Family Dynamics And Step-parents...let's Discuss.


Well-Known Member
My next pre-martial couseling session will be focused on family dynamics. My counselor told us to start thinking about it before the session. What are some concerns that you ladies have/had in your relationships when you have a child or your partner has a child? What are some things that need to be discussed? Who should discipline? How much should be required from the step-parent? Financial matters? I'm just curious about how others feel.

Hopefully someday I will remarry so will file the great advice in this thread away for future.
I think it can vary based on the proximity and involvement of the other parent.

I would think about what is completely unacceptable to you for the step parent to regarding discipline, big decisions and cover that first.

However, presenting a united front is important and the step parent should not feel like an outsider in their own home.

My personal feelings
Discipline : taking away privileges, assigning extra chores and things of that nature are fine. Physical discipline - spanking and such are not

Your FH and you need to have your own house rules and boundaries and that will apply to all kids yours, his and shared.

My #1 concern is that my child is treated well and feels 100% safe.
All I can say is I wish my step father would have been a friend to me first. He was jealous of my relationship with my mother and the time we spent together. We don't get along to this day. I say set boundaries for how they act in your home but don't try to be the second mom if they already have a mother. Don't try to come between the child and the parent. Just be a friend. Kept your boundries/expectations for them in tact and allow the father and mother to discipline as needed.