GOLD DIGGERS: Hate or Congratulate?

You see an obvious gold digger with a rich older guy ur response is:

  • Hate it. It's downright REPULSIVE!

    Votes: 55 15.7%
  • Congratulate. Get it Girl!

    Votes: 123 35.1%
  • Envy. Dang, I wanna be in her shoes!

    Votes: 36 10.3%
  • Don't care.

    Votes: 136 38.9%

  • Total voters
Oh, and "don't want no short d*ck man" either! (since we're quoting songs ya know!)
Honey, the d*ck can be short as long as the $$$$$ is long...okay???

I don't see anything wrong with goldigging. I got a friend now who I freely admit that I deal with b/c of the fact that he got $$$$. He's def. not a good looking guy at all. Like someone else said, people are in relationships for their own reasons, why can't finances be one of them??? My friends think I'm wrong but oh, well!
I don't hate them, but I do not have positive feelings towards them. Gold diggers take big risk and their actions can have negative affects on their own lives and others. Not all gold diggers are your typical "will dance for kibble n bits" type of chick. Some are the sweet girl that leaves your arse when you're in a financial bind or the chick who cheats with your wealthy friend. Essentially, money is the motivating element which leaves a lot of room for questionable actions. GD are more likely to posses certain negative traits, greed, deception, transitive loyalty, etc.

GD take a big risk of being too blinded by $$. I know a woman in a miserable marriage because she was so focused on the money she never took a good look at the man.
GD are more likely to behave like hos (yes, I said it :rolleyes:). Money makes the panties drop, especially in the less skilled, younger GDs. There are a lot of men who appear to have money so being a GD can be risky because it leaves you open to getting played. Most men have even less sympathy for playing a GD than a regular women.
To be a GD you either need a high EQ (people smart) or be really pretty, basically something to snag the men. A typical GD lifespan is short and shaky because access to the money is predicated on maintaining certain qualities so you have to act quickly. New GDs turn 18 everyday and the competition is always thick.

If two people acknowledge they are in a relationship as GD and SG (sugar daddy) then I have no problem. However, not every man that's getting dug knows it. The skilled GDs are GOOD and not all their victims are trifling men. GDs often look for naive men who are generous with their money (no point in getting a cheap dude). Unfortunately since the relationship is based most intently on monetary matters it doesn't guarantee many of the other qualities typically part of normal relationships. The money is the aphrodisiac. Additionally, the GD mentality is what leads women to marry men for 3years demand half, sometimes ruining family businesses. My aunt-in law pushed her DH to cut off his previous children so that there would be more money for her. She took over the business and when he died his kids were left with nothing. During their relationship she almost left him when he went through a financially dry period.

I view a GD as a person who is either lazy or lacks the mental fortitude (intelligence) and confidence to obtain wealth of her own. Stupidity and laziness are negative traits in my mind. I think if a woman has her own and wants a man with equal or greater that's fine, but to deceive or manipulate a man for the purpose of money, to view someone else's money as your own?...... :rolleyes:
If someone believes they are entitled to my money without having shed sweat or tear, they are welcome to take a short leap off of a tall bridge.

In conclusion, I view gold digging the same way I view corporate greed. I have explained to many men that a gold digger is no worse than a corporate thief or the things that men (typically) do to get money. Men start wars, rob banks, steal from big pension plans, etc. It's the mentality of getting rich quickly and easily. It's not limited to either sex and it's equally lame regardless of who practices it. Female gold diggers are just more obvious because women use the qualities society has told us are our most valuable possessions, youth, beauty and sexuality. Men use guns and off shore accounts to steal their money.
We have a lot of male gold diggers around here. I call them the same thing I call the women, gold diggers.

wow! Powerful statements, love it. Well said girlie.
Honey, the d*ck can be short as long as the $$$$$ is long...okay???

I don't see anything wrong with goldigging. I got a friend now who I freely admit that I deal with b/c of the fact that he got $$$$. He's def. not a good looking guy at all. Like someone else said, people are in relationships for their own reasons, why can't finances be one of them??? My friends think I'm wrong but oh, well!

High five!:lachen::lachen:
I have a question for anyone in this thread who has had an SO takeover a bill for them...please PM if this is the case I have a question/need advice.

I'm single right now, and i've had enough sh*t done to me, even at my tender age of 20

I'm dating somebody who has recently won the lottery (i mentioned him in another thread - yes i bagged him this time!)
and a ex street drug baron guy

I was influenced by Genie Polos Book at first: "how to marry rich"

and then by the funny fiction/non-fiction book - "how to catch a baller"

now i'm not niave, its in my blood...i heard my granny was the worst for this kinda thing...i remember her showing me exclusive teddy bears from harrods that men had brought her, also jewellery

My mother is not at all like this, she only wants love...

but me on the other hand..psshhh

i make my own money, i'm in my last year at uni etc, i think i should mingle with rich males if i too want rich vibes coming my way.

Its not liek am stealing, i'm just taking

and no sex isnt mandatory, sex is something i will choose to do when i feel ready :grin:

feel free to rate or slate me
or ask me for tips

i'm cool like that :grin:
i also see the envy in females when they see a guy who accidently stepped on my toe in a club, hand me £10 to get me a "make-up" drink cos of the way i responded, body lang etc

ookkkk-ayyy lol

so insecure? HELL NO anyone who knows me know i'm very confident and LOVE helping other feel confident too
LAZY? erm yeah right, i bang out 16 hours a week at university for my BA/HONS degree
i work too

The rich need love too, so why cant it be me they love?

and i also date less rich guys, if i like someone i like them

i couldn't check an ugly, stinkin man just cos hes got dough..i have standards
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There is a thin line between gold diggin and "marrying well". I don't think there is anything wrong with either now. I wish that I was more open to it when I was younger. So many opportunities passed up because I considered myself too moral to just be with someone for money. Hmph let me meet somebody now that wants to take care of me. . .

I feel you on that. I can't be with someone I'm not feeling no matter how much he has, however, I'm done being the 'supportive' sister to the brother who has nothing but dreams and goals without the income to match. I want a man who can give me at least a few of the finer things in life and if that makes me a gold-digger, then call me Miss Gold Digger, because I'm sick of seeeing 'other' women get the bling-bling from men while we have to get our own if we're to have any bling at all.
I feel you on that. I can't be with someone I'm not feeling no matter how much he has, however, I'm done being the 'supportive' sister to the brother who has nothing but dreams and goals without the income to match. I want a man who can give me at least a few of the finer things in life and if that makes me a gold-digger, then call me Miss Gold Digger, because I'm sick of seeeing 'other' women get the bling-bling from men while we have to get our own if we're to have any bling at all.

Oooh, I sooooo feel you on the bolded. :yep:

I'm all set with the negros who don't do shyt but talk about what they want but don't do a damn thing to get them.
I feel you on that. I can't be with someone I'm not feeling no matter how much he has, however, I'm done being the 'supportive' sister to the brother who has nothing but dreams and goals without the income to match. I want a man who can give me at least a few of the finer things in life and if that makes me a gold-digger, then call me Miss Gold Digger, because I'm sick of seeeing 'other' women get the bling-bling from men while we have to get our own if we're to have any bling at all.

I am with you! I stopped dating broke men with dream and goals along time ago. It got me nowhere. I like nice things for myself, if I do re-marry its going to be someone that is able to provide for me. I too am tired of other women getting financial benefits in marriage and we are just supposed to take whatever comes our way and be grateful because we are lowly black women afterall :rolleyes:. I don't think so :nono: I don't have a problem at all with a man providing for me.
I will marry well. If that makes me a gold digger thats a ok with me. I dont see how ruffing it with someone who does not have money makes a woman more honorable. If anything I understand why women marry well because they are doing their best to secure a future for their selves/offspring.
I don't see anything wrong with anyone doing it as long as they wer happy with themselves at the end of the day. The ONLY concern that I would have is if he was not millionaire rich and decided toleave me 7-10 years later for someone younger that I would be tossed to the side and that is the end of the money especially if you weren't married. I don't want to be 100% dependent on someone else financially. Because again if he's with you mostly b/c of your looks and youth don't ever for a moment think that you are not irreplaceable.

Look at paul mccartney and heather mills. That woman walked away with about $115 million after only 3 years of marriage and one daughter. Paul didn't get a prenup I don't know why especially when you are worth $1 billion. Anyways heather was only TWO weeks away from marrying someone else before she met him then she called it off, date him for a while, got married, had a child, nude picture scandal, and boom she's a multi millionaire. I don't advocate it but hey like I said if you're happy living that life good for you. He's so lucky she didn't walk away with more than that.

The funny thing is that heather was quoted as saying if she was looking to marry a man with money she would've picked someone richer. I was like what!! I dont' know too many millionairs let alone billionaires that I could date along with that how many of them are dumb enough to get married without prenups like paul did.
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Nuff said............

From now on I will carry my deposit slips, bidding paddle and cash register in my bag. :lachen::lachen:

Or maybe I will write my phone number on deposit slips :look:

I have a SO but I am not married or engaged, so I always consider myself available! He can get mad if want...............humpf.
I will marry well. If that makes me a gold digger thats a ok with me. I dont see how ruffing it with someone who does not have money makes a woman more honorable. If anything I understand why women marry well because they are doing their best to secure a future for their selves/offspring.

ITA :grin: I got a BA, MA and I'm following my dream with my career, busting my arse 40+ hours a week.

Why I gotta marry a guy that isn't on my level?

I'm surprised so many people think marrying well=gold digger when so many people hold traditional values when it comes to male/female realtionships.

Where all those "kept" women at from the OT forum?

I think the thing that defines a gold digger is lack of respect for the guy. If you are with someone you don't like or respect and you aren't attracted to then that is clearly being a gold digger.


If you simply surround yourself with a certain type of people and only date men from within that circle (or tax bracket :lachen:) then you are simply making a lifestyle choice.

I mean, I don't buy shoes from payless, that doesn't mean I'm boogie :rolleyes:
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I've been called this before :perplexed and I really don't care for that term. I have a thing for older men in general but a couple of the ones that i've come across happen to how do I say spoil me?! I can't help that the person that I'm dating likes the finer things in life and thinks that I should have them too. It really bothers me because I'm a hard working woman and I do for myself as well. People just typically look at me and say hmmm she got her a sugar really irks me because the relationship is really genuine. Besides all the men I date are not wealthy...i.e my current SO
I once met a fifty year old man who wanted to me to become his "girlfriend" once... he apparantly thought I was a gold digger because he felt the need to mention how all his other girlfriends could have boys on the side and how much stuff he bought them...

That was an... interesting situation... :laugh:
After reading this thread I have changed my perception on dating older men. I have one major goal in life and I just realized how much sooner I can get there If I start dating these men that wants to spoil me.:look: Thank you ladies for opening my eyes.

BTW, Goldiggers are doing their thing and I applaud them. But I believe that a golddigger should be smart and invest.
I'm currently reading the fortune hunters book that talks about how a lot of women married into their wealth. It's exhausting just reading it! Fortune hunting (or gold digging if you prefer :grin:) sounds like a full time gig. You have to look good, be in the right place at the right time, be ready to be whisked around the world on expensive vacations, etc. Sounds exciting albeit a little intimidating. :look:
ITA :grin: I got a BA, MA and I'm following my dream with my career, busting my arse 40+ hours a week.

Why I gotta marry a guy that isn't on my level?

I'm surprised so many people think marrying well=gold digger when so many people hold traditional values when it comes to male/female realtionships.

Where all those "kept" women at from the OT forum?

I think the thing that defines a gold digger is lack of respect for the guy. If you are with someone you don't like or respect and you aren't attracted to then that is clearly being a gold digger.


If you simply surround yourself with a certain type of people and only date men from within that circle (or tax bracket :lachen:) then you are simply making a lifestyle choice.

I mean, I don't buy shoes from payless, that doesn't mean I'm boogie :rolleyes:

I don't think marrying well equals golddigger. I don't think there's anything wrong with wanting to marry someone who can take you places (literally) especially if you're bringing something to the table. IMO it ain't golddigging if you're bringing intelligence, beauty, class, etc to the table. :look:
I guess it depends on the situation. If you've got a guy who is respectful who simply like to spend money then by all means do you but if you have to degrade yourself for some extra money I say just hustle another way and get it on your own.
I can respect the game. Make that money girl! Make sure you save for a rainy day.:yep: SOME men loveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee to give and give and give, without feeling like that are getting had, but you better believe that the chick is giving him something back, too...good sex, good cooking, support, stroking his ego/confidence...

Exactlty!!" Mad d%@ks in your mouth is bad for your health." Ice Cube
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but this has been a very informative thread and ive now changed my perspective on golddiggers. there's nothing wrong w. an older man footing the bill and giving u money.. as long as they're willing... thanx ya'll.. im a new woman
I dont see anything wrong with having a preference for dating men in a certain tax bracket. Financial problems are the primary reason for divorce. Not to mention that being with someone that has bad credit can ruin your life. It makes sense for a woman to want a man that is financially stable who will bring less stress in her life. There is no reason to settle when you can have the best. Why go to Macy's when you can go to Neiman Marcus?! Why have Red Lobster when you can have Nobu?! Why settle for sightseeing in NY when you can vacation in Santorini?!?!?

Men arent forced to spend money on a woman if they dont want to. They choose to. Any good business-minded woman knows that a man needs to bring something worthwhile to the table or take his brokea** elsewhere. Come correct or dont come at all. Life is hard in itself, there doesnt need to be two struggling ppl in a relationship. That broke sh*t is for the birds, I dont care how nice you are.

Besides, if you are a beautiful, educated woman that carries herself with grace and class you are automatically going to command the attention of men with assets bc not only do you want the best, they do too.

My best friend is a prime example of an uncompromising woman that knows what she wants and demands that someone else give her nothing less. She works hard to maintain a certain lifestyle and if a man wants to date her he knows he have to be at her level and prove that he can support such a lifestyle. She is a confident, accomplished young woman so a man that is some average joe living pay check to pay check has never been worth her time. Dating down or mediocre is never an option.

Case in point: One day while we were shopping at the mall she met a guy that essentially paid her way through college. This man had BREAD!!!! She took full advantage of it too. He paid off all of her credit card debt, sent me money while I lived in Italy, took her shopping, bought her VS CARATS and had his driver come pick her up from campus during the week. I remember when Valentine's Day rolled around this guy flew her to NY for the day, took her shopping and to dinner, stayed in the Waldorf and flew her back to Baltimore in time for her 12 o'clock class the next day. This woman is the TRUTH! You have to respect a woman like that. Now she 22, debt-free, making 70G/yr, going to Harvard Law in the fall and walks around with Burberry on her back and a Hermes Birkin on her arm (and still has men throwing money at her even tho she has a boyfriend)

its hard being a student, you deserve to be pampered and doted is short, just live your life on your own terms with no regrets
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Originally posted by barbiesocialite
I dont see anything wrong with having a preference for dating men in a certain tax bracket. Financial problems are the primary reason for divorce. Not to mention that being with someone that has bad credit can ruin your life. It makes sense for a woman to want a man that is financially stable who will bring less stress in her life. There is no reason to settle when you can have the best. Why go to Macy's when you can go to Neiman Marcus?! Why have Red Lobster when you can have Nobu?! Why settle for sightseeing in NY when you can vacation in Santorini?!?!?

Besides, if you are a beautiful, educated woman that carries herself with grace and class you are automatically going to command the attention of men with assets bc not only do you want the best, they do too.
:yep:Amen! ITA!!!:yep: