Hair Flashback - Parents' Wedding Photos

When I started wearing my hair natural, my father taught me how to get a perfect afro. You had to blow it out. Then you had the k-cutter, the regular pick, the fan, and the small pick, you go from biggest to smallest. And if that last was missing, you could use a fork to pick out the little holes. :giggle: This was too hard for me and I was tender-headed, so I never did it, but I know how. :grin:

Please make a tutorial for us. Maybe you and your Dad? That would be fabulous :yep:
Those pics are gorgeous.

Mwedzi, you look like your father carried you himself!!!:giggle:
You look JUST like him girl!

Anew, I want what your grandmother had on.:look: So elegant.
Awwwwww that was so cute!!

My Daddy is my afro care specialist too:afro::giggle:

Everybody's fro was so round and perfect back then! I can't wait to get one:grin: