what do you love about your hair?

What a great thread idea! I need to give my hair more kudos, like:
  • I love my spiral curlies AND my frizz
  • I love how smooth my cuticles are (that's why my hair is so shiny)
  • I love that it takes me less than 2 minutes to detangle my hair
  • I love that it's growing and growing and growing
Lately, I've been complaining about how I don't have thick hair. I think I need to step back and appreciate what I do have.
I love the texture, the softness, the versatility, and the fact that I can wear it in twists and braids and just forget about it.
It's thickness, it's kinkiness, how it grows, how buttery it feels after i DC. How complient it is when I'm trying to put it into styles. How easily it straightens (i don't do it ofen) at low tempuratures. Did I mention how it grows? :grin: I just love my hair!
I love my natural texture and my curls. i also love my hair colour and the fact that its already starting to grow out :)
I love that my hair is black naturally, not dark brown...i've grown to like it alot
Its thick and has body
I finally know how to style and take care of it
I love how it holds styles very well no matter what I do with it...straight, waves, natural...
Ok, let me be more specific. I love the fact that I know my hair now. At least I am consious of what it takes to grow it long and keep it healthy. I am so much more confident with my hair health and success that I don't feel the need to jump on every product bandwagon.

I love my curls, I love my frizz. I love how nice and fluffy it is and I believe that when I reach my goal length it won't be heavy or uncomfortable. And it's so easy to care for. After all of the hairdresser misshaps, I can confidently say that i will not see one anytime soon. After the criticism from friends who said that I need to change my regimen because I am washing too much (2-3x a week) and using the wrong oils (castor oil, almond oil, coconut oil). My hair has thrived off of this "misguided" regimen. And I can't wait for summer so that I can swing my full BSL/partial MBL hair at them witches.

LOL Make sure you let us know what they have to say after you swing your full BSL/partial MBL hair at them.
I love that is strong and healthy.

I also love the fact that I can change my hair to many different styles. Curly one day, wavy or straight the next. I can bun, I can create full pretty updos, or I can rock a wash and go.
How healthy it is.

The thickness, though this occasionally gets on my nerves depending on what kind of mood I'm in.:lachen:
I love my texture, shine and the way my hair is soooo easy to style, i can use dish detergent on my hair and it will still shine, a lot of people have looked at me funny when I have gone to the salon with my undone hair but then after it was washed they were in disbelief,

i do love my hair, I just have to learn to stop jacking it up once a year.

happy growing ladies.
The texture
That I can wash and go
That I can take care of it myself
That it is growing
That I don't have split ends
I love how dark my hair is
I love how easy my hair is to detangle
I love how thick it is...I have never had to worry about thinning edges, etc. I can't wait to have a lions mane.
I love my waves. When my hair is pulled back (which is all the time) I like to put my finger tips into a wave to feel how deep it is. I am always amazed that my hair does that.
I love the texture, feel, its growth...its healthy and most definitely its strength! (we've been through a LOT)
I love that my hair is thick!
I love the fact that my hair is coarse and wiry, so it holds curls and styles very well!
I used to be bummed that I didn't have spiral curls, but now I am thankful for my non-uniform waves bc it doesn't shrink a lot and it's easy to straighten!
I love the length!
I love the longer layers, they add interest to my hair and styles!
I love the way my hair color looks very dark, but in the sun, I have burnished brown highlights!
I don't even mind the gray hairs I have...

I am in the midst of an all-out love affair with my hair right now, 10 mos post and all...
i love everything about my hair!
i love the kinks, the curls, the waves.
i love the fact that i can get up, fluff and go.
i love the hugeness of it all.
and i love how it can hold twists! my relaxed hair never could.
It's natural.
It's BIG.
It's shamelessly wild and crazy just like me.
It's very easy to take care of.
It's come a long way since I did that massive haircut at the end of 2007 (postpartum hair loss).
It's full of different textures I've grown to love.
Its softness
The color
The strength and resilience - I've made many mistakes over the years and never gone bald!!!
The texture - it's very fine, and looks terrible when humidity hits it, but it also easy to "mist set" with very little moisture.
thank you for mentioning rio I wanted to research it lol!!! a few days ago I was thinking about the infomercial of them eating it because it was sooo safe lol!!!!


I have done so many terrible things to my poor head with chemicals, heat, tight braids, etc. I even had Rio Hair.. I'm just thankful that it always forgives me.
I love that its thick, grows quickly (makes set backs so much easier to deal with), holds moisture well

More recent love affair is that its getting darker, not sure how as my hair usually looks medium/light brown
Although my edges are not forgiving me right now for what I've done to them, I love that my hair is thick, kinky, grows fairly quickish, and how it looks in a twist. I absolutley loved it in a twa but now it's time to grow some hair. Additionally, I love learning how to care for it.
I love that it's growing. I'm super excited about having bsl hair even though it's a long way away.
I love that it's healthy. No breakage, split ends or dry ends since my BC (six months ago).
I love the colour. I dyed it darker brown yesterday.
My NG is soft and manageable. My hair loves me for learning how to stretch. I'm hoping for no more than 3 relaxers per year from here on...