Flip the Script: What's the one thing about your hair that others wish they had?

length and thickness mostly...lol doesn't anyone feel like their bragging? i feel weird..then againm, maybe i should big up my hair, i've suffered 4 it!!
People compliment me on the thickness (THANKS TO MTG & CASTOR OIL), and its color, even though its growing out....:confused: Thanks for starting this thread, It helps us see the GOOD qualities in our hair, instead of focusing on the bad ones!! (TEARDROP)
I get compliments on my length. But, it can NEVER get too long for my satisfaction.

On the rare occassions that I do wear it down, I get so tired of hearing people say, "girl, if I had all that hair, I'd always wear it down." Or, is that a weave?

(Sigh) I guess some of us hair junkies are always saying, "if it were just a little longer."
People usually tell me that its thick and they think I have a weave. It does make me feel good, though.:cool:
I've always been complimented on my softness and thickness of my hair. I was always getting the " Your hair looks like a wig" thing but I guess thats a compliment too.:confused: :look:
People always compliment the thickness; altho i will look at them crazy bc i have hair anorexia:lachen: and think its not thick enough
people often comment on how long and healthy my hair looks. Also, luckily I have been blessed with natural reddish brown colour at the front so it often look like I have colour in.
People always compliment my hair color (it's really dark brown, almost black, but I have a few natural lighter brown/ red highlights). I'm always getting asked if I have highlights or color.

And I guess my hair grows fast... For awhile I was always cutting it, and my cuts always grew out fast.

And although I don't like how fine my hair is, my friends always tease me about my swang when I get a fresh roller wrap!

**Umm... do I sound like I'm bragging?? I promise I'm not trying to... :lol: **
ppl tell me all the time that they love my hairs'

growth rate
my texture
i dont have to use product to get perfect curls
thickness( although i think its toooo thick)
and length
When I wear it down (blown out), my friends compliment me on my "Ravenous Tresses" lol. It's thick, and has lots of body and movement.
My thickness, health, and growth rate. People swear that their hair can never be like mine b/c I just have good hair that grows and theirs never will. :ohwell:
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I get compliments on the texture--people think it's a twistout, and they think it's neat when they find out that a simple shake provides these tiny o-shaped spirals. People like the color too, although it's just a 1b-ish weave color. :)
The thickness, and the color. I constantly get asked do I dye my hair...It is a nice deep reddish brown in the sunlight.
i am really enjoying my hair journey and discovering all the different properties of my hair (that i didn't even know existed) but i never knew my nape area could grow so much. my hairdressers would always shave it off! grow nape grow!
Haven't gotten any compliments on my hair because no one has seen it for so long, so I will politely wait to December to revisit this question.....