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Also, not to say that one is better than the other, but before one judges...

How many waist length/ midback length natural 4a/4b, thick, dense people have we seen on this board? Not many... How many relaxed? Many. Why? manipulation. :twocents:


Check out this poll I did on LHCF where 94% of the respondents said they want to go natural eventually.

I wrote it, the COMB SYSTEM is STRICTLY my opinion it's not the law. I admit to being biased... biased about my hair and biased about not using caustic chemicals like relaxers on it... but you know... to each her own.

I wrote it for my blog which is a blog about my transition and inspiration for other women to transition. It's not all inclusive when I was getting relaxers I wasn't educated on their harmful health effects. I've read books upon books and numerous scholarly articles on the subject which all led me to start transitioning. I was putting in clockwork like a full time job for the past year on the subject of African-American hair so don't think I'm just some Anti-Relaxer preacher/hypocrite. I'm no where near a Black Belt/Comb... I strive towards that.

I'm not pushing an agenda I'm just trying to help other women who don't have time to read numerous books, textbooks, and scholarly articles I've read. It's very progressive, some people aren't ready to hear it but I'm a rebel so I don't mind saying it. Is that even relevant... blah... I hate explaining myself. A lot of people respect my opinions because they know it's backed by fact. I'm not trying to sell anything just trying to help other women and get good karma. You can Love it or Hate it. :yep: I could have tried to be all-inclusive but I'm all about organic and natural so I made my little just for fun COMB COLOR thingie. I challenge someone else who doesn't like it to come up with their own. It's all in fun. Ya'll gotta be so serious all the time. JEEEEEEZUZZZ
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Check out this poll I did on LHCF where 94% of the respondents said they want to go natural eventually.

I wrote it, the COMB SYSTEM is STRICTLY my opinion it's not the law. I admit to being biased... biased about my hair and biased about not using caustic chemicals like relaxers on it... but you know... to each her own.

I wrote it for my blog which is a blog about my transition and inspiration for other women to transition. It's not all inclusive when I was getting relaxers I wasn't educated on their harmful health effects. I've read books upon books and numerous scholarly articles on the subject which all led me to start transitioning. I was putting in clockwork like a full time job for the past year on the subject of African-American hair so don't think I'm just some Anti-Relaxer preacher/hypocrite. I'm no where near a Black Belt/Comb... I strive towards that.

I'm not pushing an agenda I'm just trying to help other women who don't have time to read numerous books, textbooks, and scholarly articles I've read. It's very progressive, some people aren't ready to hear it but I'm a rebel so I don't mind saying it. Is that even relevant... blah... I hate explaining myself. A lot of people respect my opinions because they know it's backed by fact. I'm not trying to sell anything just trying to help other women and get good karma. You can Love it or Hate it. :yep:

Whether we agree or not, I respect ur opinion. :yep: I think it's good for us to express our opinions or beliefs respectfully, even if it is not the most popular thing to say. That's how we learn. :yep:

Your natural hair is beautiful by the way! :grin:
I'm not pushing an agenda I'm just trying to help other women who don't have time to read numerous books, textbooks, and scholarly articles I've read. It's very progressive, some people aren't ready to hear it but I'm a rebel so I don't mind saying it. Is that even relevant... blah... I hate explaining myself. A lot of people respect my opinions because they know it's backed by fact. I'm not trying to sell anything just trying to help other women and get good karma. You can Love it or Hate it. :yep: I could have tried to be all-inclusive but I'm all about organic and natural so I made my little just for fun COMB COLOR thingie. I challenge someone else who doesn't like it to come up with their own. It's all in fun. Ya'll gotta be so serious all the time. JEEEEEEZUZZZ[/quote]

My last little input because it really isnt that serious, and i respect your teaching other people about transitoning, as im transitoning myself ect.

But---its not that your a rebel and people arent ready to hear it---its that alot of peopel already know/heard it before, and they've made their choice. Alot of peopel who transition go through this kind fo thing--- All you have to do if you want to inform people is state the facts

Everyones opinions are respected, and im sure everyone has their own facts to go with them.

Alright---Im Out.
Also, SouthernTease, how do u expect to enlighten and help people, if u hate explaining urself? :lol: You have to explain and back up your claims. But the pt about natural hair being healthier than chemically treated hair is just wrong. How do you define health?
Yeah... so... back on topic.

I want to go back over something I said before...

I'm working through the kinks of my comb system (pun intended)

a Black Comb would be someone who doesn't relax or use heat because they are perfectly content with their hair in it's natural state. Doesn't that make sense. HAIR NIRVANA being totally at peace with your hair... freedom hair.
Food for thought.
Yes. :yep: For me anyway, relaxing means less manipulation for my hair. :yep: I don't have to use as much heat if any at all to get my hair straight. I rollerset my hair anywhere from once to 3 times a week. I can let my hair airdry in the rollers and it is straight and bouncy. :yep: I don't use an iron. That's the beauty of having a relaxer. I can wear my hair straight or culry w/little manipulation and little or no heat. :yep: ;)

Great question, Aloofone! This dialogue is good.

You can get the same thing natural too :wink2:
Reason #1 why we need a naturals/transitioners thread and stickys for different hair types. People always wanna get mad and get to fighting just because something does not apply to them.

I voted Brown
hmm.... how can you classify mastery with all the different hair types we have. lol IMO a natural 2a/2b//3a/3b does not have as difficult a time as a natural 4b/4zzz in taking care of their hair. 3b hair natural = 4b texlaxed in some cases. In that case, mastery should be based on hair type as well shouldn't it?
hmm.... how can you classify mastery with all the different hair types we have. lol IMO a natural 2a/2b//3a/3b does not have as difficult a time as a natural 4b/4zzz in taking care of their hair. 3b hair natural = 4b texlaxed in some cases. In that case, mastery should be based on hair type as well shouldn't it?

Oh... that's what they want you to think. They tell you that kinky hair is hard to handle/care for... that's NOT true if you know what you're doing. I don't like that just don't sit well with me... sounds too much like that good vs. bad hair thing... :nono2:
Oh... that's what they want you to think. They tell you that kinky hair is hard to handle/care for... that's NOT true if you know what you're doing. I don't like that just don't sit well with me... sounds too much like that good vs. bad hair thing... :nono2:

i don't think it's a good hair vs. bad hair thing. everyone's hair is unique. people say it on the board all the time what works for some doesn't work for others. different techniques work for different people. a roller set on natural 3 a/b frizzy cotton-like hair will not look the same as a roller set on 3 a/b silky hair. just like some naturals are able to smooth their hair into a ponytail with little effort/product and there are others that can't. it's not good hair vs. bad hair, it's reality.
i consider myself to be a red comb...i'm natural, i'm getting better as a diy'er, but i'm still learning about my hair and haircare.
Oh... that's what they want you to think. They tell you that kinky hair is hard to handle/care for... that's NOT true if you know what you're doing. I don't like that just don't sit well with me... sounds too much like that good vs. bad hair thing... :nono2:

Heres the thing...I thought the thread was cute....I just thought it was funny to hear that the black comb which would be highest skilled would have to be natural or transitioning.....At least thats how I took it when I read it...Then to say Black women relax for this reason is not fair.....Whatever reason you relaxed your hair... is not every womens reason....I did not relax because I don't like my natural hair...Just like when flat doesn't mean you don't like your natural hair ....I'm relaxed to maintain a certain look ... a style...I'am 31 years old I have worn many styles over the years .....I'm skilled , I have healthy relaxed hair and I was claiming it... You soon will reach the same goals that I already have..but Your Way.....Relaxed women have mad skills just like natural women....
Oh... that's what they want you to think. They tell you that kinky hair is hard to handle/care for... that's NOT true if you know what you're doing. I don't like that just don't sit well with me... sounds too much like that good vs. bad hair thing... :nono2:

Well I would definitely like to learn more about this. I'm a 4a with a head full of little bands of coils (a maybe twice the size of a coffee stirrer). I just found this out after my first three month stretch that ended Dec. 2007!

My relaxed hair is healthy, thick and I see myself achieving great lengths that way, but I still wonder about the other side...

I wouldn't mind going natural and I think about it a lot but I'm kind of afraid that I won't be able to handle it. I have no clue how it would look. I don't mind kinky but I don't want straight kinky afro or CNapp, that's just not a look that i would like on myself.

I do think that kinky hair is hard to handle, but I'm up for the challenge if someone wants to teach me. And I'm trying to learn by stalking 4a fotkis and learning about natural hair.

To sum it all up, I'm stuck in the middle of the natural vs. relaxed dialogue. But I'm enjoying back in forth in this thread...a lot to think about.
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I picked purple before I even read the explanations (or realized there were any), and surprisingly, that fits me perfectly.
You can get the same thing natural too :wink2:

Really? How so? If it is possible for my 4a, natural, kinky, coily, thick hair to do all of the things that I mentioned that my relaxed hair does, then I am open to suggestions. Especially since, natural hair does look so lovely on some. :yep:

And remember that's wear my hair smooth and silky straight no frizz w/little manipulation and no heat. ;) I'll be here waiting patiently for some replies.
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Heres the thing...I thought the thread was cute....I just thought it was funny to hear that the black comb which would be highest skilled would have to be natural or transitioning.....At least thats how I took it when I read it...Then to say Black women relax for this reason is not fair.....Whatever reason you relaxed your hair... is not every womens reason....I did not relax because I don't like my natural hair...Just like when flat doesn't mean you don't like your natural hair ....I'm relaxed to maintain a certain look ... a style...I'am 31 years old I have worn many styles over the years .....I'm skilled , I have healthy relaxed hair and I was claiming it... You soon will reach the same goals that I already have..but Your Way.....Relaxed women have mad skills just like natural women....

Yep... some do... I said that before about Cathy Howse and Lisa Akbari.
Well I would definitely like to learn more about this. I'm a 4a with a head full of little bands of coils (a maybe twice the size of a coffee stirrer). I just found this out after my first three month stretch that ended Dec. 2007!

My relaxed hair is healthy, thick and I see myself achieving great lengths that way, but I still wonder about the other side...

I wouldn't mind going natural and I think about it a lot but I'm kind of afraid that I won't be able to handle it. I have no clue how it would look. I don't mind kinky but I don't want straight kinky afro or CNapp, that's just not a look that i would like on myself.

I do think that kinky hair is hard to handle, but I'm up for the challenge if someone wants to teach me. And I'm trying to learn by stalking 4a fotkis and learning about natural hair.

To sum it all up, I'm stuck in the middle of the natural vs. relaxed dialogue. But I'm enjoying back in forth in this thread...a lot to think about.

Yep... it's something to think about.
I just think this poll is confusing. If Naturals are going natural because they cannot maintain healthy relaxed heads and relaxed heads supposedly cannot handle healthy natural hair. Then IMO - the only true master can only be a relaxed or natural that can and has handled both methods with success.
I just think this poll is confusing. If Naturals are going natural because they cannot maintain healthy relaxed heads and relaxed heads supposedly cannot handle healthy natural hair. Then IMO - the only true master can only be a relaxed or natural that can and has handled both methods with success.

yeah... that's why the Black Comb is a combo of all the colors because she has been from White-Black and experienced everything.
Great thread ST...and I'm a Black Belt!:yep: Well at least in my mind I am! ETA: ST I just read your entire OP and thank you for that sweet shoutout.:kissing4: And your natural hair texture is beautiful!
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Really? How so? If it is possible for my 4a, natural, kinky, coily, thick hair to do all of the things that I mentioned that my relaxed hair does, then I am open to suggestions. Especially since, natural hair does look so lovely on some. :yep:

And remember that's wear my hair smooth and silky straight no frizz w/little manipulation and no heat. ;) I'll be here waiting patiently for some replies.

For me, (and yes I have type 4 textures throughout too) it is a matter of discovering 1) what products work with my hair and ALL of it textures 2) transitioning my mindset (thus my preferences have changed, but if I want straight hair I know it can be acheived 3.) Rollersets & low manipulation styles ARE MY FRIENDS :lachen:. The rollerset I did in my siggy is on natural hair (dry with leave-ins). I can also do a wet set and it turns out even better, but I was lazy. Generally after I rollerset, I do the saran wrap method (my results are in my fotki btw). With the right Products I have little to no frizz (Fantasia IC & silk scarves do wonders)-and my hair looks relatively silky, when in fact the strand texture is cottony/thready/fine. I can posts some pics if you like :grin:
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a Black Comb would be someone who doesn't relax or use heat because they are perfectly content with their hair in it's natural state. Doesn't that make sense. HAIR NIRVANA being totally at peace with your hair... freedom hair.
Food for thought.
makes sense to me ;)
For me, (and yes I have type 4 textures throughout too) it is a matter of discovering 1) what products work with my hair and ALL of it textures 2) transitioning my mindset (thus my preferences have changed, but if I want straight hair I know it can be acheived 3.) Rollersets & low manipulation styles ARE MY FRIENDS :lachen:. The rollerset I did in my siggy is on natural hair (dry with leave-ins). I can also do a wet set and it turns out even better, but I was lazy. Generally after I rollerset, I do the saran wrap method (my results are in my fotki btw). With the right Products I have little to no frizz (Fantasia IC & silk scarves do wonders)-and my hair looks relatively silky, when in fact the strand texture is cottony/thready/fine. I can posts some pics if you like :grin:

Thanks for sharing and OH I have about 5" off new growth the rest is relaxed... that GIOVANNI DIRECT IS A BEAST ON ROLLERSETS... get's my hair nice and straight at the roots for when I straigten. I've seen many 4Bs that rollerset and airdry so they use absolutely no heat... that deserves a BLCK COMB.
Thanks for sharing and OH I have about 5" off new growth the rest is relaxed... that GIOVANNI DIRECT IS A BEAST ON ROLLERSETS... get's my hair nice and straight at the roots for when I straigten. I've seen many 4Bs that rollerset and airdry so they use absolutely no heat... that deserves a BLCK COMB.[/quote]

That's me!!! I guess I can claim the black comb now...:lachen:

Edit: maybe I responded to quickly b/c I'm relaxed:drunk:
Thanks for sharing and OH I have about 5" off new growth the rest is relaxed... that GIOVANNI DIRECT IS A BEAST ON ROLLERSETS... get's my hair nice and straight at the roots for when I straigten. I've seen many 4Bs that rollerset and airdry so they use absolutely no heat... that deserves a BLCK COMB.

I most definitely have to agree-whitleygilbert from np comes to mind. The PJ in me decided to buy some giovanni direct, but I've yet to do a rollerset using it as one of leave-ins-I'm glad to know it has some potential :lick:
:lachen::lachen::lachen:Miss...Southern Tease......I'm relaxed but I'm claiming Black Comb....Being relaxed is a choice right now , not something I have to do...I'm a DYIer ....I don't trust anyone in my hair...Trims, relaxers, rinses, cuts, whatever .....The only thing I don't do is braid my own hair....I don't see my self going natural anytime soon....I love the relaxed look ....To me why grow out or cut off my relaxer .....Just to keep a hot comb, or flat-iron in it.....A lot of women leave relaxing for hair health....My hair is healthy, My hair grows with or with-out a relaxer....

I'm claiming it yah....Black Comb.......Relaxed and all.......:lachen::lachen:

I agree with tracyee .I am claiming black comb too and im relaxed. It takes a lot of skill to deal with two textures on your head especially when your a diyer so im definitely claiming black comb.