

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Drinking my juice. Completed Day 3 of the Blogilates calendar and will go on my walk once I'm finished with my juice.

I start working on Tuesday so I'll wake up and do the Blogilates in the morning and try walking in the evenings.
Worked out this morning as usual. Went to the grocery store for more produce. I go through it fairly quickly but if I keep it up buying the produce and the juicer would be cheaper than buying 32 oz of fresh juice per day.

I bought spinach and cucumbers instead of kale this time. I feel like I have a lot of kale pulp after I juice it. It might be that my juicer doesn't do well with leafy greens but I have to see. This is what I put in my second juice of the day (first juice had apple instead of strawberries):


This makes about 20 oz of juice. I thought it would make more but that's what I get.
After 6 months I am finally in the 150s. I was stuck at 166 for a looong time. After each baby the 160s is my hardest plateau. Im so excited, relieved, etc. Now I can expect consistent weight loss from here on out. 130s here I come!!
Hi ladies. Ever since I moved, I've been doing a lot more walking. I am happy about that. Eating is much better this week too.

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Purchased a kitchen scale.

Hair in a sew in since April 1
Take down will occur June 27.

That will be 11 weeks.

Ive lost 4 pounds.. 8 more to go!!
DH always smacks me on the butt :rollseyes: but yesterday when he did it, he complained that it hurt his hand because I've been building up my butt muscles. :grin;
I'm still hanging in here. Not moving a fast as I would like but I'm not going to give up. I still have half the year left! The eating clean challenge is giving me withdrawal symptoms which let's me know I need to do a lot of cleaning up in my diet. Maybe this will jump start weight loss for me. Trimmed my hair hair and braided to prep for styling tom. I wish I could rock these single braids all summer but they look homely. I'm going to get mini twists done. If they look polished enough, I will go with those all summer. I'm not in the mood for braids with extensions but those will be my plan B.