Hair Flashback - Parents' Wedding Photos


Well-Known Member
These are photographs from my parents' wedding, Valentine's Day 1976. Everyone came with their hair tight! My father's afro is the bomb! My mother was natural at the time, too, but she pressed it for the wedding.

The Whole Wedding Party


Removing the garter belt.
My mother was leg-shy. But check out those platforms:


Mother throwing the bouquet:


Father throwing the garter belt:


The Couple:
Aren't my parents beautiful. :love:

When I started wearing my hair natural, my father taught me how to get a perfect afro. You had to blow it out. Then you had the k-cutter, the regular pick, the fan, and the small pick, you go from biggest to smallest. And if that last was missing, you could use a fork to pick out the little holes. :giggle: This was too hard for me and I was tender-headed, so I never did it, but I know how. :grin:
This reminds me of my mom/pop's prom pictures. Also, it reminds of the old Soul Train show back in the 70's where everyone was natural and proud of it....(or atleast didn't care)
mwedzi, you and your parents are beautiful! I LUV seeing AA wedding photos. I haven't been to a wedding in forever...all my peeps do the "baby mama", "baby daddy" stuff. Not a wedding ring in sight on a hand under 40 at our family reunions. :perplexed
Thanks so much for sharing these pictures. I love to see wedding photos from that time period. Everybody's hair looked HOT!

Your mom and dad are both very attractive and you look like a good combo of them. Thanks for the tips on the perfect fro :)
Aww, this makes me wanna post mine, lol.. I actually have my parents and maternal grandparents wedding pics..

Your parents look great, I love how we looked back in the day
Well that brightened my day. This pictures are gorgeous. I love all the fros. I see where you get you beautiful hair from.
ot. The pic of the model you have is stunning. I know you said that already but my God one woman shouldn't look like that.
What a beautiful couple. Your mom is striking and your dad is a handsome man. Now I see where you get your looks from. The wedding party was fab!
Thank you, everyone. :grin:

Aww, this makes me wanna post mine, lol.. I actually have my parents and maternal grandparents wedding pics..

Your parents look great, I love how we looked back in the day

Do it, post them! And yes, weren't we beautiful!
Evidence that you come from a long line of froey fabulousness, thanks for posting pics of your pretty people
I'm so surprised to hear so many people say I look like my mother. Whenever the three of us were together, people would say I look just like my father. My parents later divorced and my mother remarried and had my brother, and she feels neither of her kids look much like her.
I'm so surprised to hear so many people say I look like my mother. Whenever the three of us were together, people would say I look just like my father. My parents later divorced and my mother remarried and had my brother, and she feels neither of her kids look much like her.

Nose down, you look just like your mother...

Eyes up you look like Pops...

A blend of both.