I don't hate them, but I do not have positive feelings towards them. Gold diggers take big risk and their actions can have negative affects on their own lives and others. Not all gold diggers are your typical "will dance for kibble n bits" type of chick. Some are the sweet girl that leaves your arse when you're in a financial bind or the chick who cheats with your wealthy friend. Essentially, money is the motivating element which leaves a lot of room for questionable actions. GD are more likely to posses certain negative traits, greed, deception, transitive loyalty, etc.
GD take a big risk of being too blinded by $$. I know a woman in a miserable marriage because she was so focused on the money she never took a good look at the man.
GD are more likely to behave like hos (yes, I said it
). Money makes the panties drop, especially in the less skilled, younger GDs. There are a lot of men who appear to have money so being a GD can be risky because it leaves you open to getting played. Most men have even less sympathy for playing a GD than a regular women.
To be a GD you either need a high EQ (people smart) or be really pretty, basically something to snag the men. A typical GD lifespan is short and shaky because access to the money is predicated on maintaining certain qualities so you have to act quickly. New GDs turn 18 everyday and the competition is always thick.
If two people acknowledge they are in a relationship as GD and SG (sugar daddy) then I have no problem. However, not every man that's getting dug knows it. The skilled GDs are GOOD and not all their victims are trifling men. GDs often look for naive men who are generous with their money (no point in getting a cheap dude). Unfortunately since the relationship is based most intently on monetary matters it doesn't guarantee many of the other qualities typically part of normal relationships. The money is the aphrodisiac. Additionally, the GD mentality is what leads women to marry men for 3years demand half, sometimes ruining family businesses. My aunt-in law pushed her DH to cut off his previous children so that there would be more money for her. She took over the business and when he died his kids were left with nothing. During their relationship she almost left him when he went through a financially dry period.
I view a GD as a person who is either lazy or lacks the mental fortitude (intelligence) and confidence to obtain wealth of her own. Stupidity and laziness are negative traits in my mind. I think if a woman has her own and wants a man with equal or greater that's fine, but to deceive or manipulate a man for the purpose of money, to view someone else's money as your own?......
If someone believes they are entitled to my money without having shed sweat or tear, they are welcome to take a short leap off of a tall bridge.
In conclusion, I view gold digging the same way I view corporate greed. I have explained to many men that a gold digger is no worse than a corporate thief or the things that men (typically) do to get money. Men start wars, rob banks, steal from big pension plans, etc. It's the mentality of getting rich quickly and easily. It's not limited to either sex and it's equally lame regardless of who practices it. Female gold diggers are just more obvious because women use the qualities society has told us are our most valuable possessions, youth, beauty and sexuality. Men use guns and off shore accounts to steal their money.
We have a lot of male gold diggers around here. I call them the same thing I call the women, gold diggers.