GOLD DIGGERS: Hate or Congratulate?

You see an obvious gold digger with a rich older guy ur response is:

  • Hate it. It's downright REPULSIVE!

    Votes: 55 15.7%
  • Congratulate. Get it Girl!

    Votes: 123 35.1%
  • Envy. Dang, I wanna be in her shoes!

    Votes: 36 10.3%
  • Don't care.

    Votes: 136 38.9%

  • Total voters
I don't hate them, but I do not have positive feelings towards them. Gold diggers take big risk and their actions can have negative affects on their own lives and others. Not all gold diggers are your typical "will dance for kibble n bits" type of chick. Some are the sweet girl that leaves your arse when you're in a financial bind or the chick who cheats with your wealthy friend. Essentially, money is the motivating element which leaves a lot of room for questionable actions. GD are more likely to posses certain negative traits, greed, deception, transitive loyalty, etc.

GD take a big risk of being too blinded by $$. I know a woman in a miserable marriage because she was so focused on the money she never took a good look at the man.
GD are more likely to behave like hos (yes, I said it :rolleyes:). Money makes the panties drop, especially in the less skilled, younger GDs. There are a lot of men who appear to have money so being a GD can be risky because it leaves you open to getting played. Most men have even less sympathy for playing a GD than a regular women.
To be a GD you either need a high EQ (people smart) or be really pretty, basically something to snag the men. A typical GD lifespan is short and shaky because access to the money is predicated on maintaining certain qualities so you have to act quickly. New GDs turn 18 everyday and the competition is always thick.

If two people acknowledge they are in a relationship as GD and SG (sugar daddy) then I have no problem. However, not every man that's getting dug knows it. The skilled GDs are GOOD and not all their victims are trifling men. GDs often look for naive men who are generous with their money (no point in getting a cheap dude). Unfortunately since the relationship is based most intently on monetary matters it doesn't guarantee many of the other qualities typically part of normal relationships. The money is the aphrodisiac. Additionally, the GD mentality is what leads women to marry men for 3years demand half, sometimes ruining family businesses. My aunt-in law pushed her DH to cut off his previous children so that there would be more money for her. She took over the business and when he died his kids were left with nothing. During their relationship she almost left him when he went through a financially dry period.

I view a GD as a person who is either lazy or lacks the mental fortitude (intelligence) and confidence to obtain wealth of her own. Stupidity and laziness are negative traits in my mind. I think if a woman has her own and wants a man with equal or greater that's fine, but to deceive or manipulate a man for the purpose of money, to view someone else's money as your own?...... :rolleyes:
If someone believes they are entitled to my money without having shed sweat or tear, they are welcome to take a short leap off of a tall bridge.

In conclusion, I view gold digging the same way I view corporate greed. I have explained to many men that a gold digger is no worse than a corporate thief or the things that men (typically) do to get money. Men start wars, rob banks, steal from big pension plans, etc. It's the mentality of getting rich quickly and easily. It's not limited to either sex and it's equally lame regardless of who practices it. Female gold diggers are just more obvious because women use the qualities society has told us are our most valuable possessions, youth, beauty and sexuality. Men use guns and off shore accounts to steal their money.
We have a lot of male gold diggers around here. I call them the same thing I call the women, gold diggers.
Audacious1 and Smitge I appreciate y'all honesty :yep:. Some self-acclaimed morally superior chicks would never admit that their SO's bank account was a deciding factor in determining if he was a keeper :giveheart: :confused: :ohwell: :greedy: :love: :runninghug:....................:lachen::lachen::lachen:

J/K, but there really aren't many advantages associated with being with a broke man:perplexed . Say what you may, [the lack of] money remains the #1 cause of marital/relational problems:rolleyes:.
Audacious1 and Smitge I appreciate y'all honesty :yep:. Some self-acclaimed morally superior chicks would never admit that their SO's bank account was a deciding factor in determining if he was a keeper :giveheart: :confused: :ohwell: :greedy: :love: :runninghug:....................:lachen::lachen::lachen:

J/K, but there really aren't many advantages associated with being with a broke man:perplexed . Say what you may, [the lack of] money remains the #1 cause of marital/relational problems:rolleyes:.

I totally agree with the bolded!:yep:
Men who marry or are involved with Gold Diggers KNOW that they are gold diggers. If they're not upset about it, why should I be. And ESPECIALLY the well-to-do yet super-old/ugly/short/geeky think they aren't aware that their supermodel wife would be history if they went broke?

I personally never got why so many WOMEN get upset over women who have a hustle and aren't just buying the old Disney fairytales women are expected to....why be mad at her for having her hustle? The white picket fence. 2.5 kids, and golden retriever isn't for everyone!
I can respect the game. Make that money girl! Make sure you save for a rainy day.:yep: SOME men loveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee to give and give and give, without feeling like that are getting had, but you better believe that the chick is giving him something back, too...good sex, good cooking, support, stroking his ego/confidence...
Men who marry or are involved with Gold Diggers KNOW that they are gold diggers. If they're not upset about it, why should I be. And ESPECIALLY the well-to-do yet super-old/ugly/short/geeky think they aren't aware that their supermodel wife would be history if they went broke?

I personally never got why so many WOMEN get upset over women who have a hustle and aren't just buying the old Disney fairytales women are expected to....why be mad at her for having her hustle? The white picket fence. 2.5 kids, and golden retriever isn't for everyone!

ITA w/bolded. Just like a super-fine brotha knows he perhaps wouldn't have the woman he's married to if his *** was sinfully ugly :rolleyes:.

Same thing for women who date ONLY "smart men" with a degree equivalent or superior to their's, they would never show an illiterate-can't-put-two-english-words-together brotha any love:nono: (even if he truly is a nice guy!).

Like someone (i forgot who) posted earlier, we all dig for something. Y look down on those who dig for gold/money? :ohwell: They aren't only ones who break our men's hearts. When a fellow sister says she doesn't want to date a man cuz he's..uh..ugly or stupid:look:, all we do is laugh.
ITA w/bolded. Just like a super-fine brotha knows he perhaps wouldn't have the woman he's married to if his *** was sinfully ugly :rolleyes:.

Same thing for women who date ONLY "smart men" with a degree equivalent or superior to their's, they would never show an illiterate-can't-put-two-english-words-together brotha any love:nono: (even if he truly is a nice guy!).

Like someone (i forgot who) posted earlier, we all dig for something. Y look down on those who dig for gold/money? :ohwell: They aren't only ones who break our men's hearts. When a fellow sister says she doesn't want to date a man cuz he's..uh..ugly or stupid:look:, all we do is laugh.

i said it..i said it:lachen::lachen:...
I was talkin to my hispanic g/f and she told me that her mother married a man that she did not love because she was a single mother with 5 children and he was more than willing to step in a play the role of husband and is she now a shovel carrier?......or just a woman trying to make it.....keep in mind there was NO love only a what he can do for me and mine attitude.......

Sorry for the ramble....but in many cultures in order for a man to marry a woman he HAS to show her parents what he has to bring to the table whether it be cows or money....there needs to be some proof of financial that generational digging or a family trying to secure their daughters future?....My bad i've just spent too many years going above and beyond to try and prove that i wasnt a shovel carrier...and in the end i had a guy leave me for a chic with 3kids and on welfare...b/c she needed him more than i did....nuff said........I SWEAR!!!!
Men who marry or are involved with Gold Diggers KNOW that they are gold diggers. If they're not upset about it, why should I be. And ESPECIALLY the well-to-do yet super-old/ugly/short/geeky think they aren't aware that their supermodel wife would be history if they went broke?

I personally never got why so many WOMEN get upset over women who have a hustle and aren't just buying the old Disney fairytales women are expected to....why be mad at her for having her hustle? The white picket fence. 2.5 kids, and golden retriever isn't for everyone!

i said it..i said it:lachen::lachen:...
I was talkin to my hispanic g/f and she told me that her mother married a man that she did not love because she was a single mother with 5 children and he was more than willing to step in a play the role of husband and is she now a shovel carrier?......or just a woman trying to make it.....keep in mind there was NO love only a what he can do for me and mine attitude.......

Sorry for the ramble....but in many cultures in order for a man to marry a woman he HAS to show her parents what he has to bring to the table whether it be cows or money....there needs to be some proof of financial that generational digging or a family trying to secure their daughters future?....My bad i've just spent too many years going above and beyond to try and prove that i wasnt a shovel carrier...and in the end i had a guy leave me for a chic with 3kids and on welfare...b/c she needed him more than i did....nuff said........I SWEAR!!!!

Giiiiiirllllll. . . you too? One left me for and 18 year old that he met working at McDonald's because she made him feel needed. He married her too, gave her a coupla babies and came home one day to find her in bed with another man. . . thought I'd share their happy ending:lachen::lachen::lachen::lachen:
Giiiiiirllllll. . . you too? One left me for and 18 year old that he met working at McDonald's because she made him feel needed. He married her too, gave her a coupla babies and came home one day to find her in bed with another man. . . thought I'd share their happy ending:lachen::lachen::lachen::lachen:

thanks i needed that...thought i was the only one
I'm so happy to read this thread. Every guy I meet makes less money than I do and I'm barely making anything. Is it wrong of me to want to meet a man that can afford to treat me to the finer things in life? I want to go on nice dinner dates and at some point trips. I can pay for it myself but I'm not paying for myself and him. Typically, those are the guys that I meet. I would not mind meeting someone who is willing to treat me now and then.
i said it..i said it:lachen::lachen:...
I was talkin to my hispanic g/f and she told me that her mother married a man that she did not love because she was a single mother with 5 children and he was more than willing to step in a play the role of husband and is she now a shovel carrier?......or just a woman trying to make it.....keep in mind there was NO love only a what he can do for me and mine attitude.......

Sorry for the ramble....but in many cultures in order for a man to marry a woman he HAS to show her parents what he has to bring to the table whether it be cows or money....there needs to be some proof of financial that generational digging or a family trying to secure their daughters future?....My bad i've just spent too many years going above and beyond to try and prove that i wasnt a shovel carrier...and in the end i had a guy leave me for a chic with 3kids and on welfare...b/c she needed him more than i did....nuff said........I SWEAR!!!!

You sho' did and girl you were ON POINT!:yep:

BTW, I think most men do want to feel needed and you sure proved it with that welfare chick story :grin:

I spent many years tryin to prove that "me without a man is like a fish without a bicycle". I really thought I was above depending on a man for money (or orgasms:look:.....thatz a whole 'nother topic:grin:) but I'm beginning to let go of that mindset. If a man comes along wanting to take care of a bill or 4:lachen:, then who am I to deny the guy:grin:? At least I'll be able to concentrate on school more. I always have to maintain some level of independence tho'...just a Sosa thang :rolleyes:
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i said it..i said it:lachen::lachen:...
I was talkin to my hispanic g/f and she told me that her mother married a man that she did not love because she was a single mother with 5 children and he was more than willing to step in a play the role of husband and is she now a shovel carrier?......or just a woman trying to make it.....keep in mind there was NO love only a what he can do for me and mine attitude.......

Sorry for the ramble....but in many cultures in order for a man to marry a woman he HAS to show her parents what he has to bring to the table whether it be cows or money....there needs to be some proof of financial that generational digging or a family trying to secure their daughters future?....My bad i've just spent too many years going above and beyond to try and prove that i wasnt a shovel carrier...and in the end i had a guy leave me for a chic with 3kids and on welfare...b/c she needed him more than i did....nuff said........I SWEAR!!!!

Please continue to speak the truth! The dowry system is still practiced amongst many cultures - WE (americans) are the stupid ones for not putting more emphasis on it
Audacious1 and Smitge I appreciate y'all honesty :yep:. Some self-acclaimed morally superior chicks would never admit that their SO's bank account was a deciding factor in determining if he was a keeper :giveheart: :confused: :ohwell: :greedy: :love: :runninghug:....................:lachen::lachen::lachen:

J/K, but there really aren't many advantages associated with being with a broke man:perplexed . Say what you may, [the lack of] money remains the #1 cause of marital/relational problems:rolleyes:.

NOOO I wouldn't say I'm a gold-digger. I just wouldn't knowingly talk to a broke man.

Now if my SO went broke tomorrow., I wouldn't leave him because I love him. But if he couldn't spoil me from gate and I knew this, then there would be no reason for me to be with him because he already can't fulfil a need.

That need: to be spoiled by my man. My dad does it...why shouldn't he?

ETA: "I aint saying she a gold-digga, but she aint messing with no broke ni99a" <--- that's me :grin:
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NOOO I wouldn't say I'm a gold-digger. I just wouldn't knowingly talk to a broke man.

Now if my SO went broke tomorrow., I wouldn't leave him because I love him. But if he couldn't spoil me from gate and I knew this, then there would be no reason for me to be with him because he already can't fulfil a need.

That need: to be spoiled by my man. My dad does it...why shouldn't he.[/quote]

Yesssssssssssss!:yep: I chose my spouse because he lived in a large house in Queens and he started spoiling me from day one! I was like DADDY.:lachen:
Quite honestly I think the only reason sisters have an issue with "gold digging" is because BROTHERS have cried foul. Lazy, underachieving, broke, or players who don't wanna do the right thing...their protests have led to us going all "na-ah, that's not me!"....but let there not be one black man worried about gd'ers and all being FINANCIALLY generous and supportive to the women they wouldn't hear one PEEP out of the....erm...."independent women". We are "INDEPENDENT" by necessity...not by design.
Please continue to speak the truth! The dowry system is still practiced amongst many cultures - WE (americans) are the stupid ones for not putting more emphasis on it
hahaha my dowry is collecting interest:drunk:

But all jokes aside I am grateful for the sense of worth my father instilled in me at an early age. All the craziness going on with women believing they have to settle and "work with" somebody to prove this fake sense of "strength" is one American value I am glad to have skipped. Gold digging is a patriarchal term coined by men who couldnt do any better now we have women lobbying it at other women, and black women do this a whole lot. Since we are quoting songs "On that independent ishhhhhh give it all up for a husband and some kids" -Kanye.
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Quite honestly I think the only reason sisters have an issue with "gold digging" is because BROTHERS have cried foul. Lazy, underachieving, broke, or players who don't wanna do the right thing...their protests have led to us going all "na-ah, that's not me!"....but let there not be one black man worried about gd'ers and all being FINANCIALLY generous and supportive to the women they wouldn't hear one PEEP out of the....erm...."independent women". We are "INDEPENDENT" by necessity...not by design.

Can I get a witness?????!!!!
hahaha my dowry is collecting interest:drunk:

But all jokes aside I am grateful for the sense of worth my father instilled in me at an early age. All the craziness going on with women believing they have to settle and "work with" somebody to prove this fake sense of "strength" is one American value I am glad to have skipped.

Oh ****! Can I get on your level???
NOOO I wouldn't say I'm a gold-digger. I just wouldn't knowingly talk to a broke man.

Now if my SO went broke tomorrow., I wouldn't leave him because I love him. But if he couldn't spoil me from gate and I knew this, then there would be no reason for me to be with him because he already can't fulfil a need.

That need: to be spoiled by my man. My dad does it...why shouldn't he?

ETA: "I aint saying she a gold-digga, but she aint messing with no broke ni99a" <--- that's me :grin:

I'm not calling u(nor Smitge) a gold digger girl!:nono: I was just applauding y'all for not fakin' like u had NO idea how financially stable your man was before he became your SO :yep:.

Enough of the pretence of not noticing or not caring how well off a man is when a women starts becoming seriously interested in a guy already! :wallbash:
Being a full time college student, I got frustrated with paying student loans, credit cards bills, rent, utilities, insurances, car notes etc. etc. etc. :wallbash::wallbash::wallbash: so I said to my best friend " Girl, I wish some rich old man would just fall in love with my "youthful charm" :grin: and just get these bills off my hand!"
She was like " Uh huh, thatz the inner gold digger speaking" :lachen:.


I don't think i could actually SEEK out a well-to-do man just for his money , but I certainly won't :mob: all the girls who do :ohwell:. (hope i'm not morally deficient :look:).

Now, it's no secret men HATE gold diggers( prolly cuz of the shame of being used), but how do u feel about them?

I know you perhaps wouldn't mind being "kept", have u ever entertained the thought of making this happen?
No, that's what parents are for. I know there are some people who wouldn't mind bankrolling me in exchange for "companionship," but I'm not cheap and don't roll like that. My ex is a gold digger, and me no likey. :nono:
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I agree with you Reslnt:grin:
I go to school full time,work full time and have loans and bills that need to be paid each month. I think theres nothing wrong with getting help from your SO, and I just recently learned this. Im a independent woman, but its ok to have someone help you out every once in a while. My current SO helps me pay my monthly bills, not because I asked him or cant pay them my self. But because he volunteered and wants to do this for me. In return I do help or do special things for him. Im so Thankful that he is finacially able to help me because I have been able to save some money each month or pay more on my student loans.. So I say Gold Diggers do what you gotta do!:yep:

If your man wants to take care of certain things than why not? I don't consider that gold digging. IMO, some people confuse wanting a man on your level or higher or the reality that finances can play a role in mating with being a gold digger. Gold digging, is using money as the main determiner of a man's worth and then deception and manipulation to get his money. Many such women eventually get traded for the younger model or they gold dig while young then settle when they run out of options. Such practices are similar to renting your body (one must sample out the goods at some point) or women who have babies by several different men to insure greater child support.

My SO provides anything I want, which I didn't accept initially. He said people bring different things to the table, if your man loves you and wants to bling you out then enjoy, just provide support in other areas. If tomorrow his finances changed I'm still his ride or die chick.

I see women all stressed because they're almost 26 and haven't snagged a rich man. I had a chick ask if there's any way to access a man's bank account and another bragged that she only makes 20k at her job, but 50k in child support from her ex husband :perplexed Truth be told, if a man is gonna' give up cash, at least have something to offer. Some people expect to trade day old, used goodies. I'm amused by anyone, but especially 5.5 and 2.5s investing more time in finding a rich guy than their education and people with nothing, who feel entitled to those with something. Competition is tough, these women need to ponder if they really have something guys can't get for free elsewhere.
It's ironic, the black community is bling obsessed, but we are relatively cash poor. Half the men and women my age expect to become athletes, rappers or get a baller who will spoil them. They want easy money to live like Kimora.

So, how do we feel about male gold diggers?

Please continue to speak the truth! The dowry system is still practiced amongst many cultures - WE (americans) are the stupid ones for not putting more emphasis on it

True, but dowries are often given to the bride's family, it does not necessarily go to her. In India they are actually provided BY the bride's family TO the bridegroom. Practiced here it would actually lessen the purpose of gold digging :lol:
Within culture that use dowries, it's intertwined with other cultural expectations, divorce is uncommon, the wife is dutiful, marriage is at a young age and the women tend to be virgins. I'm not sure how many here would meet those requirements :look: By 19 a lot of Western women have had enough sexual partners to negate any significant dowry in many cultures.
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I'm amused by anyone, but especially 5.5 and 2.5s?????????

who are they?

True, but dowries are often given to the bride's family, it does not necessarily go to her.

Even if the money doesn't go to her, its still his way of showing his worth$$$$$$ in regards to marrying their daughter.....and even if its her family doing the giving........its all about dollars and cents
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:yep: Many such women eventually get traded for the younger model or they gold dig while young then settle when they run out of options. Such practices are similar to renting your body (one must sample out the goods at some point) or women who have babies by several different men to insure greater child support.

Ah...many men trade in their spouses for "younger models" regardless. And many have the gall to trade in wives who put them through grad school and helped them build businesses so, I'm not sure one is better off than the other.

These women have an agenda that is appropriate for THEM personally. The concept of "selling oneself" is such a fragile argument because it's so subjective to an individual's old boss got engaged...and her ring was GAWGEOUS!...everyone was fawning over it in the office and someone said..."he must REALLY love you because that is SOME ring!" which my boss shot back, without missing a beat, "...Nah, it's because I SWALLOWED!" Of course it was very tongue-in-cheek and we all laughed but...unless each woman is saving herself completely until the wedding night, then the whole selling yourself argument is too fragile to make the case.

Also, women who put their resources and talents into snagging a rich man are not necessarily undereducated and unmotivated. We keep equating gold diggers with groupies and trust me....they are NOT one and the same! In fact, gold diggers are waaaay too calculating to be sitting around waiting on a man as their sole source of a mealticket.
Also, women who put their resources and talents into snagging a rich man are not necessarily undereducated and unmotivated. We keep equating gold diggers with groupies and trust me....they are NOT one and the same! In fact, gold diggers are waaaay too calculating to be sitting around waiting on a man as their sole source of a mealticket.[/quote]

Well said ...well said.....going to sleep now
Within culture that use dowries, it's intertwined with other cultural expectations, divorce is uncommon, the wife is dutiful, marriage is at a young age and the women tend to be virgins. I'm not sure how many here would meet those requirements :look: By 19 a lot of Western women have had enough sexual partners to negate any significant dowry in many cultures.
I dont quite know about that, none of those are stipulations where I come from. In Islam its supposed to go to the woman. If the family follows correctly they will not take her dowry. It also makes no stipulation on the woman's sexual status...convert women here who often come with kids and are not virgins still have their dowry requests met. If a man chooses to marry a woman who is not a virgin he still has to give her the dowry that she requested(it should be within his means, so if your man works at Piggly Wiggly requesting a 1.5 million house is not a reasonable:lachen:). The dowry will be written in to the Nikkah(marriage contract). Muzzies I know get married and divorced like its going out of style. In some sects like the Shias they have temporary marriages...need I say more. I think people would be surprised at the rate of divorce. It is very easy to get divorced, simple as the man saying I divorce you three times. In lots of cases women will request something religious, but a sum of money, a house, or a car is not unheard of especially in the west and other places where people are able to afford it. In poorer places livestock, grains, and the sort are not unheard of. Yes, some people will add all their cultural stipulations to the "law", but there are plenty that will try to be as pure about it as possible. Not sure what other religions/cultures who the dowry practice expect though.

The dowry practice can does exist here in the United States.
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