what do you love about your hair?

I love just about everything about my hair. My complaints are few & far between. I just need it to grow, but it's steadily progressing.
I love the health of my hair and the fullness. I also love my new length as its probably the longest in my life if not close to it (as a child).
I also love that i dont have to flat-iron when i want it straight... I can knock out the kinks with a rollerset... If I want sleek hair, then I flat-iron.. I love my hair
I :heart2:It!

1. Grows like crazy

2. Thick

3. Strong

4. Silky

5. Body, bouncy, fluffy

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I love how soft, full and strong my hair is. Last year at this time I was learning how to care for it. Now, I am so in love with it.
i love everything about my hair.
the fact that i know its growing
the fact that i know what works
the fact that its healthy
the fact that my ends are never dry or raggity.
I love:
1. my hair length
2. my hair color
3. my natural curls after I apply EVCO
4. And most important, I love that my hair is super healthy. Breakage is no longer an issue!/
What would you say contributed to your lack of breakage? I still have small hairs breaking off that I want to put an end to. Well I am out of moisturizer, I use oil and water now.
I love:

That I actually have hair.... (Don't think that's a blessing...ask a bald man!)
I have healthy hair
It's almost APL
It's so light and fluffy
It stopped breaking :nono:
I love that my broken areas are filling in quite nicely. :yep:

I also love that this thread is reminding us all to focus on the positive. :grin: Thanks OP!! :)
I Love :love:

My texture-napps, kinks, curls. I have it all :grin:

thickness-I'm a shedder, but I never worry, because I have some to spare. :spinning:

weather- If it rains, it doesn't matter. Wet or dry, I still love it!:darkcloud:

Versatility- I like that I can wear a shrunken puff, full bun, twists, braids or flat ironed of I please. :antlers::gorgeous::locks: