What's the BEST thing you have done for your natural hair??

- Limiting combing, and being extra gentle when I do

- Increasing washing frequency (and using less shampoo - Shikakai powder and baking soda mostly)

- Using oils to seal

- Paying more attention to moisture

ETA and pre-pooing with EVOO!!! Heaven sent!!!
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What was the best thing I ever did for my hair?

1. Stopped using chemical laden crap

2. Created my own conditioner

3. Pre pooed - along with long condtioning times.
Hey Ladies,

I know we have a lot of treads about the "worst mistake" and "biggest regret", but i wanted to hear a positive spin on the gloriousness that is natural hair :grin:

so tell me, what's the best thing you have done for your natural hair???

for me, its learning that i should wash/henna my hair in twists - significantly decreased the time i spend in my detangling sessions :yep:

What I have done:

1. I created my own condtioner. This has been a God Send.

2. I started conditioning for at least 45 mins.

3. I started Pre Pooing.

4. I have learned how to detangle properly.
1) cowashing
2) DCing frequently (and discovering that protein is good for me)
3) cowashing...deserved repeating
4) learning to braid/twist/cornrow
5) becoming a DIYer and realizing that I AM MY HAIR'S BEST FRIEND
Realizing that it had different needs than my relaxed hair and that what might have worked before wasn't endgame- there were new rules that I needed to take the time to learn.

E.g. not adding coconut oil to my hair when dry like when I was growing up, but adding it to freshly clean wet hair- that just melts all the tangles away- no comb needed.
Cowashing - I never done this until recently
DC - I barely did this, even when I had a relaxer.
Little Heat - My hair is much better condition since I put away my flat iron.
co washing daily. my hair loves moisture. also every now and then do a protein pre co wash with ors mayo. my hair loves that too.
Staying away from scissor happy stylists
Doing "my own hair"
Keeping the chemicals out
Moisture! Moisture! Moisture!
Using butters & Indian Oils
Twisting and cowashing
Heat (maybe 3 times a year)
Low Mani
Detangling with Denman to limit/eliminate tangles and knots.

Carol's Daughter Healthy Hair Butter is the best product I ever found for my natural hair when I first started transitioning in 2003. I use it when I'm wearing my hair straight or curly.

Salerm 21 is also loved by my hair.

My hair loves to be tangle free. Some people have no-comb regimens. Tried it and it just doesn't work for me. The key is that I have to detangle gently and just be gentle with my hair overall.
1. lhcf
2. daily cowashing
3. wash n go n leave it alone!
4. stopped braiding
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Wearing twist on a consistent basis. Spritzing w/a rosemary-sage spray 2x/day. Moisturizing w/ a shea-aloe mix 2x/day....
(1) Washing and conditioning every other day.
(2) Shea/cocoa butter/EVOO grapeseed, etc oil mix
(3) Leave it completely alone.
(4) Satin cap at night

I only comb maybe once a week/every 10 days???...not really sure.

Low, low, low maintenance.

Less really is more....

The best thing I've done for my natural hair is an array of things which include:

1. Pre-pooing with coconut oil the night before I wash (2x a week)
2. DC-ing on dry hair
3. Using DC as a leave-in
4. CASTOR OIL CASTOR OIL CASTOR OIL (did I mention CASTOR OIL!) to seal :grin:
5. Moisturizing daily with my shea butter/oil mix. (No hair lost)