For ladies in serious relationships/marriages, did you abide by the 90 day rule?


Well-Known Member

People in my thread about cooking for your man said I broke the LHCF cardinal rule by doing so before we were married.

Isn't 'waiting' a rule as well, the only way to get him to respect you. IDK. :look: I broke that one too. I only waited like 5 weeks, mostly because we spent 3-4 days out of a week together from the moment we met.

You followed it or no?
I'm interested in hearing the perspectives. I believe that every relationship is going to be different....therefore the timing will be too.

My ex and I knew each other for 6 years before we started dating...we crossed that line the first time I spent the night....which was wayyy before 90 days. Stayed together 4 years before I had to bounce.
I was pretty hardcore about my 3 month rule because it worked well for me especially since I was a juggla :look:

Plus, dudes would mess up and it was not a big deal because they hadn't feasted on goodies. I didn't have rules for dudes I wasn't serious about, however. I took them on a case by case basis :lol: By case by case, I mean the level of hotness :lachen:
I did follow the three month rule but not consciously. I just chose to wait and couldn't take it any longer after about 3 months lol. I cooked (he cooked as well), but it wasnt necessarily for him though. I'm a fitness buff and believe in eating full meals after a workout and sometimes he just happened to be around after a workout.

Girl, I broke all types of rules with him. lol
waiting X days to have sex in order for a man "respect" you (uhhh, he's having sex too! i hope he has no respect for himself) is so odd to me. didn't realize people still buy into that :ohwell:

there are a lot of good reasons to wait if you are so inclined, but for a man's respect is definitely not on the list (unless you are into men w/ double standards, then by all means, go'head).
waiting X days to have sex in order for a man "respect" you (uhhh, he's having sex too! i hope he has no respect for himself) is so odd to me. didn't realize people still buy into that :ohwell:

there are a lot of good reasons to wait if you are so inclined, but for a man's respect is definitely not on the list (unless you are into men w/ double standards, then by all means, go'head).

For me, it wasn't about respect. I just wanted to make sure the dude met my series of tests :look:
I was pretty hardcore about my 3 month rule because it worked well for me especially since I was a juggla :look:

Plus, dudes would mess up and it was not a big deal because they hadn't feasted on goodies. I didn't have rules for dudes I wasn't serious about, however. I took them on a case by case basis :lol: By case by case, I mean the level of hotness :lachen:

I was hardcore about it too. :yep: But DH was weird. :look: He would make little sexual comments on the sly but he just never tried anything. :lol: It would perplex me. We would cuddle for hoursss and not so much as a booty hump. :look: So after about a month & change I gave it up on Valentine's day. :lol:
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Nope. Broke the rule (whatever it is).

We were engaged w/in a year. Going on 15 years this year.

(blyss shrugs) :ohwell:
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For me, it wasn't about respect. I just wanted to make sure the dude met my series of tests :look:

totally understand that; see: "there are a lot of good reasons to wait if you are so inclined".but the OP specifically mentioned getting a man to respect you and i was like :perplexed
@Blyss_curls what was your timeframe?


On edit...(LOL) I seem to have misunderstood the question....:lol: All these lchf codes confuse me. :lol:

Sex? :blush:

It was at least 60 days,....maybe a bit longer...but not much. :blush:

But, not because I was on a time-line or anything. He was VERY shy and (a gentleman). It took him weeks before he even attempted to hold my hand. Oh and we knew each other a few years before we started to date.

He was romantic and treated me like a lady, every step of the way (prior and after).

Hope that answers your question, girl. Let me know if it doesn't. :wave:What thread were you told you "broke the rules" (if I may ask)?
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I don't know. :lol: I made him wait, though. Let him tell it, I made him wait forever and a day. :lol: Impatient arse....
Nope. I wasn't looking for a relationship, I set my eyes on him and knew it was going down that night (in my own flirtatious way, never bold or straight forward). Oh my, sooo much passion!!!! I looked at it as a just kicking it thing but he claimed me quick and I didn't even know. Anywho its been five years, a one month old baby girl and come to think of it, we just broke another rule.... I may end up with baby #2 on the way because we didn't wait the full six weeks ugh.
I followed the "wait until you're married" rule. :look:

The 90 day rule is crap. It's not foolproof. Making a man wait for sex after 90 days is sure way to get played. I can guarantee you he will be smashing a bunch of chicks on the side while he waits the 91st day to smash you off. Just keep your legs closed til marriage and you will be good. Men have no problem waiting for sex until after marriage if they genuinely want to be with you.
Just realized this was moved...

I think that rule is like a trap now that it's so known, like people are just counting down the days until they can get in.

Anyhoo, im waiting a lot longer than that.

Everyone just wait until you're ready mentally, not just physically lol