Flip the Script: What's the one thing about your hair that others wish they had?

When I pull my hair back---which is always---it looks very wavy, so the texture gets attention. At one time, I thought my hair needed gel or curl boosters to have texture, but I have noticed that my hair looks textured regardless of what products I use (grease, water, etc). Even when I comb my hair out and pull it back, the waves/curls come back quickly.

My hair also has the illusion of thickness even though it is fine textured. People can tell my hair is long (what they might consider long) even though I never wear it down. If I ever wore my hair down, the length would probably get attention.

I like my hair because it is fairly easy to work with and style. I also like that it gets almost completely straight in water because it is easy to wash. When it does not have build up, it's super soft and easy to comb. It also does not react to the elements when pulled back. It holds the style, regardless of humidity, mist, or anything else.

Okay, I am really liking my hair today :-).
Brownie said:
When I pull my hair back---which is always---it looks very wavy, so the texture gets attention. At one time, I thought my hair needed gel or curl boosters to have texture, but I have noticed that my hair looks textured regardless of what products I use (grease, water, etc). Even when I comb my hair out and pull it back, the waves/curls come back quickly.

My hair also has the illusion of thickness even though it is fine textured. People can tell my hair is long (what they might consider long) even though I never wear it down. If I ever wore my hair down, the length would probably get attention.

I like my hair because it is fairly easy to work with and style. I also like that it gets almost completely straight in water because it is easy to wash. When it does not have build up, it's super soft and easy to comb. It also does not react to the elements when pulled back. It holds the style, regardless of humidity, mist, or anything else.

Okay, I am really liking my hair today :-).

:eek: You just described my hair to the *T* :D :up:
How much longer it's growing... When I first told people I was *going* to grow waist length hair they would laugh or look at me like I was crazy. Now people are starting to believe me.;)
I have the softest hair in the world. If someones hands just brush against it the stop in their tracks. I have never used anything on it...I've gooten compliments on it since I was young. My friends stroke my hair to relax.
People love my hair's thickness, it used to be length years ago when it was full and at brastrap, can't wait to get back there.
My friends and strangers always comment on the thickness of my hair and my friends say that I'm lucky that it grows back so fast from times in the past that I've done major cuts.
My thickness, and the fact that it's natural.. I always here... "girl you hair is soo pretty, I wish mine could be like that, but without this perm, it's a hot mess..... " I'm like girl.... Just take care of it, all hair is beautiful, espcially when healthy, there is nothing special about mine.
This is a very original thread, an excellent idea- I like!

Um well the thing that ppl like about my hair I cannot take credit for unfortunately. It dries quite straight after washing and the ends do not frizz and it is also very naturally swingy and bouncy even though it is relaxed 4a hair. It does not seem to break either unless I seriously abuse it.

It is also very soft and smooth even though I have coloured it 4 times and bleached it once already this year! I intend to colour it again one last time back to it's original colour and then no more colouring tho!!!!
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People complement me on the fullness and the bounce/body. Even my wash & go's are fluffy and bouncy (when it finally dries!)

I also get complements on my natural color as well. I am usually less than thrilled about the color.
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Poeple always compliment my hair color. It's very black, almost jet black. I get a lot of compliments on my curly coils too, especially now that my hair is falliing some.
Hey all! This is my first post since my introduction by KhandiB! :)
But to add on, I get a lot of compliments about the long length, soft texture and how fast my hair grows a lot!
I get complimented on the texture of my hair. Its super coily, even when I pick it out I still have coils.

The fluffiness of it. I've gotten the cloud comparison a couple of times
I always get complimented on the thickness of my hair. I think people could care less about the length it's the thickness that they always comment on.
I get compliments on my hair's body; no matter what I do to it, it always has that "swang."

People also like the natural color; which is sort of deep auburn with some reddish streaks.
I always get complimented on having alot of hair even when it was short, and the springy spiral curls when I wear it natural. Hair stylists used to complain when I took my hair down cause it meant work. When it's straight same thing my hair has always been super-thick except when relaxed
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