For the BANDWAGON HOPPERS: Grow 3in+ in 7 weeks

Wow, I don't see much of a difference between Jan 12 and April 12 in the 2nd set of pics. But then you looks at the first set March and April, it looks like she went from SL to APL.:perplexed What's going on?

With the second set it looks like in Jan her hair was straight and in April her hair was air dried? I don't relax bone straight so it always looks so much shorter unless it's soaked in water or flat ironed. That's why I try to only compare length checks in close to the same state (air dried vs. flat ironed vs. recently relaxed and flat ironed all give me different results since I suck at doing a great flat iron when I'm too far post relaxer) or it throws things off.

Back to skipping around this thread to read people's results. :look:
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Ya I think I'll try to make own as well and funny thing is I was gonna buy the 32oz next so I went to the site, saw the new prices, and cussed her out in my head lmao. I think she would make more at cheaper prices but hey whatever floats her boat. Are you gonna make your own? Or are you done with the whole "potion" thing.

sarathu why were you considering purchasing more (@ the old prices) if the potion is not doing much for you? Did you take anymore pics? Just curious if the potion accelerated your growth at all or did you just see your normal growth rate.
sarathu why were you considering purchasing more (@ the old prices) if the potion is not doing much for you? Did you take anymore pics? Just curious if the potion accelerated your growth at all or did you just see your normal growth rate.

Just trying to give it more time because my growth tends to sneak up on me when it comes so I was gonna buy more since the prices weren't bad. And I'll take a pic when I wake up lol maybe there has been some and I just haven't noticed. I doubt it though.
I've stopped putting it on my whole head now and just put it on the bald spot in my crown. I've been using it for about a week now and my friends and family have confirmed that there is new hair growing in that spot. It's actually starting to become curly. I will keep applying it there and give it more time before I say it's working for sure.


I was also putting it on the length of my hair and I found it to be very drying. I'm already having a really tough time trying to maintain moisture so I stopped doing that and just started putting it on my scalp. Valerie made a recent video that shows how to apply the potion and she says to just put it on the scalp.
So I added sulfur to my potion like last week and I think it's working because my scalp is sore and itchy and for me that = growth.
Sunday will make 30 days that I have been using the potion. I will straighten my hair and post photos from May 26th when I began and Sunday's results--good or bad.
How much sulphur did you add per ounce of potion? thanks in advance:grin:

Umm I had 4oz in the bottle and did a half of a teaspoon of sulfur. They usually say to put a heaping teaspoon per 8oz of oil but make sure your not going to have a reaction! Are you gonna put some in too?
I added sulfur to my 2nd batch but I haven't used up the first batch yet. My first batch smells like Sweet Tea but this batch smell like chicken grease.:ohwell:
Sunday will make 30 days that I have been using the potion. I will straighten my hair and post photos from May 26th when I began and Sunday's results--good or bad.

newgrowth15 This week makes 30 days for me too, but I decided to wait the whole 7 weeks to do my length check. Plus my hair is still in braids and I don't really feel like taking them out. I'm looking forward to seeing your results.
@make me over, I am anxious to see the results. If I haven't gained any length, I have certainly gained thickness. Sunday can't get here fast enough.:drunk:
Umm I had 4oz in the bottle and did a half of a teaspoon of sulfur. They usually say to put a heaping teaspoon per 8oz of oil but make sure your not going to have a reaction! Are you gonna put some in too?

Yeah I will be putting sulfur in my potion, in place of the onion & garlic oils.
I finished up Valerie's potion that I bought from her and I'm now using the one I made and this stuff stinks sooo bad. I followed the recipe precisely. I added my garlic oil and it was strong for a day or two and then it blended in where I didn't smell anymore. Valerie has two different sites where to buy the onion oil and garlic oil. On her YouTube channel she lists links to it, but on her website, she has another vendor where you can buy from. I ordered my onion oil from the vendor on her website, Natures Flavoring and let me tell you this onion oil is soooo potent and strong. I added it to my potion and it has been a week or more since I added it and I still smell the onion. It smells like a toasted onion bagel. I apply at night and in the morning I smell a faint smell. I do have my hair neutraliser spray that i spray all over my hair to neutralise the smell of the onion. Has anybody else ordered from this vendor? What about those who have ordered the onion oil from the link on her YouTube channel. Can you smell the onion oil when you add it to your potion. I'm just curious because I'm wondering if the next batch I make, if i should decrease the onion oil, instead of 2 half dropper, do 1. Any response will be appreciated.
I see some growth, but not a heck of alot. I see hairgrowth especially around my thinning areas and my hairline is filling in with baby hairs. I have been using my potion with the stinky smell for only a few days and I can honestly say that it seems like my thinning areas are filling in alot quicker than when I was using Valeries potion. I've read favorable things about onions making your hair grow faster and all of us know that garlic helps with shedding so I think it is a good concoction. I especially like the greenhouse effect keeping the hair moist. I'm going to keep using it but I'm going to make my own. I'm putting my hair in braids in another week and I will concentrate more on massaging my scalp because I think the potion and massaging the scalp thoroughly is the key to fast hairgrowth. I have not been so thorough with massaging my scalp because it's hard to do when you wear your hair in protective styles. Anyhow I will be more efficient at massaging my scalp especially since I will be in braids. I will keep everyone posted. Sulfur is good for hair growth too, but I got allergic reactions from it so I'm going to stick with the onion oil.
@brg240 Hi, well for a 32 oz it's like $70..
First no shade to the potion. I have never bought it. I make my own version and the ingredients in the potion are known for hairgrowth. My hair has never flourished better. And the reviews are very positive. An inch a month is not uncommon. So yes it works (for most)

The making costs for me (and I also infuse the oil with horsetail and nettle besides the black tea) is like not even $10 with all the ingredients per 32 oz. You do the math. :grin:
For smell I use a blend of Rosemary, Lavender and Mint oil feels nice in the scalp and smell really nice!

I added horsetail to mine too!

ladyviperkibbles318 Is the horsetail a loose herb or a bagged tea. I've heard of it before but I've never attempted to purchase it.

Also, ladyviper, how many bags of nettle tea did you use?

Hi Horsetail is a herb with high silica content and I buy it loose. I love it because it really speeds up the growth proces. I also use nettle loose not the tea. I actually received seeds of an Arabic guy for a special nettle from his native country. I'm planning to grow this on my patio. I use 4 tbs of each per 32 oz. Hope this helps!

@ladyviper@kibbles318 Is the horsetail a loose herb or a bagged tea. I've heard of it before but I've never attempted to purchase it.

Also, ladyviper, how many bags of nettle tea did you use?
I started using the potion on May 27, 2011. I took pictures with a tape measure on that day. I made my own potion using the following:
20 oz. of JBCO
2 oz of Assam Black Tea (purchased at the local Indian Market)
1/2 oz of Cayenne Pepper
30 capsules of Super Potent Biotin (5000 mcg)
2 half droppers of onion oil
1 half dropper of garlic seed oil
1/2 oz of MSM powder
2 Tbs. Lavender oil for scent

I applied the potion only to my scalp. I'm natural and applying it to my hair made my hair extra thick and difficult to manipulate. I GHE'd and whole head baggied most nights for a few hours. I would wake up in the middle of the night and take the plastic off, because my head would be soaked and my throat would start to hurt. I would then just tie my hair up in a silk scarf for the rest of the night.

I am a very slow grower, only gaining 1/4 inch per month prior to using the potion.

And now for the pictures...


  • Beginning Potion Challenge Back 5-27-11.jpg
    Beginning Potion Challenge Back 5-27-11.jpg
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  • Beginning Potion Challenge Left Side 5-27-11.jpg
    Beginning Potion Challenge Left Side 5-27-11.jpg
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    Beginning Potion Challenge Right Side 5-27-11.jpg
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  • Day 30 Potion Challenge Back 6-27-11.jpg
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  • Day 30 Potion Challenge Right Side 6-27-11.jpg
    Day 30 Potion Challenge Right Side 6-27-11.jpg
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Here are photos of my left and right edges. Braids took my left edges out several years ago and nothing I did would grow them back in....until I started using the potion on May 27, 2011. My edges are filling in nicely now.

For some reason, I cannot upload the Potion Challenge Left Side 6-27-11 photo. Once I figure out how to resize it, I will try again.


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Wow! Congrats!!! That's some nice growth. Your hair seems to have thickened up, too.

Love your recipe, too!! Bought some garlic seed oil yesterday and just ordered the MSM powder and Assam black tea.

Does your potion smell? OR does the smell dissipate after it's been on your head for a little while.....

Again GREAT GROWTH!!! The proof's in the pictures!
Pompous Blue, yes my hair has really thickened up. The potion does have that certain smell to it, but the lavender oil helps quite a bit. I don't smell the onion or garlic at all.
Hi everybody,

I started using hairdrenalin June 1. The pictures on the left in my signature are from 6/9 the ones on the right are from today. I see growth in the front. On the sides I see a little less and if I put my face right up in the computer, I think I see something in the back. Has anyone else noticed this? TIA. HHJ

Oh... I made my own...just tweaked it with some rosemary and lavendar oil to cut the smell