Birth Order & Relationships

What's Your Birth Order?

  • Firstborn

    Votes: 46 37.4%
  • Middle Born

    Votes: 24 19.5%
  • Last Born

    Votes: 39 31.7%
  • Only Child

    Votes: 14 11.4%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
lawd don't say that. :lachen: we don't need any more firstborns but we def already have enough middle people lol Middles' self-esteem tends to be too high. lol They like to argue. Too passive aggressive. Too many opinions. Relentless. Worst of all, they're usually intelligent and make sense. They don't know when to quit. Will beat dat dead horse til after the funeral even though everyone else has gone home. :lol: We need more youngests. Usually don't know what the hell they're talking about but will still nominate themselves the best most awesome-est smartest person ever. but hey, at least they're fun. Laugh with em. Laugh at em. Either way they'll make you laugh. :lachen: <---but that won't happen youngests don't need hair advice, she was born with hair naturally flawless just like a Pantene commercial lolololol

Le sigh. You are quite right about middle child attributes save the passive aggressive. I don't agree with that. Haha I'm sitting here laughing with how that's overall true.

Lolol @ laughing at the youngest. Girl I just can't. You have me thinking about my experiences again smh lol.
lawd don't say that. :lachen: we don't need any more firstborns but we def already have enough middle people lol Middles' self-esteem tends to be too high. lol They like to argue. Too passive aggressive. Too many opinions. Relentless. Worst of all, they're usually intelligent and make sense. They don't know when to quit. Will beat dat dead horse til after the funeral even though everyone else has gone home. :lol: We need more youngests. Usually don't know what the hell they're talking about but will still nominate themselves the best most awesome-est smartest person ever. but hey, at least they're fun. Laugh with em. Laugh at em. Either way they'll make you laugh. :lachen: <---but that won't happen youngests don't need hair advice, she was born with hair naturally flawless just like a Pantene commercial lolololol
You know what barbiesocialite as a middle child I resent your assessment of us. You, my dear, are too observant.

I am quite argumentative and passive aggressive :look: these type of threads are never middle child friendly.
I'm a first born and I always, inevitably attract last born men who have older sisters. Without fail. It works out incredibly well.
Le sigh. You are quite right about middle child attributes save the passive aggressive. I don't agree with that. Haha I'm sitting here laughing with how that's overall true.

Lolol @ laughing at the youngest. Girl I just can't. You have me thinking about my experiences again smh lol.

You know what @barbiesocialite as a middle child I resent your assessment of us. You, my dear, are too observant.

I am quite argumentative and passive aggressive :look: these type of threads are never middle child friendly.

you middles are smug as ish sometimes :lachen:

Middle is the truth-- ya'll love to ride that line. when it comes to other people unless it directly involves your livelihood you guys love to go MIA. "My name Bennett and I ain't in it." Leave a ninja to the wolves to fend for themselves. :lachen: But if it's anything about you or your two cents all of a sudden ya'll turn into the bounty hunter, the po-po, the private investigator, prosecutor, the jury, the judge, the warden and the executioner. All in the name of being right or proving a point. Come hell or high water, whatever it is ya'll are gonna get your answers and be heard gatdammit!

don't get my started on the grudges lol "Let it go" or "Get over it" or let bygones be bygones bc it's all luv is not the middle born's favorite thing to do. lol

see that's the passive aggressive ish.....

But it's the knack for being selfish and avoidant is why middles are often the most productive in their given professional and business settings. Although oldests tend to have the most ostentatious or glamorous lifestyles, middles tend to receive the most defacto respect. Not homage like the oldest or pacifying like the youngest receives. Middles earn their way and pay their dues. Gotta respect it. :yep:

plus....this why ya'll tend to be good with money. snarky passive aggressive arses always plottin n schemin being secretive and not telling anybody ish :nono::lachen:

that said, never trust a middle child. you don't what theyre bizarre ish they are planning in their head for some grand finale :rolleyes::lachen: I could never date a middle, too damn stingy and shady lol (unintentionally)
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I'm a first born and I always, inevitably attract last born men who have older sisters. Without fail. It works out incredibly well.

^^^ Me too!

My response was supposed to be regarding that quote lol.
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Dag barbiesocialite all of that is quite true lol.

I think it will serve me well to be with a oldest child. so long as I'm willing to let go. Another middle - maybe not bc we will prob go MIA on each other. I'm too good at this and it's really bad. I'm actually trying to work on this but most of the time...I just don't care lol. Imma do me!! Haha :-(

Some of what you described I attributed to being an Aries but maybe it has to do with my birth order too.
Dag @barbiesocialite all of that is quite true lol.

I think it will serve me well to be with a oldest child. so long as I'm willing to let go. Another middle - maybe not bc we will prob go MIA on each other. I'm too good at this and it's really bad. I'm actually trying to work on this but most of the time...I just don't care lol. Imma do me!! Haha :-(

Some of what you described I attributed to being an Aries but maybe it has to do with my birth order too.

your are likely spot on with meshing well with an oldest.

Middle born woman + First born male seems to be one of the most successful martial combinations. :yep: (possibly an only)

Thinking about some of the middle women off the top of my head---It's one of the closest combos for creating a normal, relatively healthy and most importantly, STABLE relationship. Seems to be a good recipe for creating power couple that lasts w/o the power struggle of two first borns or the naivety of last borns with pretty much anybody lol.

Funny thing is---don't stone me-- ya'll tend to be the biggest nagging b*tches. :rolleyes: But for some reason I've noticed middle women seem to have lasting relationships on average. In my family, the women with the most successful marriages are middles: my college bff, grandmother, aunt, one of my cousins and certain to be one of my younger cousins. They are the only middle females in the whole fam, all are married to onlies or first borns except for one :yep:--and the only ones with stable relationships :lol:

when you finally tie the know I can def see you ending up with someone for life.
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Middles/only female with an older male represent all the lasting marriages in my family and step family. Even my selfish Capricorn Aunt is still happily married to her husband who's the oldest. Lol. Bless his heart for putting up with that.

All the other pairings. ....even middles male with older female combusted.
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Very interesting.

This is my husband --- Middles (Go with the Flow): Middleborns are the Type O blood of relationships: They go with anyone.As a general rule, middles tend to be good at compromise—a skill valuable to them as they negotiated between bossy older sibs and needy younger ones. Some middle children tend to be secretive for the same reasons. has less of a clear-cut role in the family; instead, she often makes a place for herself outside the family, creating a network of close friends, venturing away from the family physically, and breaking the mold intellectually as well.

This somewhat explains why although I've always thought of myself as independent, every guy that I've been with has expressed a desire to take care of me. :scratchch
This is me.... Lastborns (Treasured): Lastborn children are beloved, treasured, and babied for much longer than their older siblings (and often by their older siblings). Takes on the baby role, easygoing, spontaneous, used to being noticed and fussed over, charming, and manipulative. Exceptions to this are common if the last born is several years younger than her/his siblings and is raised like an only child.

I'm not the first born, but this describes my husband and I.
First Born with Middle:
Will & Jada Smith (FIRST BORN (Jada) / MIDDLE CHILD (Will)

This can be a fine pairing most of the time, but the middle child's tendency to mold his- or herself around a partner may leave this person in danger of not following her own dreams. Of course, a lot depends on how domineering the firstborn partner is, and how "classic" the middle child's accommodating personality is. Remember, such variables as gender and age spacing play a role in how close your personality hews to the birth-order line.
Y'all she done brought up grudges. And I'm a cancer so it's like a double whammy of attitude.

You're a cancer! Happy bday love! Y'all are TOO MUCH. My mother is a cancer. Lolol. Grudges check. Passive aggressive another big check!! Sensitive beyond idk what.

Very interesting thread.

barbiesocialite I agree with everything you've said. very interesting indeed. now I'm going to research more about my middle child status lol.
LaBelleLL yup all those are big big checks. I'm actually holding 2 grudges right now. Thanks for the birthday wishes, today's my actual birthday.

Let me answer the thread. My current is the oldest. But I've been with youngest & other middles. I don't like other middles & the youngest like to be spoiled. But the oldest ones I like because the provide stability even if I don't want it.
Everyone seems to like the oldest.

Of course. We're pretty awesome. :grin:

Too bad most oldest usually don't like any of you other people. :lachen:

When you're the first--The ORIGINAL.--everyone else is a repeat imitation and cheap knock-off :roadrunner:

Everyone seems to like the oldest.

Of course. We're pretty awesome. :grin:

Too bad most oldest usually don't like any of you other people. :lachen:

When you're the first--The ORIGINAL.--everyone else is a repeat imitation and cheap knock-off :roadrunner:

You tried it!!! ...And succeeded :lol: All of you middle and youngest borns... give us a low five! :lachen:

I don't relate. Maybe because I was an only who wasn't pampered, or spoiled :cry2:.

I did have a lot of selfishness/bossiness to work on because of not having to share as a kid though:look:. Most of the other descriptors don't fit.

My SO is first born and it doesn't describe him either imo, but I will ask what he thinks. There's only a year between him and his bro.
Just had a thought after reading various threads in RT and OT and a recent convo with a girlfriend who's also a firstborn....

Middleborns may hold the most grudges but the oldest is the most effective in pursuing and executing vindication.

Of all other birth orders, the oldest would be most likely to sacrifice a limb or even their young in pursuit of a goal. They'd chalk it up to collateral damage or an unavoidable yet necessary evil. Think it's a subconscious wielding of power acquired by default being the leader of one's siblings. Either way first borns will make you pay even if it takes them years to get it. :ohwell:

Makes me wonder....wouldnt be surprised if firstborns are most likely to cut their children out of their will or take everything after divorcing leaving a spouse destitute with nothing. :look:
I am a middle and I am very fend-for-myself. Like I learned how to polish the nails on both my hands myself and don't understand why the baby wants help to do hers. lol!
This was a good thread. All my closest friends including my mother are Middles. I've noticed they are all more successful & independent than their siblings and they carry this feeling of being misunderstood and unloved by their siblings, parents and honestly everyone. They seek praise and seem to have high self esteem but I think it's a bit fabricated or overcompensation. I'm an only.
hey hey heyyyyy:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

leave us last borns aloneeee...lmaoo

i actually dont NEED help but I am just so use to it and enjoy very much a leader on my own and run circles around my older siblings ( i am wayyyyy more successful in life than my middle siblings, my oldest sibling and i are on par though) but I'm not gonna turn down help..lmaooo

i just like being taken care of...:grin:

They always need help doing something :rolleyes::lol:
hey hey heyyyyy:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

leave us last borns aloneeee...lmaoo

i actually dont NEED help but I am just so use to it and enjoy very much a leader on my own and run circles around my older siblings ( i am wayyyyy more successful in life than my middle siblings, my oldest sibling and i are on par though) but I'm not gonna turn down help..lmaooo

i just like being taken care of...

Thank you for your insight. I'm going to ignore this child's plea for assistance from now on :lol:

eta: Actually I think it plays into my need as the older one to feel needed :lol:. This birth order thing is a mess lol
hey hey heyyyyy:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol: leave us last borns aloneeee...lmaoo i actually dont NEED help but I am just so use to it and enjoy very much a leader on my own and run circles around my older siblings ( i am wayyyyy more successful in life than my middle siblings, my oldest sibling and i are on par though) but I'm not gonna turn down help..lmaooo i just like being taken care of...:grin:

My baby sis just text me asking me to do her makeup for this wedding we're attending later. I'm swamped myself and it took everything in me to tell her no. I'm learning how to deal with y'all :lol:
My baby sis just text me asking me to do her makeup for this wedding we're attending later. I'm swamped myself and it took everything in me to tell her no. I'm learning how to deal with y'all :lol:

I lost the war, she's an excellent negotiator :nono:

I've noticed that the youngest usually goes to the middle for assistance.

They know better to come to the first with their bs. We're just sitting, waiting to shoot down requests. 'No' is the firstborn's favorite word.

you've got to stand firm! lol It's against my pride to negotiate with a youngest.
This is funny. I started telling my younger sister no. It's not even no, its more like "no, not right at this second, I'm living my life" :lol:

She throws these little tantrums it's the craziest thing. I'm gong to continue to pull back though because she really doesn't need my help and she needs to develop the confidence that she can do stuff on her own
I'm a firstborn, oldest grandchild of two while growing up, and I'm an Aquarius. which basically means say what you want about me, when the crap hits the fan I'm the one the family calls to fix it. they may not like it but the problem will be solved. that said... my serious relationships have been with either the baby or the only boy. like someone else said,I now know what I'm doing wrong.
I was thinking about this thread the other day when my youngest sister conned me into helping her get her classroom ready for her first day of school... on a Saturday. :look:

She is the TRUE baby of the family.

Then I felt bad for my middle sister (also a teacher). She had to get her classroom ready without an extra help. She walked off in a huff in a middle child syndrome-type tantrum.
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