For the BANDWAGON HOPPERS: Grow 3in+ in 7 weeks

I wish I had taken pics. I can say that my homemade potion is definitely working because I'm seeing some good growth, even in my nape are which has always been a problem area. I don't think it's going to be 3inches in 7 weeks but better than my usual 1/4 to 1/3 inches in a month.

Keep up the good work and HHG everyone!

Platinum Congrats! I know you're glad to see your hard work pay off. Did you use it every night? I need to get to it.
Platinum Congrats! I know you're glad to see your hard work pay off. Did you use it every night? I need to get to it.

chicha Thanks. I'm using it every night. I didn't purchase from Valerie, I made my own. My first batch was pretty good but I added Sulfur to my latest batch, I'm waiting to see how it's going to work. Good luck!
I made my own version of the hair portion.
The ingredients I used 600 ml of West Indian castor oil
1/2 bottle of Cayenne pepper
25g of Sulphur powder
45 teaspoons of Assam Tea
30 Biotin 5mg
I mixed thoroughly and after infusing for 51/2 hours and cooling down, I strained through a cheese cloth and I was left with 350 ml of hair portion, then added 2 drops of garlic essential oil, and 4 drops of onion essential oil. For the scent added several drops of essential oil of lavender, melissa and orange. I started using the hair portion on this Monday 27th June and I be updating 27th July. I have taken my before pictures and I will taking my after picture and showing comparisions on my blog. I am really looking forward to my results and I am very impressed at the results on this board and the ladies on Hairlista.
Had to come back out of hiding for this one. Are there any heavy shedders that use this? Does it slow shedding?

Also if a few of us set up our own shops and sold this it at lower prices it would drive her prices down. Even if we just did it in the exchange forum. Just an idea.
@ Newgrowth, thank you very much for your encouraging words.
@ OsnapCnapp, West Indian castor oil, is very similar to regular castor oil, however it is very thick and clear.
@chica, thanks. I don't know if you saw my length results. They are on page 13 post #260 in this thread. This potion really does work.

Wow thanks for that! Length and growth? Get it newgrowth15! :drunk:

Did you make your own or use the lady who sells it? I need to fill in my temples and bald spots so knowing exactly what you used will help me.
I was intrigued by this concoction and order my onion & garlic oils right away! I was using the sublimed sulphur but DH is allergic so I'm glad I found an alternative. I said all that to say I wanted to share my results. :lol:

I made my own and started using it on April 4th. I used Green tea extract instead of Black tea. Then added both Black tea and Green tea extract for the month of June.


eta: I used coconut oil instead of castor oil. For me castor oil always seem to make my hair shed more :perplexed


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My edges are growing like weeds!! Longer and nicer as well, my baby hairs look great, I just wish all my head would do the same T_T
If you use warmed olive oil, castor or almond and apply it to the scalp with cotton wool, then massage the scalp, you will get the same results of faster hair growth. IMHO, all that extra is not necessary unless you suffer from scalp conditions like dandruff etc.
If you use warmed olive oil, castor or almond and apply it to the scalp with cotton wool, then massage the scalp, you will get the same results of faster hair growth. IMHO, all that extra is not necessary unless you suffer from scalp conditions like dandruff etc.

Guitarhero that sounds simple enough. And I see how it could work. It kind of reminds me of a castor oil pack that you apply to your skin to pull out infections or sickness. Unfortunately for me I can't use castor oil I had to substitute with coconut oil and I am allergic to olive oil. :sad:
I didn't take any before pics since I'm in twists and started using the mix while I'm in twists... It's grown a lot but how much, that I don't know. Haven't charted progress. But... I'm taking my twists down this week and I'll take a starting pic from there and chart my progress and post 1st week of August.
Oh and I made my own....

Mix of Regular Castor Oil and JBCO
30 Biotin
30 bags of Tetley black tea( cut open)
6 bags horsetail (cut open)
1/2 bottle Cayanne pepper
Peppermint Oil( just a few drops)
And just recently added sublimed sulfur.

I don't use every night but when I do use I GHE with a conditioner cap and scarf.
I've noticed my shipment was very thick. Is that what she uses, castor oil? Is it thick?

If so thats good because I've read it's good for penetrating the scalp and skin. All oils do not. And some will but not as well as others.
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i tried making this but it CAUGHT ON FIRE after an hour and it wasn't even on a high temperature!

I put it in the oven and when I came back in an hour, the smoke alarm was going off and there was smoke. I turned it off and opened the oven door and the 'potion' itself looked fine. So I thought I'd just leave it there and close the door. After 30 SECONDS I looked and it was ON FIRE!!!!

My cousin had to open the oven door and splash it with cold water and the flame became even bigger!!!

I'm kind of annoyed because i spent a bit of money on the ingredients :/

i tried making this but it CAUGHT ON FIRE after an hour and it wasn't even on a high temperature!

I put it in the oven and when I came back in an hour, the smoke alarm was going off and there was smoke. I turned it off and opened the oven door and the 'potion' itself looked fine. So I thought I'd just leave it there and close the door. After 30 SECONDS I looked and it was ON FIRE!!!!

My cousin had to open the oven door and splash it with cold water and the flame became even bigger!!!

I'm kind of annoyed because i spent a bit of money on the ingredients :/


mikimix Did you use onion and garlic oils? Did you mix all of the ingredients before baking? It's my understanding that you're not supposed to add the onion and garlic oils until after the mixture was prepared and has cooled. Also, for future reference, NEVER pour water on a grease or water fire. If you need to extinguish these types of fires, use baking soda or salt.
i tried making this but it CAUGHT ON FIRE after an hour and it wasn't even on a high temperature!

I put it in the oven and when I came back in an hour, the smoke alarm was going off and there was smoke. I turned it off and opened the oven door and the 'potion' itself looked fine. So I thought I'd just leave it there and close the door. After 30 SECONDS I looked and it was ON FIRE!!!!

My cousin had to open the oven door and splash it with cold water and the flame became even bigger!!!

I'm kind of annoyed because i spent a bit of money on the ingredients :/


What did your mix consist of? Also what temp did you have stove on?
Two bottles of castor oil
A small container of cayenne pepper (like the normal size it is in the store)
about 40 biotin pills, crushed up
20 bags of black tea

I dont know what temp the oven was at since the oven I used was old and the markings had rubbed off. But I know it wasn't high since I made sure that I only turned it a little.
Two bottles of castor oil
A small container of cayenne pepper (like the normal size it is in the store)
about 40 biotin pills, crushed up
20 bags of black tea

I dont know what temp the oven was at since the oven I used was old and the markings had rubbed off. But I know it wasn't high since I made sure that I only turned it a little.

Did you cut open the tea bags? Idk what happened....