FROM BC TO WAIST LENGTH! Natural growth and health CHALLENGE.

I'm struggling. I'm not having issues with my hair but I just don't like how I look with natural hair. I don't feel as attractive and I miss my long straight hair so much. I don't know what to do. So aggy. I just want to relax it but trying to hold out and see how it looks with more length.
I moisturize at night with Qhemet Burdock root and seal with real JBCO ( sorry ladies I don't consider store bought JBCO from the US real I use the one straight from JA sent to me by my future MIL It's dark and rich and so thick it does not rinse out). I Co wash in the morning apply leave in an aloe vera gel My hair looooves this.
Well, I guess it's been a month and I really can't tell if my hair is growing or not and I can't tell what my type is...I have maybe an inch of hair and it's dry sometimes, but I also haven't found a staple moisturizer. I'm going to be honest all this "trial and error" "let's spend $300 until we find the right products and put a bunch of stuff in our hair" is not for me, I really want to keep it simple and I just want to buy what I need and not even fool with my hair; that's why I went natural because I'm Sorry that's just honesty. In October I am investing in growth oil, S-Curl and one or two deep conditioners (moisture, my hair doesn't care for protein that much) and call it a day...oh and some JBCO and my KISS journey will begin.

Oh and BTW I am STILL not added to the list...

ETA: Here is my one month post BC pics...not much growth :ohwell: but the curls are much more defined and I still like that I really don't have to do anything to it...because I'm lazy.


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Oh and BTW I am STILL not added to the list...

You don't have to be added to the list to participate in the thread/challenge. Personally, that goes for pretty much any challenge here, as far as I'm concerned. I stopped adding myself to challenges, for the most part...just follow the challenge and it's rules and do yo thang. :)
I'm struggling. I'm not having issues with my hair but I just don't like how I look with natural hair. I don't feel as attractive and I miss my long straight hair so much. I don't know what to do. So aggy. I just want to relax it but trying to hold out and see how it looks with more length.

i really commend you for saying this because this is actually how i am feeling right now.....exactly!!!

I wear makeup to make me look more feminine but its not the same as long hair....and to top it off now my face is breaking out from chlorella, so now everyone can really see the ugly side of anyway i have no choice but to keep it natural because the relaxer doesnt agree with my eczema. i cant wait until there is enough hair to braid because i am putting my bobraz in immediately. good luck and it will get better
Thanks. I felt kinda bad about posting that but I can't seem to move past it. I never really had problems with my relaxed hair. Just wanted to go natural but it's killing me. And EVERYONE loves it but I HATE it. I'm thinking that maybe its the length but I'm not sure I can hold out much longer. I'm going to keep trying though and hope for the best. Blah

Thanks for your comment. At least I don't feel so alone.

i really commend you for saying this because this is actually how i am feeling right now.....exactly!!!

I wear makeup to make me look more feminine but its not the same as long hair....and to top it off now my face is breaking out from chlorella, so now everyone can really see the ugly side of anyway i have no choice but to keep it natural because the relaxer doesnt agree with my eczema. i cant wait until there is enough hair to braid because i am putting my bobraz in immediately. good luck and it will get better
I'm struggling. I'm not having issues with my hair but I just don't like how I look with natural hair. I don't feel as attractive and I miss my long straight hair so much. I don't know what to do. So aggy. I just want to relax it but trying to hold out and see how it looks with more length.

Wow. I feel the same way and the first time I BCed I do not recall feeling like this. I am used to long hair and there are so many styles I want to do and cannot because my hair is probably not even bob-length. I took some pics today and saw how pretty my hair looks and am going to hang on. Plus I promised Kandake I would not relax (which I do not think I will) until 2.5.11, my one year natural anniversary. :)
I feel like everyone else who just BC'd. I have no issues with my hair but with my length. I love my curls, and texture but my length is so short! I looked at some old pics of me with shoulder length hair, and I almost cried! UGH! I still have a TWA, and styles are at a minimum. I am getting my ears re-peirced (all 4 holes) in two weeks in an attempt to make me feel like a girl again! :)
I'm feeling better about my situation. I spoke to my friend and she just looked at me like I was crazy. Mind you she has naturally long wavy hair. She told me she loved it and advised me to wait and if I really feel that way to suck it up and wear a hat. lol. Not what I expected but I liked the hat idea. lol. My mom who doesn't like that I went natural can't keep her hands out of my hair and did my twists for me cause she wanted to play with my hair. lol.... While she was playing with it, she confessed that she loved my hair but really hates the length. ANd I had to agree. It's not the texture that is bothering me but that it's so short. I can't wait for it to get long so I will be taking the required steps to grow healthy long hair. Natural hair. I may change my mind in the future but as of right now, I am staying natural.
Hi ladies! Hang in there. This is my third time going natural so I know what you mean concerning the length. But diligence will pay off. It's easier for me this time around because I'm hiding my hair all the way through. Got my tree braids a week ago. I've received so many compliments that it's, women, kids. It's almost unbelievable how driven we are by hair. Everytime I get a compliment I secretly say to myself, "Just wait until you see my REAL waistlength hair!" LOL! So let's keep our eyes on the prize. We can do it!
Hi Ladies! I think most of you know that I have been having trouble with moisture. Fortunately, Nonie and other ladies have given me great feedback. I invested in S-Curl, and :lick:! I think my hair likes it. I have been baggying every night, and I think that I have noticed a difference; I guess I am still learning as I go. I thought to myself that I should try the Crown and Glory method at the end of this month, but everyone has been telling me not to. IDK...still a little lost. Also, I am still a little upset about the lack of growth :perplexed I feel like my hair grows super slow, and sometimes, it can be a little discouraging. I guess there's a little difference from my BC in July to now--shouldn't I have more growth than this?? See my siggy. Anyway, keep up the progress, ladies!:yep:
I got my ears re peirced! And let me tell you, it makes a whole world of difference! :) My husband is finally noticing that my hair is getting longer. Which also makes me feel good. I have to buy some selson blue due to some heavey dandruff. Once I get rid of the dandruff I am going to get a weave.
I'm doing better about how i view my twa. its been a little over a month and I am very confident that by December i will be able to weave it up. i've got some bobraz that needs to get used again (shoot,....its too expensive to use just once). i'm going to use a net to lessen the friction with the needle and thread and try and leave it in for atleast 8 weeks.

for now i am doing so/so with the moisture issue but i will admit that i am not deep conditioning like i used to when i had relaxed hair.
Hey everybody! I did a blow out my one year post relaxerversity on the 3rd (results is siggy) and I've discovered the joys of banding to stretch out my hair for styling. I also ordered a butter creme base and hemp & rice bran oils from Camden Grey that I plan to use for a winter moisturizer.
Hey everybody! I did a blow out my one year post relaxerversity on the 3rd (results is siggy)

Yay for you, AngleEyez! You've got some really noticeable growth, congrats!

Question for you ladies: are any of you experiencing major type differences on your head. I feel like my hair has multiple personality disorder. The top front is as straight as a pin, and refuses to curl or even wave at times (how rude! LOL). And the back is most frustrating because on the back left it's very loose and wavy, while the back right is very tight and curly. It's driving me crazy because (1)unless I straighten my hair, my length look very lopsided since one side shrinks up and the other doesn't, and (2) the tighter curling side "feels" weird when I handled it, which makes me think it might be drier, have split ends, or something is wrong or like it's scab hair, but upon close inspection, I don't see splits, and I moisture it like crazy! Now the rest of my hair curls similarly to the tighter side, but it doesn't have that weird "scab hair" feeling. Can any of you hair queens help me decipher my hair drama?

Otherwise, I'm hanging in there. Hadn't plan to straighten until Dec for a length check, but it appears I'll have to straighten in early Nov, against my will, for a particular occasion. I'll take my progress pics in Nov for the Dec postings (I can't wait to see everyone's progress !!!!) as to avoid using heat 2 months in a row.
HoneyMama , I think that's just the way our hair works! Lord knows I tried and tried and tried to type my hair, but there's everything from kinky waves, to silky curls to straight poof, so I gave up. The top of my head has a wiry texture that doesn't match up either. You probably don't have scab hair or splits, just hair with multiple personalities!
Hey all!

I was supposed to be braiding and bunning my hair, and I got real lazy and slapped my halfwig back on. I have decided that I do need a style that keeps my hand out of my hair for a while, and I think I want to try yarn braids for the first time ever!

Quick Question, though! When you wash your hair in yarn braids, can you blow dry it or do you have to let it air dry? I heard that the yarn gets really heavy after you wash it, and if it doesn't dry well, it will start to get a mildewy smell to it. That's the only thing that concerns me, though!

Help me, please...please help me... :)
My hair is getting longer. I can ALMOST put it in a puff. I have mini goals for my hair. And my next goal is to put my hair in a nice puff on the back of my head. I'm pretty sure by Dec/Jan I can do it. I also have moved from a TWA to a TA! lol! I've also learned that weave is not for me. I had a weave in for a few hours (the lady that did it had tracks showing everywhere) and I took it out about three hours later. I still have hair falling out my head.....smh....sad.
I'm with you. KISS!

I love your hair texture. Did use anything to enhance your curls?

Well, I guess it's been a month and I really can't tell if my hair is growing or not and I can't tell what my type is...I have maybe an inch of hair and it's dry sometimes, but I also haven't found a staple moisturizer. I'm going to be honest all this "trial and error" "let's spend $300 until we find the right products and put a bunch of stuff in our hair" is not for me, I really want to keep it simple and I just want to buy what I need and not even fool with my hair; that's why I went natural because I'm Sorry that's just honesty. In October I am investing in growth oil, S-Curl and one or two deep conditioners (moisture, my hair doesn't care for protein that much) and call it a day...oh and some JBCO and my KISS journey will begin.

Oh and BTW I am STILL not added to the list...

ETA: Here is my one month post BC pics...not much growth :ohwell: but the curls are much more defined and I still like that I really don't have to do anything to it...because I'm lazy.
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Just checking in! I've been seeing quite a bit of growth/retention......I think...or maybe I'm becoming delusional from my notorious impatience. But either way, I'm either legitimately or delusionally happy about it!

My hair feels very healthy. I've diagnosed my "multiple texture" issues since I've found that the "weird" side of my hair was full of SSKs. There are still a huge texture differences in the different regions of my head, but the extra roughness seems to be the SSKs. I hadn't ever experienced these before, but that's definitely what it is! Now I have to investigate why just one little portion of my head seems to be prone to getting them, and what to do to prevent them.

In the meantime, I'm still CW, moisturizing, sealing daily and bunning (most days).

I'm eager to straighten my hair to do a length check, but have no good reason to waste the heat exposure, so I'll wait a bit longer.
Hi Ladies, just saying hello. For whatever reason I never thought my name was added to the challenge, so I haven't been stopping by. My regie has been pretty simple, Just wash, DC (usually w/ steam) 1x/wk and twist, twist out on weekends, wash, repeat! I moisturize with BRBC and seal with the OHHB from Qhemet and I loves it!! Can't wait for length check time
My hair is growing quite well. I moved from braids unto a weave.... I had a neck length wet and wavy weave for 1 month and now I'm wearing a 12" wet and wavy...going on 2 weeks now. I originally said I was going to keep my hair braided till December... I think I will continue to braid or weave into 2011.
I haven't updated in a while but I've been in mini box braids since October 22nd. I'm planning on keeping them in until around Christmas.


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I put mini twists in my hair last week sometime. They came out Ok.

