For the BANDWAGON HOPPERS: Grow 3in+ in 7 weeks

Given all the hatin' going on right now, thought I'd check in to say I continue to use my potion with consistency and I'm still getting great results. I'll have a better idea of my growth when I take down my crochet braids next week, but I'm pretty sure I've got another inch this month.

Good luck to the rest of you ladies.
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I started @ 18 inches on May 25th and here are my pics July 17th:



I will definitely continue to use hairdrenaline:yep:
Congrats on your progress! I'm really glad potion worked for you.
Btw, what do you think of all of the controversy going on?

People on this board are something else. I don't argue with them because I realize people will do and say what they want. I think they should realize that too. By they I mean those that are saying that people who use the "potion" ( I hate calling it that, lol) are gullible and naive. We are all grown, no one's gullible or naive. If we want to try a product, juice, concoction then so be it...

I would never buy from Val because I can make my own. I have said it before, Val did not convince me to try this. I was not impressed with her progress videos. It was others' results that made me say why not, what's there to lose. But I'm not gonna bash anyone who chooses to do so.
People on this board are something else. I don't argue with them because I realize people will do and say what they want. I think they should realize that too. By they I mean those that are saying that people who use the "potion" ( I hate calling it that, lol) are gullible and naive. We are all grown, no one's gullible or naive. If we want to try a product, juice, concoction then so be it...

I would never buy from Val because I can make my own. I have said it before, Val did not convince me to try this. I was not impressed with her progress videos. It was others' results that made me say why not, what's there to lose. But I'm not gonna bash anyone who chooses to do so.

Agreed on every point.

Congratulations make_me _over!
Congrats on your progress! I'm really glad potion worked for you.
Btw, what do you think of all of the controversy going on?

Thank you Sarathu! By all means ppl are entitled to their opinions. I would never go so hard to convince others that what they are using is ineffective, nor will I go hard to defend what I use either. If you love hairdrenaline, great, use it. If you hate hairdrenaline great also. This goes for any other product, potion, or practice. I know that you stopped using potion because it didn't work for you and I'm fine with that. I'm fine with whatever decision you make for YOUR hair! To address everything on this board or in life that I didn't agree with would be exhausting, time consuming, and insane and that's not what I'm here for.
Thank you Sarathu! By all means ppl are entitled to their opinions. I would never go so hard to convince others that what they are using is ineffective, nor will I go hard to defend what I use either. If you love hairdrenaline, great, use it. If you hate hairdrenaline great also. This goes for any other product, potion, or practice. I know that you stopped using potion because it didn't work for you and I'm fine with that. I'm fine with whatever decision you make for YOUR hair! To address everything on this board or in life that I didn't agree with would be exhausting, time consuming, and insane and that's not what I'm here for.

Your on point with everything you said. I think the whole thing has just gotten messy. It went from people being upset about what was said on YT, to people calling the "potion" users "gullible" "naive" and a slue of other words just because they are trying out a hair product which is what all of us do all the time. We try products to see if it's right for US. I honestly wish potion would have worked for me though because your results were great! I've started using my last bottle so it wouldn't go to waste so who knows maybe something will happen.
I started @ 18 inches on May 25th and here are my pics July 17th:



I will definitely continue to use hairdrenaline:yep:

OMG girl that is awesome progress, this update right here would shut a lot of the controversy down, because you can't argue with results like these. Well.....I'm sure some people still would have something/anything to say. I'm glad its working for you.
I'm on the road alot & haven't had a chance to make the oil. Just wondering if anyone is also taking Nioxin. I started that today & plan to make & start my oil by the 1st of next month.
I'm on the road alot & haven't had a chance to make the oil. Just wondering if anyone is also taking Nioxin. I started that today & plan to make & start my oil by the 1st of next month.

nakialovesshoes, I haven't tried it, but I take Hair, Skin and Nail Vitamins from The Vitamn Shoppe. Hopefully, you will have good success with the oil that you make. Please keep us posted.
Still taking the "potion" that I made. I'm loving it so far! I don't know how much my hair has grown, but I do know that it has. I keep my hair in twists so it's sort of hard to say, but my twists are longer than they were two weeks ago when I got them done, so...I can't go by anything except what it's doing for MY hair.

I don't even read all the controversy because all products don't work for everybody. There have been some products that were TERRIBLE for my hair, but worked wonders for others, so I can't be bothered about what others are saying. I'm trying to grow MY hair, not theirs, so I'm cool as long as it's working for me.
make_me_over your results are amazing!:thud: Keep up the good work!

I haven't been online in a few days so I haven't been able to read about the hating comments. My advice to everyone using and seeing results, Just continue to do you and let your results speak for themselves. It seems like every time there's a new growth aid bandwagon, there's always some naysayers throwing shade.:nono::nono: I've seen it with Megatek and especially MN. As long as it's working for you, I wouldn't worry about what others say.

Keep up the good work, Everyone!
Ladies I have a question for you. I'm not a big fan of oil, especially in the summer time & especially thick oils like castor. What if I made small batches of tea using this recipe and kept it refrigerated and sprayed it on my scalp as prescribed? I still haven't made the tea but until I do, I decided to put a few drops of the garlic & onion oils in a water bottle to spray on my scalp. I have a little shedding & am hoping that the garlic spray will begin to calm it.

What do y'all think?
I'm on the road alot & haven't had a chance to make the oil. Just wondering if anyone is also taking Nioxin. I started that today & plan to make & start my oil by the 1st of next month.


I'm taking nioxin. I intend to make my own potion very soon. I purchased from her when the 4ounce was about 5 bucks. And it made my nape area(which is sooo dry) stay moisturized and soft (i sealed with it too). Can't wait to make my own.
Ladies I have a question for you. I'm not a big fan of oil, especially in the summer time & especially thick oils like castor. What if I made small batches of tea using this recipe and kept it refrigerated and sprayed it on my scalp as prescribed? I still haven't made the tea but until I do, I decided to put a few drops of the garlic & onion oils in a water bottle to spray on my scalp. I have a little shedding & am hoping that the garlic spray will begin to calm it.

What do y'all think?

All of the ingredients have been successfully used by others without being in the "mix". Best you can do is try it and see. I found the black tea to be drying but love sulfur mixed with light oils like grape seed and jojoba oils. Take before and after pictures so you can capture your progress. Good luck!
200 degrees Fahrenheit for 5 hours. Make sure you use a glass (Pyrex) baking dish to cook your mix.

I was always a little nervous taking the baking dish out of the oven so another option I've used is putting the mix (oil, tea, cayenne and biotin) in a large mason jar and then putting the jar in a pot of water on the stove. I let the jar heat in the water at a low simmer for 5 hours. Allow the jar to cool completely before opening. I then added the onion and garlic tinctures (as well as some fragrance oil to counter some of that smell :)
I was always a little nervous taking the baking dish out of the oven so another option I've used is putting the mix (oil, tea, cayenne and biotin) in a large mason jar and then putting the jar in a pot of water on the stove. I let the jar heat in the water at a low simmer for 5 hours. Allow the jar to cool completely before opening. I then added the onion and garlic tinctures (as well as some fragrance oil to counter some of that smell :)

islanchile, that sounds like a good idea, too.
how much castor oil is supposed to be used and is everybody using jbco or that clear castor oil that she is using

Kerryann, I used jbco, because that is what I had on hand. I used 8 oz. of jbco and 8 oz. of grapeseed oil and yielded about 14 oz., after straining through a stocking. When I used the cheesecloth to strain the mixture, I lost about 4 oz. so I don't use cheesecloth anymore--stockings work better and you can freeze and reuse the remnants for your next batch.
Kerryann, I used jbco, because that is what I had on hand. I used 8 oz. of jbco and 8 oz. of grapeseed oil and yielded about 14 oz., after straining through a stocking. When I used the cheesecloth to strain the mixture, I lost about 4 oz. so I don't use cheesecloth anymore--stockings work better and you can freeze and reuse the remnants for your next batch.

what did your potion consist of and its portions
what did your potion consist of and its portions

I started using the potion on May 27, 2011. I took pictures with a tape measure on that day. I made my own potion using the following:
20 oz. of JBCO
2 oz of Assam Black Tea (purchased at the local Indian Market)
1/2 oz of Cayenne Pepper
30 capsules of Super Potent Biotin (5000 mcg)
2 half droppers of onion oil
1 half dropper of garlic seed oil
1/2 oz of MSM powder
2 Tbs. Lavender oil for scent

I applied the potion only to my scalp. I'm natural and applying it to my hair made my hair extra thick and difficult to manipulate. I GHE'd and whole head baggied most nights for a few hours. I would wake up in the middle of the night and take the plastic off, because my head would be soaked and my throat would start to hurt. I would then just tie my hair up in a silk scarf for the rest of the night.

I am a very slow grower, only gaining 1/4 inch per month prior to using the potion.

And now for the pictures...
See Post #260, page 13 in this thread for the photos.

I reduced the amount of JBCO and added the grapeseed oil, because I am sharing the potion with my daughter. She is relaxed and needs the ceramides for her hair that the grapeseed oil provides.
Kerryann, I used jbco, because that is what I had on hand. I used 8 oz. of jbco and 8 oz. of grapeseed oil and yielded about 14 oz., after straining through a stocking. When I used the cheesecloth to strain the mixture, I lost about 4 oz. so I don't use cheesecloth anymore--stockings work better and you can freeze and reuse the remnants for your next batch.

I was thinking stockings would be better. I hurt my little hands straining and squeezing that cheesecloth, lol.
^^ I put a knee hi in a tall plastic cup, secured it around the mouth of the cup and poured the potion into the center of the stocking. As the cup filled, I just raised the stocking. I let it dangle over the cup and drip. After a while, I squeezed the stocking, then I wrapped it in a plastic freezer bag and froze the remnants. When I make my next batch, I will let you know how it turns out.