Out of Hiding: Finally Cut My Hair, Transition is Over

Eiano, the first 6 months I had no clue what I was doing as I'm sure most people are like. 6 months-1.5 years I did a lot of braid outs, they didn't become "successful" until around year one lol. 1.5-2.5 years I did a lot of wet buns and just pulling my hair back in a jaw clip out of laziness and saving product haha.

That's always a hard one to answer. My hair straight is close to hip length... my hair curly is barely APL. That's like 10 inches unaccounted for! LOL Shrinkage is a beast.
Amarilles, Happy 27 months. Cutting any time soon or waiting it out?
Thanks! I'll do another 3 months. I have zero worries of backing down as I'm just so sick and tired of the relaxed hair already! I actually haven't cut any permed ends in a long while because if I reach for scissors I may just finish the job off. :lol:
Congrats to you!! You hair looks great. I love your wash n go. To me, you look to be around shoulder length.

Btw, my dad was a little iffy too when I announced I was going natural. But he quickly came around and thinks my being natural is great. I'm sure your dad will too (if he hasn't already changed his mind).
Thanks everyone, what length would I be considered? When pulled, the hair in the front of my face comes down to my chin but the back goes past my shoulders? Should I just say NL?

With your hair unstretched you are NL/SL but with it stretched it looks like it goes far beyond your shoulders, so you could be APL or even BSL.... (if the pic of you in the white robe with your hair pulled down is post cut) Absolutely beautiful hair and bravo on your transition dedication....!
Congratulations, I am 14 months into my transition. The plan is 3 years before the bc, but we will see. Again, congrats, your hair looks lovely.
I didnt read anything!!! I just looked at the pix and fell in love with your natural hair!!! I'm so jelly!!! Your hair is lovely and the new cut suits you so well!!!