For short haired ladies.....APL by Dec '09 Challenge

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I'd like to join this challenge! I'm currently neck/shoulder length.. I'd say more neck if anything. Pictures will come soon as I am in dire need of a new camera. A starter pic to come soon, I promise.

In any case, my regimen will consist of washing with CoN Shampoo and deep conditioning with ORS Replenishing conditioner and/or Hair Mayo once a week. No co-washing because my hair seems to retain moisture throughout the week. I'm going to stick to twist/braid outs and buns throughout the year.
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Hi Southern Stunner,

I just wanted to include my regimen now that I have a few more minutes, lol.

My plan is to cowash every 2-3 days with Hair One, Trader Joe's Nourish Spa or VS So Sexy
Shampoo weekly with Green Con or ORS Aloe Shampoo
DC weekly with heat with Aubreys HSR or Silicon Mix
Relax no sooner than 8 weeks(maybe I will learn how to stretch.)Silk Elements

I will also be trying to reform my PJ ways and stick to my staple products- which is why I listed the products out.

For Growth Aides, when I'm not too lazy I use OCT or Donna Marie Growth Oil. I also take a Hair ,Skin Daily Multivitamin.

It sounds like a lot, but it's not. At this point my regimen is down pat. I am signing up for this to discredit my inner nagging voice that my hair will never be long. I am also an alopecia survivor. I was diagnosed with female pattern hair loss, but the funny thing is I am not losing my hair anymore. My hair might not ever be a s thick as some of the lovely heads of hair , but it is growing, becoming healthier and omg it is actually getting thicker.

I never ever believed my hair would make SL never mind APL. I am turning 40 in '09 and I want to be the best that I can be. I will include a starting picture in Dec when I get a touch up.

Wow- that was cathartic for me. I am extra emotional today, because America is about to make history!
So...I cut my hair Friday :look:
But it was very needed and now I am officially blunt cut. I have an ear-length blunt-cut bob, so this is my official starting point :grin:

I plan to get to APL by regularly going to Ms Leila every 2 weeks, and (more importantly) getting timely retouches from her. I think I'm going to start being a 6-week-retoucher and I will not be doing them myself :up:
Hello I'm new to LHCF and have been learning and viewing the blogs and healthy texture site prior to it change. I need to join this challenge, I'm NL and would love to get to APL next year. Looking forward to progress

My regimen right now:
Poo 1x week
pre poo with alma, or VO5
Co wash 1x week, VO5, Suave
DC 1x week ORS
MTG daily
Style: wrap, pony tail

OMG I have DSD and JustKiya joining the challenge!!!! I feel honored.
Ok ladies these two people have a wealth of information that I think we should take advantage of.

All I can say now is lets get this party started!!!!!!

Awww. That's sweet. Feel free to ask away. I have been there before and I want my long hair back!! :grin:
I have already begun to compile a list but since there will be an official thread coming out the very end of Dec. the list will be posted there.
I would like to join. I am currently neck length stretched in the front, and shoulder length stretched in the back.

Products are in my signature plus Amla/Brahmi/Shikakai/Aritha powders

My plan is to shampoo and DC every few days with ayurvedic laced products, or use the powders and make a paste to treat my hair.

Shampoo as above with TJ Nourish Shampoo with amla oil in it or Ary Amla and Shikakai shampoo (available online or Indian groceries)

DC as above with heat with ORS/Kids Organic Conditioner with Amla and Brahmi oils or powder mixed it (the powder melts into the conditioner when you add the heat, no particles left in my hair after)/ or Motions Silk Protein Conditioner with above additions

Rinse and detangle with plain old cheapie conditioner (VO5 coconut etc). If anyone has any better ideas for a cheapie conditioner to detangle with, please let me know...

Set with water on Curlformers. I know I got sucked in the Matrix, but I am NOT using direct heat on my hair, just under a cap under the dryer for DC, so it will be worth the investment rather than go to the salon and plunk down press and curl money. They will pay for themselves...

I am doing NO growth aides. I currently take Flintstones Chewables (2 a day), Probiotics, and CoQ10. I might add a HSN multivitamin, but I need to find a good one. Maybe I'll try Trader Joe's.

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I am definitely up for the challenge! Very excited to be apart of this forum and to be taking a step at achieving this challenge and beyond.
Last relaxer: May 20, 2007
BC: December 22, 2007
Nappiversary will be Dec. 22, 2008

Currently (Nov. 08’) between NL and SL when stretched. The front reaches below nose. Sides reach end of neck. Back touches shoulders. Middle hair ??

I am aiming for APL by Dec. 09’. I know I can do it!
First I need to reach SL all around, then I’ll be well on my way to APL. Ultimately I’d love BSL and even beyond.

Current Regimen (Under Construction)
I Co-wash every two weeks. I DC after washing. I moisturize 2-3 times a week. I do not use heat. All natural no straighteners or relaxers.
I am aiming for more protective styles (more two strand twists).
I use V05 Suave, QB wheatgrass for washes.
I Dc with Cantu leave-in conditioner or Cholestrol.
I moisturize with Cantu Shea Butter, QB Amla Olive Heavy Crème.

To add oil or shine I use Jamaican Mango and Lime Island Oil.

Something new I want to try is washing in braids in order to help with detangling.

Starting point below

Nappinique: Our last relaxers were 2 days apart. My last one was May 22, 2007. I thought it was too ambitious to reach APL by December 2009 since I have a long neck and upper back. And my favorite oil is JML Island Oil. I lOvE that stuff and buy up the old bottles every chance I get since the changed the formula.

Oh and welcome to the forum!
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I would like to join. I joined a similar challenge on another site, but wanted to join on this one, too. Aiming for I plan to hit APL (stretched) by July 2009, probably sooner if I'm really good (crossing my fingers for June 29, 2009 since that's my 2-year natural anniversary).

- co-wash 2x a week
- prepoo/detangle/deep condition 1x a week
- henna 1x every 2-3 week
- moisturize and seal every couple of days

- bun (or do any other protective style) 3 out of 4 weeks
- K.I.S.S. no getting product crazy, stick to the basics
- dust ends only, if I must trim
- find some preoccupation for my hands other than my hair (when it's loose)
- drink 8 glasses of water daily and watch diet (not just for hair, but for health)
- no 'cones
- no gels

Allowed products:
- Coconut oil
- KC Knot Today
- Happy Nappy Styles
- Ayurvedic herbs
- Trader Joe's Nourish Spa Condish (for regular cowashing)
- Aubrey Organics Honeysuckle Rose (for deep conditioning)

That picture was taken about a month or two ago, but I couldn't have gained more than an inch since it was taken.


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ok ladies I have a quick question. Do you want me to go ahead and post the official thread now? I ask because this one is getting pretty darn big. Please respond by just posting yes or no.

Thanks ladies.
I'll be with you in spirit. I won't make it because I'm going to BC my progress away.:rolleyes: My natural hair just does not grow that fast.:ohwell:
Hi everyone. I'm a newbie joined last week, and been lurking for a challenge. I WANT TO JOIN!!!!. I am SL and very damaged!! not 100% sure on the acros or how to navigate through this forum, but i keep practicing and reading. tell me what i need to get and the rules etc. Thanks! I AM SOOOO EXCITED! I will try and figure out how to add pics.
I vote wait to post the offical thread when the challenge actually starts...I'm lurking in the back ground because I'm going to be doing this challenge at the first of the year. I'm going to get my hair straightened, post starting pictures the whole challenge deal.

I'm excited!! I may not make APL but I will get as close as I can. After all my set backs I know exactly what to do to retain my growth, what NOT to do to lose it!!
I am definitely up for the challenge! Very excited to be apart of this forum and to be taking a step at achieving this challenge and beyond.
Last relaxer: May 20, 2007
BC: December 22, 2007
Nappiversary will be Dec. 22, 2008

Currently (Nov. 08’) between NL and SL when stretched. The front reaches below nose. Sides reach end of neck. Back touches shoulders. Middle hair ??

I am aiming for APL by Dec. 09’. I know I can do it!
First I need to reach SL all around, then I’ll be well on my way to APL. Ultimately I’d love BSL and even beyond.

Current Regimen (Under Construction)
I Co-wash every two weeks. I DC after washing. I moisturize 2-3 times a week. I do not use heat. All natural no straighteners or relaxers.
I am aiming for more protective styles (more two strand twists).
I use V05 Suave, QB wheatgrass for washes.
I Dc with Cantu leave-in conditioner or Cholestrol.
I moisturize with Cantu Shea Butter, QB Amla Olive Heavy Crème.

To add oil or shine I use Jamaican Mango and Lime Island Oil.

Something new I want to try is washing in braids in order to help with detangling.

Starting point below


You have made great progress!! Your BC Anniversary is the same as mine except I was near bald after I did my BC! I had a IBTWA :lol: (I had a relaxer incident) Thanks for the great post
Ok I was going to post this in Dec. but I see the challenges start early around here (BSL,MBL and WL by 09 have all begun). I am a little pass ear lenght so this is going to be a HUGE GOAL for me but I think I got the tools and education to do it.

My Regimen
I will be getting braids next week so I will be doing the C&W for the entire year. CoWash daily
Megtek every night
emu oil every morning after cowash
Shampoo & DC every Sun

When out of braids follow the same as above but I will be bunning.
Relaxer 2x during the yr.

Simple. Just post a starting pic, your regimen, and update every quarter. Jan (starting pic), June,Aug and Dec(the final pic).

So who all is with me???????
Count me in as well!
Hope this works... Here's my starting pic


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I'd like to join too. This is my first challenge.....How do you post pics? I plan to post pics and regimen on the start date. HHG Ladies ;o)
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