For the BANDWAGON HOPPERS: Grow 3in+ in 7 weeks

Two bottles of castor oil
A small container of cayenne pepper (like the normal size it is in the store)
about 40 biotin pills, crushed up
20 bags of black tea

I dont know what temp the oven was at since the oven I used was old and the markings had rubbed off. But I know it wasn't high since I made sure that I only turned it a little.

mikimix I'm sorry to hear that. Sounds like your oven may have been too high. Do you have a crock pot? You can make it in a crock pot on low heat. Family Dollar and Dollar General have small pots for about $10.
omg never put out an oil fire with water! the water will just spread the oil. you have to smother it either with a fire extinguisher or dirt or blanket.

ETA: wet blanket/rag
mikimix, so sorry to hear about your mishap. I'm glad no one got hurt. Did you use an oven safe dish for the potion. Did you stir your ingredients thoroughly before putting them in the oven? I've made two batches already with no issues. I use Pyrex glass baking dishes in the oven and I set it at 200 degrees--never higher.
It's hard to say if you didn't have an idea of the oven temp. Sorry this happened to you :sad: Maybe try it in an oven where you know the temp next time.

ETA: if your oven is that old, the calibration is probably way off, so even your speculation of 200 degrees could be totally wrong. New thought: try an oven thermometer
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Lord help me....i just ordered a bottle. Too lazy to make it myself. I'm starting at APL. I was hoping to reach BSL by the end of the year so maybe this will ensure that I make it there. i'll post pics right before i begin
^^ :rofl: I sure could use some.

Does this stuff have some cayenne pep? I was just reading how it may regrow bald spots. I'm just wondering. Hummm...
I was very concerned about more hair shedding than usual but it's been cleared up by Lajours on Hairlista, who says it is due to scalp stimulation and new follicle formation. So it shows that it works!
I've been wearing two-strand twists since July 4th and I'm seeing growth (1/4-1/2 in.). Not bad for a slow grower. I wish I would have had my daughter to take pics. I'll probably retwist and take a starter pic for an accurate comparison with another pic in a few weeks.

How is everyone doing?
I'm trying one last time
using a pyrex dish this time
I think my fire was a result of the dish I used and the oven

I hope this turns out ok!
Ummm anyone get their 3 inches yet??? :look:

Yes plenty of people have at hairlista have gotten if not 3 then at least 2 inches. I started while in twists. I had a lot of growth after I took them out but since I didn't chart everything I don't know how much growth was from the oil. I'm gonna start back using next week ( took a break for a relaxer) and really document everything this time.
I just started the 2nd challenge on Hairlista, but didn't document until the beginning of this month, so although I know I've gotten growth so far, I don't know how much

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Hi everyone! I'm glad to see and hear about everybody's progress and setbacks. Well it has been 7 weeks for me and I plan to post my results today. I am struggling to get these braids out without breaking any hairs, so it is taking me a while (I'm almost done though). I definitely got some growth, but I'll be back with pics.:grin:
I've been wearing two-strand twists since July 4th and I'm seeing growth (1/4-1/2 in.). Not bad for a slow grower. I wish I would have had my daughter to take pics. I'll probably retwist and take a starter pic for an accurate comparison with another pic in a few weeks.

How is everyone doing?

Platinum, slow growers unite. The potion really helped me gain 1-2 inches in 30 days, rather than my usual 1/4 inch per month.

I'm trying one last time
using a pyrex dish this time
I think my fire was a result of the dish I used and the oven

I hope this turns out ok!

mikimix, I hope everything turns out well for you this time around. Let us know of your results.

But does biotin really work topically?

tropical-punch, it does work topically. It is not as effective as taking it internally, but it does work topically. When I find the article about it, I will post it.

I only put the potion in the oven for about 3 hours. Is it still good?

mikimix, 3 hours should be fine. You just need enough time for all of the ingredients to infuse with the oil and since it takes about 2 hours for the oil to completely cool, all of your ingredients should infuse nicely.

Hi everyone! I'm glad to see and hear about everybody's progress and setbacks. Well it has been 7 weeks for me and I plan to post my results today. I am struggling to get these braids out without breaking any hairs, so it is taking me a while (I'm almost done though). I definitely got some growth, but I'll be back with pics.:grin:

make_me_over, try putting a little conditioner on your braids, it helps them slide out without pulling out your hair other than the shed hairs. I can't wait to see your results.:yep:
there was no fire this time round!!! phew
*wipes forehead*

mikimix I'm glad to hear that everything turned out okay this time. Keep us updated on how Potion is working for you.

Platinum, slow growers unite. The potion really helped me gain 1-2 inches in 30 days, rather than my usual 1/4 inch per month.

Congratulations on your progress newgrowth15 . Keep up the good work! I'm glad we found something that seems to really work for us. I've tried a lot of growth aids but I think potion seems to be the most effective. I'm going to start cowashing more often (Cowashing everyday gave me great growth last year).