Hair Growth and Weight Loss Challenge 2014

What is 30 days of salad? Do you only eat salad or salads for dinner? Enquiring minds want to know.

I eat at least one salad a day. I usually do lunch. Some article on the net said if you eat a salad daily for 20 days you would reset your body and form a habit. They lied :lol: But it did at least keep me eating a healthy lunch.Hopefully it will jumpstart my weight loss.
I want to get a dehydrator so I can make dried fruit snacks. I love them and I think I would save money over time if I made my own.
Im so pumped about my newly fit lifestyle. This isnt a slim quick scheme for me, it is a lifelong journey of fitness and health. What I put in my body is just as important as what I do with my body (exercise). I just realized this today and im grateful to have such a supportive husband. We ride together, lift together, stretch together, etc. Cant wait til we hit our goals so we can take some hot pics lol
That's awesome Prettymetty. You guys will be taking those hot pictures before you know it.

I like my french braid braidouts better than the regular braid ones. I like how the waves start at my scalp instead of a few inches down. But I have 2 concerns

--french braids are a lot more manipulation
--french braids take me way longer to do

I guess I'll just keep an eagle eye out for breakage.
I recently watched fat, sick, and nearly dead on netflix and I've been inspired to do a juice reboot. Starting May 12th I'm going to drink only fresh vegetables and fruit until June 12th. 30 days of juicing! The health benefits are amazing! I will also straighten my hair and do it length check when I finish juicing. Still going to the gym daily to burn at least 1000. I've been slacking this past week though. Still burned at least 600 cals every gym session though.
I've been pigging out for the last 2 days. Wed night I had a huge a ** steak and vegetables and last night I had fast food. :nono: I haven't had fast food in quite a while. I'm up 1.4 lbs. If I'm not careful I'll gain back all the weight I lost during my wheat free week.

On the plus side I finished my first week if Brazil Butt Lift.
Still sticking to my salad a day, so this is day 5. Headed to Target after work to pick up some more supplies. Preparing them ahead of time was fabulous. I needed to be out the door at 6:30 this morning and just being able to pull them out of the fridge and pack them really helped. I added additional salad greens to my bowl. Now I need to add a little more dressing.

This weeks salads were OK. Hopefully I can make next weeks salad better. I need delicious but simple. :yep:

Haven't done any working out this week. I will stretch really well tonight. And my 25 mile group ride is tomorrow. I think I'm ready.

My hair is doing well. I washed last night and it is very soft and moisturized today. This pampering is helping my ends. And I know I have growth because THESE GRAYS ARE OUT OF CONTROL. But it has been a month. Just keeping it tucked away.
Sigh...all the weight I lost during my wheat free week is back. I've been lax with snacking--too much trail mix with dried fruit. I'm hoping this is water weight because it's my TOM and I had ramen yesterday which is really salty, but I doubt it.

Starting Monday I'm going to go wheat free for 2 weeks and no more trail mix. I have a feeling these last 8-10 pounds are going to be really tough.
Finished my 2nd group bike ride - 25 miles :yay: That's it for a while. Now I will get back to regular exercising and just regular weekend riding. I need to focus on stretching more and will increase my walking.

I think I have found some good snacks to take to work: guacomole and hummus with some baked chips. That should be satisfying and keep me away from the machine.

My doctor wants me to drop coffee :sad: So I bought some energy tea. If that works then I'm set.

I haven't lost any additional pounds but I put on my cute jeans yesterday and they were not cute :nono: They were sagging and hanging everywhere. It looks like it's going to be a dress summer :lol:
I miss working out! I haven't been eating that great but I have to eat small portions or else my abdominal muscle hurts too much. I've lost 2 pounds.
My oldest son and baby boy are both still awake. They are going to be tired in the morning, but we are getting up early. I have to take everyone to school and be at zumba by 830.
Still sticking to my 30 days of salad. Had this wonderful Beet, Sweet and Tweet salad on Saturday :lick: :lick: Then went to Noodles yesterday and had the Mediterranean salad :lick: lick: I need to get better with the salads I make at home because I really enjoy some of the salads when I go out.

I think I am on Day 7 of 30.

Need to get my walk on today too before the universe turns the heat up to inferno this afternoon.

Haven't dropped narry a pound but I am definitely toning and my thighs are bulking :sad:
I'm going away for Memorial Day weekend and I want to hit a new low weight by then. So I have to lose 2 pounds. I guess I'm back to no (or very low) wheat for awhile. I really want to be 136lbs.
The women in the Brazil Butt Lift video all look like supermodels. It's inspiring and demoralizing at the same time. The women don't look tough, but the workouts are hard and they smile their way through the whole thing.
At least one of my kids has been home from school every day this week. My last workout was zumba class on Monday. Today when I take the kids out to play im going to do some pilates. Sigh. It aint the gym, but it's something :)
My abdominal muscle is feeling much better! It's been almost two weeks and I can finally lie down on my side and not just my back. But it still hurts if I move around too long. Hopefully after next week of rest I can start working out slowly again.
What exactly did you do to your abs toaster?

I'm getting a 90 minute massage on Sunday. I'm so excited!! Brazil Butt Lift workouts have me sore. I thought I was in good shape from P90X3, but this targets different muscles and they are telling me about it.

I have a grade 2 muscle tear in my upper left abdominal muscle. It will heal on it's own, but most of the time doctors tell you to rest the muscle and keep it immobile. Unfortunately, this muscle moves every time I breathe, tightens when I stand up, expands when I eat/ use the bathroom, so it will take longer to heal because in constantly moving it.

I hurt it when I was running, which makes no sense to me, but I felt it. It wasn't a sharp pop or anything, but there was some pain. I pushed through it because I didn't want to give myself an excuse to stop. It's feeling much better and I'm relieved.
I've finished 4 days of my 2 week wheat free challenge. I've had home cooked dinner all week and salad for lunch twice. I'm down almost 2 pounds and I've broken I to the 136 lb range. :-)

Meanwhile I sweat like a pig during my workouts and those models continue to look perfect.

I've been wearing braidouts all week on air dried hair with very little product and they've been super fluffy with hardly any definition. Last night I slathered on AOHSR I want definition today.

How's the 30 day salad challenge coming faithVA? I made a strawberry spinach salad last night to go with dinner and it was so yummy.
I've finished 4 days of my 2 week wheat free challenge. I've had home cooked dinner all week and salad for lunch twice. I'm down almost 2 pounds and I've broken I to the 136 lb range. :-)

Meanwhile I sweat like a pig during my workouts and those models continue to look perfect.

I've been wearing braidouts all week on air dried hair with very little product and they've been super fluffy with hardly any definition. Last night I slathered on AOHSR I want definition today.

How's the 30 day salad challenge coming faithVA? I made a strawberry spinach salad last night to go with dinner and it was so yummy.

Unlike you GettingKinky I haven't lost any weight but I know I am eating well. One day. :yep:

The 30 day challenge is going well. I am switching between making and buying. But I have had a salad for lunch every day this week. So far so good. I think I will extend it from 30 days to having a salad a day through May and June. Maybe it will become a lifetime habit :look:

I bought some different items for next week to see if I can make a better salad: beets, different salad greens, sun dried tomato salad dressing and some feta. Maybe I will bake some chicken to go with it. I will prep them tomorrow so I am ready to go.
faithVA you could be losing fat and gaining muscle. If that's the case the scale wouldn't necessarily move. Do you take measurements?

You've inspired me to google salad recipes so I can have more interesting salads with dinner. Since I'm not doing wheat, I need yummy salads. The strawberry spinach last night was my first attempt.
faithVA you could be losing fat and gaining muscle. If that's the case the scale wouldn't necessarily move. Do you take measurements?

You've inspired me to google salad recipes so I can have more interesting salads with dinner. Since I'm not doing wheat, I need yummy salads. The strawberry spinach last night was my first attempt.

I took some measurements :look: I've been paying attention to the way my clothes fit. Not much change. I'm not overly concerned. Focusing more on keeping junk food out of my mouth :yep: has some interesting salad recipes.