GOLD DIGGERS: Hate or Congratulate?

You see an obvious gold digger with a rich older guy ur response is:

  • Hate it. It's downright REPULSIVE!

    Votes: 55 15.7%
  • Congratulate. Get it Girl!

    Votes: 123 35.1%
  • Envy. Dang, I wanna be in her shoes!

    Votes: 36 10.3%
  • Don't care.

    Votes: 136 38.9%

  • Total voters
I congratulate. I could NEVER date someone solely for their bank account/ net worth, its unethical. Trying to fake loving someone seems like a lot of work so in some respects they earn every penny.
I say congratulate. I don't have a problem with it what so ever. If men can have certain standards when it come to women, why can't women have their standards when it comes to men.
I don't have a problem with it. I say live and let live.

I'm sure there a lot of men out here using woman for material goods.

I also get sick of seeing some of these chicks asking to borrow money, yet they are laying up with a kneegrow.

He can't help you out?

Hell if you are going to open your legs, you bets be getting something out of the deal.
What's wrong with getting a fcking job like everyone else?

Gonna mass email this thread to every white man I know and tell them to send it to their friends :lol:
Me personally, I feel like a dude should want to provide for me. I work and have a good job, however if my man wants to treat me well, who am I to stop him. My daddy told me to I should expect for a man to treat me like he does and so I do. :look: I would not date a guy solely for money, but it is a big factor in a serious relationship for me. So no I don't hate on gold diggers, get it how you live.
:lol: Romance without finance don't stand a chance.
:lachen:I like that because it's true. I'm in school and working toward a career that will allow me to take care of myself but I'm not going to lie, I want a man with something to add to what I already have. My FH should feel like it's his job to take care of me and our family whether I'm working or not. My father sees it as his job to provide for my mother, sisters and I. My parents would skin me alive if I got involved with a man that couldn't give me the life I've grown up having or better.:look: I don't hate on gold diggers one bit. The men know what they are getting themselves into beforehand.
Someone earlier in the thread said there's a difference between a gold digger and marrying well. I don't like the idea of someone just going for money only. Still I feel "some kind of way" about guys using the terms gold diggers because I feel like it's a way to keep women in line and admonish them. Because the guy is digging away too for beauty and youth: rich or poor guys. I always think it's funny when a guy is like "she shouldn't want me for my money" but then turns around and says "but she should be fit, have x, hair like x, etc etc"...and he could be rich or poor but he wants a gorgeous woman on his arms but when it comes to him she should look at the "inner" part of him. And I'm like wait, she should look into your heart but you aren't just looking for any women. You'll overlook the ones who may have the best heart, spirit, soul, personality because they don't have your requirements but she better not have any for you? I do think however just looking at someone for one thing is unhealthy and leads to an unfullfilling life. Meaning just money without love won't work for me.

As for me, I do believe in marrying well which I think is a slight difference, and what other cultures (indian, etc) have been doing forever. I have a friend who said her parents were like: dr, lawyer, engineer, etc (she's indian)...and that's the basic requirements for who she will marry. In her culture it's okay, but ours we're gold digging. For me, I want a man who has his ish together (like my fiance), but at the same time I want to love him (which I do). I would never marry just for money. But I do think that someone should have ambition, drive and be on their way to establishing themselves (if they're still in school), or already established. I also have requirements that I want a man whose not only smart, but also educated, but then I have other requirements like ethics, a good heart, treats me well, funny, meshes well in the sense of where we're going, how we'll raise our kids (have the same ideas), how we will treat our finances, loves me for who I am and vice versa, etc. All of those things are also a part of what I consider marrying well. I don't think there's anything wrong with making sure you choose a strong partner because heck you're going to spend the rest of your life with them (I hope).
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What's wrong with getting a fcking job like everyone else?

Gonna mass email this thread to every white man I know and tell them to send it to their friends :lol:

Girl, they know about gold diggers. Their race is full of women, who want talk to them unless they have an investment portfolio.
Heh...a woman has to be giving up more than digging to get that gold.
I'm not knocking it. Gold digging is done in various ways that is more than just money.
Congrats plus host a party paid for by her man.

Peggy still got a ring from Micah after letting him know he had to have a certain car, house, job, etc yet Im supposed to congratulate morons who give it up to kangs? No thank you.
Girl, they know about gold diggers. Their race is full of women, who want talk to them unless they have an investment portfolio.

EXACTLY!!! It's cool for them to say they want a good provider and want to be provided for. When a black woman says it, all hell breaks loose. We get called every name in the book, # 1 name of course is gold digger. Dudes throw this name out there so easily now. Even guys with no gold( barely got copper). If you expect him to pay for the dates this = gold digger, if you're looking for gifts on your b-day, valentine's, x-mas, = gold digger.

I mean really what is a gold digger anyway. If you only want to deal with men with money, that's your preference and good luck with that. With all the different preferences folks got these days, what makes a money preference so taboo. If you got your hand out all the time asking for something that's not necessarily a gold digger, that's a pest.

People who chase after materialistic things end up getting the raw end of the deal anyway. It's more than what they bargained for. I can't hate or congratualate, I guess I'm in the "don't care" box. To each....

Its no kind of life expecting your highest bidder to finance your lifestyle. What you gonna do when he a) kicks the bucket and you not in his will, b) find himself a younger sexier gold digger, or c) age and too much plastic surgery takes its toll on you?

Oh you can make a reality TV show or put out a sex tape... :rolleyes:

Make your own money, find a man that meets you where you are or better, then you'll smart about your money.
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I don't like being dependent on others for my well-being. I like the fact that if I want something, I can get it on my own without having to beg or barter for it. And, I dislike anyone that seeks to use and take advantage of others....I think that's really sad.
IA BUUUT not everyone is content with what they can have on their own ,the life you have with someone who has money is a whole different level of comfort
I feel like men already know when a chick is a gold digger, yet choose to still deal with them for their own personal reasons.

Gold digging females are USUALLY digging for money. Sometimes status but usually money.

Men are gold diggers too...but they're digging for a different kind of gold, usually. The trophy of a younger woman, a pretty woman, a really smart/degree holding woman, a shut up and sit down woman, a sex freak open minded, etc.

It's a give and take relationship... so if people wanna enter into that, more power to them!

And you can be a gold digger without being dependent. You can have your own career, money, education, etc... and still have the 'benefit' of being a gold digger.

IE... you can make 6 figures from your job on your own...and make another 6 figures from gold digging.

@ bolded - I agree 100%. In fact men encourage these women to be gold diggers by promising gifts and trips or pay bills or what have you. They know what they are getting into and get a kick out of it, in my opinion.

I don't care one way or the other. It's not my thing, but I feel men know 99% of the time what they are getting into. The other 1% friends and family try to warn the man about the gold-digging woman and most of the time they don't care, so they don't listen.
Puh-lease. I congratulate. I think I pretty much hate the term "gold-digger" b/c I've heard it misused so much in minority communities when it comes to stay-at-home moms.

And, yeah, I think the majority of men who have it, don't hate "gold diggers". Some men love to pay for stuff and/or take care of someone, even if you can take care of yourself.

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