Hair Flashback - Parents' Wedding Photos

This really made me smile... So lovely to see black love and family togetherness.. Their wedding party was sooo cute.. Thanks for sharing this that gives us both hair and relationship pride as well...
WOW! Your parents both had rocking fros! I love 70s pics! You gave the most gorgeous hair, girl! Thank you for making a you tube channel!:yep:
Thanks so much for sharing. You look just like your mother and Dad's fro is on point.

Now, we know where you get all your hair from. Also wanted to add, good looking parents.

Almond Eyes
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OMG ... I love, love, LOVE looking at people's old photos. Black folks sure knew how to rock the natural back in the day, didn't they? Thank you so much for sharing.

Mwedzi, your parents are too adorable!
This is a great post. I was born in 1976. My parents wedding pictures are similar and the dresses too with matching hats.
This reminds me of my mom/pop's prom pictures. Also, it reminds of the old Soul Train show back in the 70's where everyone was natural and proud of it....(or atleast didn't care)

Proud of it. I was a teenager in those days and it was all about who could get the biggest, baddest, roundest 'fro. People were doing things like washing their hair in straight Tide to 'get the perm out'.